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    XPS Chat - Cant initiate exchange?

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by ata1k, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. ata1k

    ata1k Notebook Enthusiast

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    Im in my '21 days from invoice' exchange period.

    I want to exchange my system for excessive light bleed on the bottom of my screen, fingerpint reader never works, needing to reboot to eject a disc sometimes, heat, etc.

    I went onto Customer Service live chat, not the technical chat. I explain my situation, they have me run diagnostics. I explain that wont fix the light bleed, I want an exchange since Im in my return period. She gets a supervisor on, and he tells me he can send someone out to repair the problems, and if that doesnt work, he will exchange it.

    I tell him, if I was outside of my 21 days, I would agree, but I dont want repairs on a brand new laptop. I will not waste vacation time on a brand new laptop. He tells me he cant do it, and tells me only a call to customer care will initiate an exchange.

    Is this true. I thought an exchange was fairly automatic in the first 21 days, not repairs. I will call on Monday, but in my experience, phonecalls with them are like pulling teeth.

    Advice? Will it be easier with Customer Care?
  2. houstoned

    houstoned Yoga Pants Connoisseur.

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    i think anytime u have returns/exchanges or money involved, u will have to call in. the live chat reps only have so much authority.

    make sure u get a reference number and all that. and sometimes it helps to just keep callin and tryin to find a competent rep. after u find this rep...pray u dont lose signal :D

    i just received my m1530 yesterday. very happy with the initial quality and build. only thing that bothered me was the screen's grainy-ness. i called them up, stated i just received my brand new product and will not tolerate it bein replaced with anythin that wont be 100% new. they are shippin me a new system without any questions asked. good luck with yur situation.
  3. Tolkannn

    Tolkannn Notebook Evangelist

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    Well if its an exchange period I don't see why they don't exchange it for you without questions being asked... :/

    If you can look at the terms and conditions before your call on monday that should give you some brownie points...
  4. ata1k

    ata1k Notebook Enthusiast

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    Overall Im happy with the laptop too. If they said I had 2 option 1)keep it 2) return it for a refund, I would keep it.

    I noticed a grainyness toom but after playing with the color setting, I was happy.

    The biggest issues I have are the bleed at the bottom of the screeen, and the fact that my fans are pretty much constantly on and the palmrests are HOT, no matter what Im doing, if anything at all.

    I think the phone call will go ok.
  5. PusherRobot

    PusherRobot Notebook Enthusiast

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    Talk to Tech Support before Customer Care, they have to troubleshoot before it can go to exchange. So I was told and TS is who did my exchange or you can just get transferred between every dept for a week till its done, called the other day, to go from TS to CC back to TS back to CC who asked for Customer number to say please hold i'll connect you to someone who can help, they are @ss backwards sometimes. lol GL to you though
  6. Tusin

    Tusin Notebook Evangelist

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    Was it a outlet computer?

    If not, you got a killer price. Even if it was, it is still a great price. But here lies the problem. The easiest thing to do, is just do a return/rebuy. But if you used some coupons/epp/whatever kind of crazy magic you did to get that config at that price. The cost of the new notebook will more then likely be more.

    Just demand a cross-ship exchange. It is kind of confusing me, that this is the second thread I read today that Dell has been requesting customers to send in the laptop first. When in the past, at least for the XPS line it has always been: You keeping that laptop, until you get the new one, and then you ship the old one back.
  7. paper_wastage

    paper_wastage Beat this 7x7x7 Cube

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    not really

    the 20/25% off coupons that dell has now could give that system about $1100-1200.... if you have EPP, its even better
  8. ata1k

    ata1k Notebook Enthusiast

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    I got it new. Thats why I dont want to get a refund, because it would be tough to get that price again.
  9. atbnet

    atbnet Notebook Prophet

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    Ask for an exchange in this case. You need to call in for these kind of things. The Dell Chat is nice, but overall useless unless you are asking presale questions. They really can't do much else beyond that.
  10. ata1k

    ata1k Notebook Enthusiast

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    Follow up:

    Ok, Ill start by saying the Dell XPS chat, while I didnt get the result I wanted, they were very willing to go out of their way to get the laptop repaired. But I didnt want to go that way with a brand new laptop, and Im not wasting vacation time for a repair that may or may not work.

    So, I tried to call as suggested. In retrospect, I took the wrong approach here. An Indian woman answered the phone, and tried to transfer me to Tech Support. Thinking this was the same tech support I had chatted with, I told her I had already spoken to them, and they could not help me. Then she tried to transfer me for a refund. I told her I didnt want that, I wanted an exchange(besides above, my hard drive began making a definite clicking noise). She hung up on me.

    I wsa pretty mad. I was about to come here and rip into Dell support...

    Then I thought I would give it one more shot(previously I had two total opposite phone experinces while purchasing my XPS, on person was a liar, the other was awesome)

    So I called back, and asked to be transferred to technical support. I almost hung up during my 20 minute wait, but I stuck around.

    Surprisingly, I got an American voice, my first ever with Dell. I decided to take the polite/clueless route this time. Im not sure what dept she was from, but she seemed to think I had already talked to Tech Support. She told me to hold, and that I would have a replacement in 7 days.

    Once again, Dell customer service is a mixed bag. If you dont get what you want the first time, and it is semi-reasonable, try again.