I'm not sure if this is a dumb question or not, but why can't I find the specified resolution for the M1330 anywhere?
Not on dell's site, not in any of the reviews here or found via google.
Everyone's happy to say it's a 13.3 screen, but no one mentions what the resolution of that screen is.
Am I just missing it or is this something that is carefully hidden information?
* Max Resolution
* 1280 x 800 ( WXGA)
It's on a lot of the review sites...
http://review.zdnet.com/laptops/dell-xps-m1330/4507-3121_16-32465545.html?tag=ut -
I hope that it looks better than my 700m screen
1330 resolution
Discussion in 'Dell' started by MonsterMaxx, Jul 29, 2007.