I have heard that the difference between these two processors is minimal. I have also heard that the difference is noticeable. So...whats the deal?
I will primarily be using the computer for extensive web browsing, Photoshop CS2, a little bit of web design, and possible video and music editing and production.
Any help is appreciated.
The difference is very minimal. The 1.83 is less than 10% faster than the 1.66. You would be better off going with more RAM or a bigger or faster HD.
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
I would probably go for the T2400 if you can afford it . . never hurt to have the extra power. The T2050 1.60GHz has a 533MHz FSB vs. the standard Duo's 667. Since Photoshop is multithreaded, you'll probably see a marginal boost going with the T2400. I'm not sure what your budget is or how demanding of a user you are.
There is a difference in the two, at least in generic tests ive doen with friends identical hardware laptops. To me, it makes a diff in photoshop when crunching raw files.
There really isn't much diffrence. I suggest you get extra ram for a bigger diffrence -
Thought not to many people or programs use it the 2300e does not have virtualization.
I would go with more, i havent personally used 512 and CS2, but even with 1gb, it could be faster, so I wouldnt want only 512. If you have to batch raw files...goodness youll need more than 512
1.60 vs 1.83GHz Processor
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Quest, Aug 4, 2006.