anyone else notice this. I was trying to put one together with 100gb 7200 hd but does not exist for the 1210???
Yeah it looks like they arnt offering 7200RPM HDD's on the 1210 now. They were, I have that hard drive in mine. What ive noticed with dell and their site, is that it changes on occasion. Its an XPS so its going to have a 7200 RPM because XPS mean performance. Just give it a week or 2 and it will change again and likley offer it. They do the same thing with gfx cards on their desktops, I found that out when I was going to get an XPS 400, before I decided to get a laptop.
ScifiMike12 Drinking the good stuff
Don't know much about the 1210 but does it normally come with a 7200?
Edit: Sheff answered my question. -
It still has the 7200rpm option on the Canadian site.
U.S. thing? -
ScifiMike12 Drinking the good stuff
I think I know the reason why it's affecting the U.S. site.
Bush ordered more troops to Iraq and so Dell's revenue went down and THEREFORE had to remove the 7200 rpm option. Yeah, I know, it sucks. -
let's call it a joke.
if the thread craps out into a political flamewar, you're all getting spankings
you've been warned -
supply and demand here, when they run out of stock different options become avaliable
Just buy one, thats what I am doing. I found this and it looks REALLY easy to do-
1210 with no 7200 rpm option
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ucdoc, Sep 9, 2006.