I just got my M170 and it has the LG LCD panel and has some problems with "sparkles", thus 2 questions.
First, I have heard that some people say that the problem with sparkles tend to go away after a while, kind of like the panel needs some working hours to prepare, is this true? Has anyone had this experience?
Second, if I opt for a replacment, is the Samsung screen always better than the LG ones? I have heard that it might be better when it comes to sparkles, but that it has more problems with light leakage, true?
2. even if u opt for a replacement...you will NOT be guaranteed to get a samsung screen if u wanted a samsung screen or an LG screen if u wanted an LG screen....what u get is what u get -
The rep said they switched to Sony screens.
/pJ -
Eliwood(i think) said that the rep said they switched to sony on the M170.
here is the link....
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=27786 -
On Notebook Forums, check in the Dell reviews section, and you'll see somebody mention that they were talking to a Dell rep about getting his/her screen replaced. The customer mentioned not wanting an LG, but the rep cut him/her off, saying that they used Sony screens now. Take it for what it's worth. I'm trying to get that person to confirm.
/pJ -
i finally got a hold of an xps rep this morning and he said they are using the exact same screens as the 9300 and gen2 wuxga, so that should put that rumer to rest.
what happened to your sparkles? did they go away? are u getting the LCD replaced? please update us on the issue because some of us have our M170 on the way and would like to know more about it. Thanks...... -
/pJ -
improwise, overall are you happy with your xps m170? how about buid quality and sturdiness? any dislikes (apart from the sparkles)? How would you rate it against HP's or Sony's.
Thanks -
Oh my God...
I am extremely upset after hearing all these negative comments about the Dell XPS m170 screen since I am expecting one in the mail. This particular line of laptop is suppose to be the top of the line luxury brand of laptops and if it is as bad as people say it is, then this is ABSOLUTELY UNFORGIVABLE ON DELL'S PART. . It makes me really angry.....
Is there anyone in this forum who has gotten the Dell XPS m170 and is happy with it, especially the screen? Please offer your input. -
I was planning to order one too but am getting concerned about all the negative responses. One of the users recently said that his m170 wobbles on a flat surface!!! What? Are they so poorly built? The least you would expect from a laptop is that it sits solidly on an even surface!!!
I just recieved my XPS M170 and only had a few minutes to mess around with it. No mine dont wobble on a flat surface, it's really sturdy. As for the light leakage, I did not notice any while fooling around with it. I'll post more on what I find out when I finish up my work reports and have more time to mess around with it.
Yes please let us know the quality of your screen and also which LCD you got. You can go to the dell website log in into your account and put the tag number to get more info....there you will be able to see which brand you got for your LCD. keep us updated........Thanks -
I recieved my M170 on 10/19.
I dont know if my LCD is a Sony or not, but it **** sure does look like one.
And with a closer inspection I cant find one thing wrong with my LCD monitor...this system is completely Amazing...it will do everything you can imagine, with ease and grace...ahhhhhh
Update the bios to A05 asap
This is coming from a master pessimistic cynic btw...
edit: it tis a Samsung and the HD is a SEAGATE! How cool is that??
1 questions about the M170 screen
Discussion in 'Dell' started by improwise, Oct 12, 2005.