Does that extra 160MHz between 1.66 and 1.83GHz do much more, is it worth paying an extra $70 for a gaming laptop in your opinion???
Keep in mind...Everybody is so excited that Merom will have the same number of pins, but I have yet see proof, hard evidence, or a gaurantee from reliable sources that you will be able to plop a Merom chip into any laptop that now contains a Yonah and have 100% compatiability. So.... What have you heard and what do you think on this???
$70 isn't too bad - especially if you're not immediately planning on upgrading to Merom (IF it proves to be as easy as speculated). I'm prob. do it.
Anything approaching $100 is too much IMO, but $70 isn't too bad. It really won't be a huge performance boost, but those things are hard to quantify anyway. -
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
Well in reality that 170Mhz is actually about 300Mhz...due to it actually do more per clock cycle (1.8x multiplier). If you think it is worth the $70, then it is. As for gaming...the GPU is more important than the clock-speed.
Well there is no "official" word yet that Merom will work in Dual Core slot, but there hasn't really been anything saying it won't either. If it does, it will require a bios update. You will also be stuck with the 667Mhz FSB instead of the 800Mhz or 1066Mhz one due to that being a hardware option.
Hope this helps. -
From the beginning, Intel itself has stated that Merom would be backward compatible with Yonah, even without BIOS updates. They even demoed a live swap using a Dell notebook to show the performance increase. Here's a Merom in its (near) full glory on a Dell 1710.
Merom what is this all about? Is it planned to work on only certain GHZ cores??
Also yea, the 1.83 I seen goes as high as a 11x multiplier, the 1.6 only did 10.
Also yea, if the cores every ran solo.. having about a 2 GHZ per core is nice.. I felt upgrading to 2 GHZ from 1.87 however wasnt worth it, but I did do the 1.87. =) -
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
1.66GHz or 1.83GHz... Merom too!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Weioo, May 24, 2006.