Regular glossy 1280x800
WXGA+ WXGA+ glossy 1440x900
I need a show of hands to figure out which of these 2 screens has the most amount of grainy appearance problems. I am from Canada and these are the glossy screen options I can choose. I have two 1420's being delivered this weeks with 1280x800 screens
Thanks folks!
this is a constantly revived topic. the screen you are most likely to see graininess in is WXGA+ glossy. Something about the TL coating on those screens did something...
However, a lot of people seem to think they have grainy screens when in actuality, they just haven't adjusted their display settings to full contrast and resolution. Don't take all your results at face value.
EDIT: One thing i forgot: almost all the REAL grainy screens have come from AUO. check in your device manager to see what screen maker you have... -
Thanks Torch I will check the manufacturer when they arrive.
Luckily I received two systems and they both are LPL0000 = LG Philips. They both look great! Dell must be listening here at these forums.
I think that dell should pull AUO from its supplier list for WXGA + suppliers. I think that may become a reality if enough people keep canceling and returning AUO systems.
And no, at this point Dell is not listening to us in these forums. I just received the dreaded AUO display on Monday this week. It is simply the luck of the draw on what you get. Although, as I said, the AUO's time with Dell may be coming to an end.. hopefully. -
Desert I did see your other posts. Sorry you to hear about your luck. Thanks for the feedback.
1420 Grainy screen POLL.
Discussion in 'Dell' started by leocleoc, Aug 12, 2007.