i just orderd an xps 1530 and want to know from fellow xps users that has the headphone jack and cpu whine problem been solved
very little whine if any. dont know about headphone, will post uup when i use it.
anyone else??
tried out the headphones last night, and didn't hear anything unusual (no idea what the issue would sound like though?)
it would sound like a high pitched whine. also how much trial software was on your pc?
i used the headphone jack last night to connect the laptop to my receiver - and didn't hear any high pitched sound coming from the speakers - will try again tonight with proper headphones...
haven't noticed any "trial" software at all on the laptop - although i'm in australia, so not sure if that makes any difference to the crap that may be loaded onto the laptop. -
There is barely any trials. Only thing is Dell installed registries, so system wipe is highly recommended. No high pitches/dead pixels, and the included Creative Headphones are amazing.
thanks and what about the build quality
build quality is very good. not rolls royce, but still very good - and i like the lid without latches too. has a very nice feel to it.
Discussion in 'Dell' started by sly, Dec 19, 2007.