I've had my 1520 for 6 months or so now, and frankly I'm quite upset with it. The build quality on mine is terrible compared to others I've seen (I ordered 2 the same week, the second same specs never has had any problems but I don't have access to it currently), but until recently I hadn't had any major issues (it sits on a desk 95% of the time). Lately its been breaking the 200f/95c range (including getting up to 220f/104c at one point).
I am not a big fan of cooking while using my laptop, so this upsets me.
I've kept the laptop clean, using compressed air to blow out the vents, taking it apart (keyboard off, bottom panels off) to make sure its dust free.
I have the 2.2ghz / 8600m / 2gb ram build that was on the cheap back in July of 07. I've updated the BIOS, tried with video drivers from LV2Go and stock dell drivers, but to no avail. Currently I've got a homebrew cooling pad of socket 478 heatsinks with several (3) high-flow (83cfm) fans to keep it at a reasonable 150f/60c.
I am not concerned with noise obviously as much as I am with cooling. I've contacted Dell's support and they are shipping me a replacement fan and video card to install - or I can bounce ship them to the depot as no techs are available in my area (irony as I could spit and hit Dell's HQ from my backyard).
So, after my saga - the question.
In 18kfangui - what RPM is your fan running at on "Force Fans to High Speed" ?
Mine never gets above 3500, which seems right to me for some reason but I get almost 0 airflow with the stock fan alone. I'm beginning to think my fans shaft has slipped from the blades. I need to know a sort of average speed so when I replace this fan I can decide to pursue dell for a full blown system exchange or refund.
Thanks for any responses.
1520 Fan RPM Question (and sob story!)
Discussion in 'Dell' started by preachideuce, Jan 8, 2008.