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    battery, charger and internet

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by Tom Powell, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Tom Powell

    Tom Powell Newbie

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    I've recently had problems connecting to the internet with my DELL XPS M1210 laptop with Windows XP. The problem was corrected by DELL technicians. I was told the problem was caused by an old battery and using the AC charger continuously. The continuous use of the charger caused a static buildup on the internet hardware and made it inoperable. I ordered a new battery and am using it and the charger intermittently. I am a bit dissastisfied with the battery life when using it solely to power the computer and would like to use the charger more frequently.

    My questions are:
    Was this a correct diagnosis for the internet problem? I assume it was correct because I've had no further problems.
    If the problem was indeed a buildup of a static charge, does that charge dissipate when the charger is not in use or only when the computer is shutdown?

    Bottom line:
    How do I prevent, minimize, and/or dissipate the static charge?

    Thanks for the help.
  2. E.D.U.

    E.D.U. Notebook Deity

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    Hmmm....Maybe this is just me, but I wouldn't decide to buy another battery based on that diagnosis, because frankly it shouldn't be your problem. Whether it was a valid diagnosis or not, Dell should be handling the problem for you. I've never heard of a "static buildup" due to an "old battery" causing any internet problems. I've only heard of old batteries having a decreased charge capacity and not lasting as long as they used to. Honestly, if you are under warranty (which I'm assuming), I suggest you call Dell and really explain your dissatisfaction (if any) with this. Not only did you have to go out and buy a new battery (which is useless, if the problem might persist), you now have to try and live with this problem if it persists. If you're under warranty and the problem occurs again, call them up and tell them to find a way to fix it permanently, so you can use your computer how you want to (that's what the warranty's are for). It's not like you're asking too much of the laptop by charging it frequently... Welcome to NBR as well :)

    ACHlLLES Notebook Virtuoso

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    I guess the Dell psychics do exist.

    +1 on what E.D.U said.

    Ask them to stop the B.S. in a nice way, and ask for a replacement system if they can't fix it, assuming if you are still under warranty.
  4. Tom Powell

    Tom Powell Newbie

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    No problem with DELL. The battery was several years old and would not charge and I was running the computer from the charger for 100% of the usage and sometimes leaving it on with the computer shutdown or hibernating. The assistance that DELL gave me was under an extended warranty and they solved the internet problem with their "takeover" and repair of my computer and recommended purchase of a new battery. The old battery was dead and I did indeed need a new one. The new battery and their work solved the problem and I have little reason to doubt their explanation of static buildup from constant use of the charger causing the internet problem.

    Now that everything is working again I would like to avoid the same problem in the future. That is why I asked:

    If the problem was indeed a buildup of a static charge, does that charge dissipate when the charger is not in use or only when the computer is shutdown?

    How do I prevent, minimize, and/or dissipate the static charge?

    Thanks for the replies
  5. E.D.U.

    E.D.U. Notebook Deity

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    As you have explained and you say it's not a Dell problem, I won't argue that point further.

    What I can suggest is that since you say you were using the "charger for 100% of the usage," you might just want to run direct off the AC adapter. That is, remove your battery and run it off the charger only. This will not only decrease the unnecessary wear on your battery (from heat and overcharging) and extend the general life of the battery, but this would hopefully solve/prevent/minimize the static charge due to the battery and any fears due to that.

    You should check out this slightly dated, but still very useful Battery Guide to learn more about battery care, how best to store your battery, and the pros/cons of running of AC power only (among other things). I run only off AC power all the time, and the only thing I worry about is mistakenly pulling the plug and unexpectedly shutting my laptop down :D . Luckily it doesn't happen too often (read: I guess I'm not too clumsy :p ).