Okay, so here's the issue. Last night, I noticed that when I was drawing in my favourite program, Paint Tool Sai, my tablet was acting weird. I thought re-setting the pressure and keys would fix this, but when I tried to reset my [Ctrl+z] key, I noticed that [ctrl+2] was constantly being put in it's place. Just every second or two another [ctrl+2] was put in.
Obviously I'm not typing that in, and while I've not noticed any other issues with any other programs, it makes using my tablet pretty hard.
I noticed when I tried to restart my laptop, that after the re-boot, the blue keys [what are those called anyway?] were turned on automatically, and the [ctrl+2] is still happening. So, It's obviously some kind of weird keyboard issue.
I'm not sure what I can do to try and fix it, any suggestions? Should I call Dell and get it replaced? I hope I don't have to do that.. Any other ways?
1501 keyboard issues.
Discussion in 'Dell' started by FarleyFlavours, Feb 9, 2009.