I'm in the process of preparing a Dell 1405 to give to a relative and was wordering about the need for all the partitions on the hard disk. Is it possible to format the drive with a single partition and forget about Media Direct booting. This was a problem with XP Home on the system after replacing the hard drive and since I'm going to install Vista, I thought I'd eliminate it all together. Would this affect anything else? Or any suggestions with doing this?
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
It is possible to format the drive with a single partition and without media direct. It won't affect anything else. Just wipe the entire drive and run the Vista installer. If you don't create any extra partitions, your Vista install should occupy the entire disk.
Thanks for the information.
1405 with Vista minus Media Direct
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ual767, Jan 27, 2010.