So I am confused. When the 1525 showed up on the Dell US site for the first time I swear it had a higher resolution option listed than 1280X800. Even this site lists an option of a 15.4" "high resolution" (1440 x 900) glossy widescreen display in it's review.
If I surf on over to the Dell Australia site they list the 1440 X 900 resolution as an option, so what gives? Can I expect it to show back up on the site? Does anyone have any clue?
Sorry if this has been asked and answered before....I looked but could not find it.
In the meantime, you might be able to get it by phoning. -
I called the sales lady and she had no idea and told me that 1280 x 800 was the only option available. quite unhelpful.
so I can expect a higher resolution if I wait? why would they remove it? so odd. I am not a gamer so the graphics card (while not my fave) really doesn't bother me, but dropping the resolution seemed a deal breaker. I dunno, it probably looks fine at that resolution on a fifteen inch screen, and the 1440 isn't a whole lot better, but I liked the option. -
oh well, I'll just wait and see if later on they will offer more resolution options like they did with the M1530
1525: where did my resolution go???
Discussion in 'Dell' started by rook XIII, Jan 5, 2008.