I'm thinking about ordering a 1520 with the wsxga+ (1680 x 1050) screen, but I'm worried about playing games. Assuming the 8600m won't run games at the laptop's native resolution, how much worse do games look on the monitor when it's forced to scale down? If any of you own a 1520 with the high-res screen, I would be very appreciative if you could take sample screenshots. I know that's asking alot, though, so don't feel obligated. Thanks.
Also, hypothetically, do you guys think the 8600m would be able to push starcraft 2 at wsxga+? If so, my whole question is pretty much moot.
lordofericstan Notebook Evangelist
ive never played games at native resolution, and ive never notice it being blurry or anything. You will really only notice a difference if you are looking at the two side by side.
1520-Games on non-native resolution.
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ProduceSection, Jul 25, 2007.