Anyone have the URL to order the media IR remote for the 1520 ???
I found this thread and ordered the remote via their outlet, hope it works -
lordofericstan Notebook Evangelist
its not called a media IR remote. If you tell that to a rep he will think of the media center remote that runs through an external ir adapter, and you do not want that. The travel Ir remote that you are talking about can only be purchased as a refurbished model as of now, search the part number fw331 on dell's site and you will get the right remote, just refurbished for 11 bucks or so.
Just ordered it,Thanks
If so, see my earlier post and you'll also find helpful information on this thread!Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
1520 IR remote
Discussion in 'Dell' started by condor63, Aug 4, 2007.