I have two ac/dc adapters for my 1400. One has an input of 1.5A and the other has an input of 2.0A. I know this may not be too significant but what type of difference does this make? Just curious to know as I have to turn one in back to them.
The higher amperage adapter will charge your battery much faster, other than that there is no difference.
Thanks for the reply SM. Your answer raised other questions. Is it better to charge a laptop battery faster or slower? I know this probably trivial but it has sparked my curiosity. I know in other applications it is usually better to use a slow recharge than a faster one. Is the difference significant and would it have a noticable impact over the life of the battery? If you leave your laptop plugged in most of the time, will 2.0A give you any more/significant power over 1.5A?
I can't seem to find any information about the costs/benefits of charging fast or slow, other than that fast is faster and slow is slower. lol. I'm guess there's probably no difference? Anyone got any ideas? I'm curious too.
1.5A vs. 2.0A AC/DC Adapter
Discussion in 'Dell' started by roca808, Apr 21, 2008.