Ok, here is my problem:
After I used my 1420 for a while, I close the lid (I set power management to "do nothing" when lid closed); then maybe couple minutes later when i open the lid, the laptop seems to be dead!!! The fan is running, wifi lights and power lights in the front is lighting up blue. HD seems to be dead. The only thing I can do is to press power button to shut off the computer and restart!
I searched the forum... read similar problem, but never have conclusive answer to resolve the problem. Anyone can help??? Thanks.
Try downloading the video driver for your system off Dell. Fixed a similar problem my dad was having on his 1501 after we reformatted his system.
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
Yeah, I solved the same problem with a new graphics driver. Though it's strange you're still getting the issue with "do nothing when lid closed".
Try disabling TMM. follow the instructions from this page and see if it works:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=153286 -
The solution that worked for me was to use either the drivers off Dells site, or the 163.44 Bioshock drivers.
1420 won't wake up problem!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by lizard123, Sep 2, 2007.