Thanks for the input Cin. I will wait till fall and make a decision depending on what is coming out.
killeraardvark Notebook Evangelist
I checked something. If you order the same Adamo package I did, the premilinary ship date is now 4/10/09! What the hell is going on, Dell?
Until that happens, I will gladly use my 1530 as backup.
Seem's like they have this with each new model, no matter what the price point is...
Cin -
For what it's worth, if the Adamo gets shipped faster than two months it'll still beat the last roll-out of the Macbook Air. The base model got delayed for ages too. I don't know what it is with "luxury ultra portables" but a lot of them come with frustrating initial delays.
Well, Dell just canceled my order for the DVD addon citing the Federal Mail Order Rule. What?
Know what? I'm canceling my order for the Adamo. This is too ****ed up.
Edit: I should add that Dell contacted me last week for permission to continue the order. I replied and said yes. They replied back that all was good.
This is what they said in the email today:
We want to inform you that your order was canceled under the Federal Mail Order Rule. To learn more about the Mail Order Rule, click here. We regret that there was a delay in processing your order and that we were unable to connect with you to get your permission to continue processing it. We hope you will consider purchasing with Dell for your future needs. -
I think you really need to speak with someone on the *Upper* Escalation Team.
Try this and see if it get's you anywhere.
Forward a copy, of all your documentation.
Dell Unresolved Issues:
Cin -
I went through and canceled my order for everything last night. For the same price, Maingear offers a 13.3 with Blu-Ray, 8 gigs of Ram, 500 gig hard drive, a much, much, much faster processor. Maybe I'll go with that.
I was hoping you would have been one of the first (and very few) peeps to have ordered the Adamo!
Well I hope whatever lappy' you end up getting, turns out to be the best one for you, going forward!
Cin -
that adamo introduction video looks like chanel commercial .
Has anyone taken delivery of their Adamo yet?
And, the other forum member is still in *production*
Cin -
I ordered one last week and it's in production. Estimated delivery date is 4/14.
Cin -
EDIT: (2) White cases are scheduled for 4/14 and the (1) Black case for 4/17. -
. I just checked the EPP site and it shows both models shipping by 4/20.
Just an update, but I spent my monies on a Core i7 Studio XPS 435 with 8 gigs of RAM and Blu-Ray burner. Still $500 cheaper than the Adamo. I admit, the Adamo looks very cool, but thats it. Truth be told, I have an 2nd gen spected out Air anyway. -
Cin -
I tried to get a quote for an Adamo using our company's business account but my Dell rep could not create one for me, he said that they are off limits to the business channel. It seems bizarre that Dell would turn away paying customers when their sales numbers are low. (I do realize the Adamo isn't a business-oriented machine)
Has anyone found a review on the Adamo yet? I just googled and can't find anything. I'm a little tempted to place an order. The only thing holding me back right now is the lack of reviews.
Cin -
Engadget did an unboxing and quick first impressions here.
Mine shipped today so it should be here in a couple of days.
Can't wait to hear all your feedback on it! And some pic's (hopefully)...
Cin -
The black one I ordered shipped Saturday and is supposed to be delivered Wednesday, though the tracking would lead me to believe it will be here tomorrow. -
I bet your excited to receive them on Weds!
Cin -
Mine has been picked up and is due to be delivered tomorrow.
I do have a problem though. I thought the Adamo wasn't going to be shipped until next week so I bought an outlet XPS 16 to play with and possibly return. The price was too low so I had to bite. I was a little surprised (understatement) when I logged into my account to check the status of the XPS to see both systems had shipped. My wife is going to kill me.I want to keep the Adamo, but I'm afraid the RGB display, blueray, and T9400 CPU of the XPS are going to lure me away.
You never might just work!
Cin -
Ok so has anyone here received their adamo yet?
If so I/WE would love some pictures. All dells stock pics are all spruced up and taken with expensive cameras that make them look better than they really are -
Cin -
I'm bringing in some Canon L glass tomorrow. Pics and first impressions will be up as soon as the packages arrive. Hopefully FedEx won't drop the ball like they did when I ordered my first E4200 (they claimed we were "closed" at 2:15 in the afternoon and refused to come back out). -
That's awesome, can't wait to get your first impressions of them
Cin -
The "basic" cases are seriously backordered though. I'm hearing the middle of May from my rep. -
being on backorder?
Cin. -
Yes, I plan to keep the special sleeves on order. If I find an alternative then I may cancel them but finding a case for a notebook of this size isn't easy. -
First thought: God am I glad I didn't order the Black one for myself. This thing is a fingerprint and dust magnet. You can see the dust on it from being open for 3 minutes on a couple of the pics and touching it ANYWHERE leaves fingerprints and smear marks. The white one, thankfully, doesn't have this issue.
Second thought: Wow, so this is what a chassis made from a single piece of aluminum feels like. Nice and sturdy, not actually as heavy as I thought 4lbs would be, though definitely heavier than my E4200.
Everything else: The screen is much nicer in contrast and color representation than the Latitude E4200, though the glare from the shiny coating is absolutely insane when the screen is set for lower light levels. Even with closing the blinds on my office window I still get glare. Use outside would be OK if you increase the brightness well above the default level, though that would bring with it a sharp decline in battery life.
The buttons on the touch pad require more effort than most, and the pressure needs to be on the inside edge of the buttons, and the keys on the keyboard require less pressure than I thought they would, though the larger keysize with no fall-off on the edges is going to take some getting used to.
Unlike the E4200, the system is silent when idle. That said, when you start to use hard the fan kicks in and it seems to only know two levels, 0% and 100%.
Some of these have been cropped, most have just been resized. I may replace these with full-res images later. The two images of the bottom of the systems really give a good idea of the texture of the system.
If anyone wants to know anything specific then just ask. -
Cnet gave it about 3 hours of battery life, which seemed quite low. What battery life does it show in the Vista power icon when you unplug it? When you get to use it enough that you can comment on typical battery life, that would be great.
Cnet also noticed keyboard flex. Can you confirm this? -
How solid does the keyboard feel? Any flex?
More thoughts: There is a significant border around the edge-to-edge screen. About 1.5cm on the sides, 1.75cm on the top, and 2.25cm on the bottom. Based on screen size alone, this machine could have been a lot smaller.
Don't use the backlit keyboard unless it's dark. It makes it impossible to read the keys and some of the special keys (Home, Insert, etc.) are not in the "normal" place.
Audio output is actually pretty good for a notebook of this size. I was wondering about the speakers when I first unboxed it (because I didn't see any) and it turns out that those "vent holes" on the back are where the audio comes from. -
Another note, Dell seems to have ditched the nice mouse-enabled BIOS that ships with the Latitude E-series and other high-end system for an old Phoenix BIOS setup.
128GB SSD is described as "SAMSUNG SSD Thin uSATA-(S1)". VT, Dynamic Acceleration, USB Power Share, etc. all come enabled by default (unlike the E-Series).
EDIT: 45 minutes in and the fan has started to run more often. I'd say about 30 seconds out of every 5 minutes. The good news is though that it seems to have learned more speeds. If I define what I heard originally as 100% then I'd say that it's now hovering around 70-80%.
***-->The Official Dell Adamo Thread<--***
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Cin', Jan 14, 2009.