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    XPS M1730 problem

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by Dobby2008, May 21, 2008.

  1. Dobby2008

    Dobby2008 Newbie

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    Hello All,

    I am new here and never posted on a forum before. So if i wrangle on please forgive me.

    I recieved my new 1730 last week and proceeded with a complete re-install of windows vista ultimate as apposed to home premium that comes with the laptop.

    Everything was fine for two days and then I heard a screach sound come from hard drives these are 2 150gb raid 0 configuration giving me a total of 298gb to play with.

    Anyway ignored the screach didnt think anything of it thought it maybe just a one off. Then attempted to install WOW (World of Warcraft) installed patched it up then on the last patch 1.1gb's worth file corruption.

    Reinstalled wow again all working fine.

    Yestaday loud screach again - copied a file over from usb to hd file cannot be read.

    So i proceeded to do a scandisk in windows and it paused at about 62% complete and wouldn't do anything. rebooted into windows and scheduled a scan on reboot - rebooted ran scandisk froze on 84% complete and wouldn't do anything.

    I am thinking that the disk maybe at fault. The thing is the machine is 9 days old and i accept yes sometimes things like this happen.

    Does anyone know anything else i could try to prove these disks could be at fault also I need to know what my optiopns are with dell.

    I have a 4 year support package with them but being the machine is only 9 days old i would prefer a complete replacement rather than a hd swop out does anyone think this would be possible. I guess i dont mind if the disks are swoped out just as long as i have a machine that works.

    If anyone can shed some light on this i would be most greatful.


  2. VinylPusher

    VinylPusher Notebook Consultant

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    Anyone suspecting failed/failing hard drive(s) should immediately power off the machine (hold the power button for 5 seconds, do not go through Windows shut-down procedure). If you have important data, use one of the many recovery CD's which can copy data across a network or onto a DVD.

    Preferably, move the drive(s) to a spare machine and do a straight HD-to-HD recovery. As this is a RAID0 array, that's reallly not possible.

    If you have really important data on the drive(s), send them off to a data recovery service. This is what one of my customer's has had to learn the hard way very recently!

    **EDIT** If you suspect something physically wrong with a drive (screeching noises etc), attempting to recover the data by copying it or using a recovery tool can end up causing a lot more damage and increases your data recovery service fee from £75 to up to £900.
  3. ifti

    ifti Undiscovered

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    If its the HDD, I would just get the HDD replaced - not the whole system. Replacing the drives doesnt mean the entire system needs to be opened up etc - its very simple.
  4. cybersun

    cybersun Notebook Enthusiast

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    Just call DELL and they will fix it... don't worry...
  5. GabeZ

    GabeZ Information Technology

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    Hi Dobby2008,
    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your new XPS 1730. I would definitely try to recover what you can by either copying your data via external hard drive, CD-R, DVD-R, or some other media. If you want to run a diagnostic, there's a tool that can easily be found by hitting F12 at boot. Just select diagnostic, and then run a test on your hard drives. You may want to run the diagnostic prior to calling, as Dell support always requires a diagnosis. However, physical observations such as screeching or grinding of hard drives will work as well.
    Dell Technical support will most likey replace the hard drives rather than offer a complete replacement. However, if you feel you would like another system, there is always the option of returning and re-ordering.

    Hope this helps,