How do you like the screen? Does it have any light leakage issues? I am coming off of a MacBook Pro and I have become picky when it comes to LCD screens!
Thanks for the input folks...
You might also wish to check that out yourself at a Dell kiosk near you, if there's one near you: -
there isn't one nearby
I'm curious if it's a nice quality display as well...
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I have an E1505 with one of these screens... haven't got much experience with laptop screens (well - actually, no experience) but I love the screen. I'd guess it's the same type of screen as in the 1520, but if anyone has a way I could check the manufacturer/model number?
- High resolution - coming off my 17 inch desktop 1280x1024 I don't know how I could go back to that... the stuff just looks so _big_.
- Glossy - good for games/movies/pictures
- Not much reflection if you've got the brightness decently high and aren't using it outside
- Can't use it outside. If you turn the brightness all the way up and it's cloudy, you might have a chance, but basically if it's sunny you're going to be changing the monitor angle and moving around a lot to try not to get reflections
- Some people might think the resolution is too high
Other than that, I don't notice much light leakage (not exactly sure if this is how you test for it) - I just put my screen to blank, and there's a little TINY bit of screen at the bottom that looks purplish near the middle, but when I'm using it I can't tell the difference. Again, I'm not sure if this is how you look for light leakage or even if I'm looking for the right thing. -
What about color shift when you move your head around ? is there any ?
(it's suppose to have wide viewing angle)
I can look at it from about a 20-30 degree angle to the screen (so about 2 feet to the right/left and 1 foot back) and there isn't much messed up coloring, but if I move my head up (45 degree angle only) it messes up some of the white on this page, but otherwise it's still okay, and it's about the same for the bottom.
This thread is making me nervous...
do you this problem ?
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Dunno. I have an E1505 and it's fine.
I'll be getting mine fairly soon so I'll let you know.
Macbook pro screens are no better and no worse than the rest of them.
They use AUO and Chi Mei optics just like everyone else.
There's no secret sauce or stash made just for Apple.
1520 w/ 15.4" UltraSharpTM Wide Screen SXGA+ (1680x1050) display - Question!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by dnorrell, Jul 13, 2007.