I have a choice between an LED 1440x900 res screen and a True Hi-Def 1920x1200 res screen. My only question is, will I get better FPS when playing a game at a native res of 1440x900 or when playing on a 1920x1200 screen with 1440x900 res? If there is a minuscule difference between the two, then I won't mid at all. But if there is a significant advantage in FPS when playing at native res, then I may go for the 1440x900. Thanks
EDIT: Just one more thing, the LED screen would actually cost me more than the true hi def screen.
There will be NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL in FPS, but the 1440x900 display will give you better picture quality, as LCDs have best quality at native resolution. Some people claim it's minuscule, but I can't stand it. Additionally, the LED screen is very bright and has a beautiful picture.
looking at an m1530, i'm assuming?
I'd say it depends on how small you like your text and how vivid you want your screen. If you want screen real estate for text viewing, obviously get the 1200 screen, but the 900 screen is enough for 720p HD movies, and will give you better colors for everything (gaming included).
Personally I find the 1200 too small, but if it's cheaper, you can always adjust the font sizes and you can make games crispy -
Just ordered my xps m1530 with the 1920x1200 res. I couldn't justify paying more for a lower res screen, even if it was LED. Thanks again guys.
*misread question*
Hm...I bought my XPS about a week ago and it was $25 less for the LED 1440x900 screen.
Go with the 1440x900 LED screen easily. If you plan to be gaming a lot, you want to game at the LCD's native resolution. Anything not at that resolution will lack the same clarity and vividness. When you compare a native 1440x900 image on an LED screen compared to a non-native 1440x900 resolution and a non LED screen, the image quality difference will be significant.
There will be no change in FPS because the resolution would still be the same, what matters is how it looks. LCD's don't behave like the old bulky monitors of yesteryear on Desktop computers do. Gaming at native resolution is a much more enjoyable experience. -
Aside from gaming, LED is also recommended if you use your computer for a long time. It lessens the eyestrain giving you a much brighter and clearer display.
shoelace_510 8700M GT inside... ^-^;
I have a 17" Widescreen at 1920X1200 and love every minute of it, but I think 1920X1200 would be just too small on a 15" screen.
Just my $0.02... -
Keep in mind, if you run the game at the native resolution the GFX card will have a harder time running a game at 1920x1200 compared to 1440x900.
Also, older games that don't support 1920x1200 will also look a lot worse than running at 1440x900. 1440x900 also has LED support
1440x900 vs. 1920x1200 for gaming
Discussion in 'Dell' started by gamergreg90, Jul 2, 2008.