My wife snagged the AC cord to my 1537 while cleaning house today & pulled it off the stand and onto the floor. No external damage to case but the screen is shattered & the battery has gone screwy too. What would cause a battery to become " unrecongizable "? I think I can get a new display for $125 on E-Bay. Is there a way to " Reset " the battery? I also have a 1536 that I converted to 1537 specs & the battery that was dropped displays the same message on it. The 1536's battery works fine in the 1537 too. Any certain brand of displays to stay from? To go after? Same with battery? Atleast I can use the external monitor & HDMI plugs for a while & the AC adpter too.
Many things here I guess
Given that it dropped, the battery connector itself could be damaged/broken off
After all, it is just a matter of a 4 pins that stick out and contact the battery
Does the battery have the tester lights/button on it and if so, does it recognize power in it?
As you have your external monitor on it, does it say anything about the battery not being plugged in in BIOS? -
It will run off the battery, it just won't charge it, if that makes any sense. The indicator on the battery works perfectly. When I buy a new screen for it I'll do a complete disassemble and check all the electrical connectors.
1537 battery isn't recongized and can't be charged.
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Red 93 L1 #3383, May 27, 2010.