After a lot of screwing with and getting screwed by Dell CSRs I had a final offer on my Vostro 1400. It just seems that Dell truely hates Europe...
I mean its just outrageous enough that we Europeans have to pay 150% the price of the equivalent US offer and have like ... NOTHING to pick from when configuring our machines, but could someone explain to me:
Why doesn't the WXGA 14.1 TrueLife appear on the Dell website to begin with and why do you have to ask for it via phone? And WHY THE HELL should it cost 60 stinking Euros more (the damn WXGA+ is only 30 more) than the WXGA non-Truelife and delay the whole thing to 22th of October??
I'm sorry, just a little pissed right now...
It could just be due to parts availability. most of the parts are ordered in bulk, which costs time and money. it also depends on the demand of the customers. so, the deals that you see in the website is just for the common users, without the advanced specs or configurations. if you need to have it configured to your own specs, you will have to order it via phone so that the sales rep can give you an estimate of the price and shipping date.
14.1 WXGA TrueLife = 8 weeks delay and +60??
Discussion in 'Dell' started by creuther, Aug 31, 2007.