Posted this in the networking section, but thought I'd check here too for any possible ideas.
Just got my 1520 with Intel 3495 card. It "sees" my wireless network (D-link 614+) and says it has a strong signal. But it won't connect. A separate computer connects fine. Tried different/no security and same thing (the 1520 recognizes the different security each time too).
I did read about a possible Bluetooth Collaboration conflict and the laptop does have Bluetooth. Does anyone know how to shut this off?
Any other things to try? (will check to make sure drivers are up to date on both ends this evening)
Thanks, John
no security wireless + vista =
There are some settings in BIOS regarding BT and wi-fi, I'd start there.
1520 wireless problem
Discussion in 'Dell' started by JohnnyKay, Aug 23, 2007.