Hey all, my wife Laura's 1720, received early august has been performing admirably with one exception.
As stated above, it's a 1720 with the 8600M GT with 256 MB of RAM.
It's not a fresh re-install, it's got all the Dell bloatware on it, as there's no video drivers on the Dell site for this card.
On startup, after logging in and settling down, the screen will momentarily flash. Previously, it used to drop to some resolution lower than 1440x900, and drop it to 16 bit color.
We somehow resolved the resolution problem, but not the color problem, as it will still drop it from 32 bit to 16 bit on startup.
This drops the OS out of Vista Aero mode, much to my annoyance. It doesn't really bother Laura, but she's not that much of a techie.
There's no updated drivers on the Dell site, and nothing in their knowledgebase, and I'm not overly keen on trying to chat with a 'tech'.
Has anyone tried the nvidia drivers with any success?
Follow these steps:
download drivercleaner (google it)
download the latest driver v 163.71 from here
Enter comp into safe mode (keep hitting F5 or F8 or w/e ur system has) as soon as ur comp starts.
Uninstall current driver
Run Driver cleaner to remove all traces
Install new 163.71 driver (learn how to install by reading the FAQ on that site or better read the graphics sub forum on here)
Hope that helps. -
Worked like a charm. Thanks!
1720 8600M GT color mode issues
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ColoradoLeo76, Oct 3, 2007.