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    Tell Us Your Dell Story

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by chrusti, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. chrusti

    chrusti Notebook Evangelist

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    Well, I am not sure if I am the only one who had problems with the XPS 1640 so far. So I would like to hear your Dell Stories as well!

    Uhm it all started with me unpacking the Notebook and noticing a french manual instead of a German one.. that wasnt too bad but once I noticed that the right speaker was not sounding too well (it sounded pretty messed up especially once I turned the notebook a little up).

    Well I called Dell and they replaced the speakers. Thats also a reason why I dont have any stickers on my notebook anymore, the part where the stickers where applied to was also part of the speakers.

    I also noticed that my display resolution was 1600x900 not 720p (1366x768). Dell told me that the 1600x900 was actually more expensive, well I kept it of course since I didnt want to bother changing the display that much anyways.

    After playing some oblivion though I started to notice that when I was healing myself I could see some ghosting.
    Well I went back to windows, turned the desktop all black and had a window in front of it. When I pulled the window around I could see again a yellow shadow following the Window.

    Well I finally called Dell today to get the Screen replaced. (Thank god for the great Dell service.)

    So far everything is working on my notebook except the dvd release button.


    The Dell Tech came and replaced the screen. Wonderful colours, Bright, NO ghosting. But its again 1600x900!!
    Oh well, this screen is fine, I will keep it. The only reason to "downgrade" to the 1366x768 would have been for the 20% boost up in games anyways.

    How about you guys? have you experienced things like this :eek: ?
  2. DemonicHawk

    DemonicHawk Notebook Consultant

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    Well, I recently has some problems with my Studio XPS 1340. The LCD Cables were somehow breaking/ripping apart, to the point where opening my LCD past 90 Degrees would turn it off.

    I'm about 5 - 6 months in so it was quite saddening to have to send it in for repairs. Though I need I had to before the situation got worse.

    So I called up Dell, and that was quite a long and painful experience. Nothing wrong with the guy helping me, as he immediately knew I needed to send it in for repairs, but he kept trying to sell me the on-site repair which was over $400. I politely refused but he kept going on about the benefits and whatnot.

    The box then came on Tuesday morning (I called them on Saturday), so it was fairly quick, and I packed my stuff and filled the form, then shipped it off in the afternoon.

    Tracking the package, it got to the repair location on Wednesday morning. Now I was expecting to be without my laptop for over a week, so I tried to put it in the back of my head.

    Surprisingly it I received it back on Thursday Morning! I was shocked that it would be so fast. I'm not sure of how quickly they return on average, but personally I was amazed.

    Along with replacing my LCD, they also replaced the Motherboard, Keyboard and Palm Rest. (Which I was quite happy about)

    So to recap:
    Saturday Afternoon - Called Dell
    Tuesday Morning - Received Box
    Tuesday Afternoon - Shipped Laptop Off
    Wednesday Morning - Laptop arrived at the Repair Location
    Thursday Morning - Received the Laptop back repaired

    The only thing is.. When I got it back, I realized my right USB port wasn't working AT ALL. Needless to say I was quite disappointed that there were problems already. But being the person I am, I took it apart to find out the problem, and realized: They forgot to plug the USB cable into the Motherboard :eek:

    I plugged it back in and put it back together, then replaced the thermal paste while I was at it and now its working GREAT. Overall though, I'm still quite happy with my experience with Dell.. (excluding the lack of bios/driver updates)
  3. DragonStar4681

    DragonStar4681 Newbie

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    Well I myself have also been having some problems. I received my XPS 16 just last week and noticed that the area around the touch pad got hot enough to make it very uncomfortable. After reading some of the posts on this forum, I contacted Dell and they sent a tech to replace my mother board and heat sink. Well after the tech left I had to reinstall my ATI drivers, but while trying to do so the system really heated up and the performance was shot. Viewing my task manager the CPU was working at 100% and not getting anywhere.

    I personally think the tech messed something up and either broke the fan or did not hook it up since I did not hear or feel it turn on. I contacted Dell last night and supposedly they are going to replace the bottom with a redesigned piece to solve the heat problem. I hope it works, but I have a feeling I will still have performance issues.
  4. AlexSochi

    AlexSochi Notebook Evangelist

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    DragonStar is deff not onsite tech messing stuff up, its bad motherboard mostly likely, here is why: your having random cpu overloads that is not related to heat at all!!! your cpu just starts working at capacity and system performance becomes choppy, i had this with my xps1340 and got a motherboard replacement and it works fine now. just to be on a safe note, tell them to replace motherboard and cpu chip also!!!! 10000% this will solve your problem, btw they lied to me also there is no redisigned vent covers or etc, even the onsite tech laughed out loud on that lie!!! after they replace your heatsinks notice that they dont put a new thermal pad, that makes it overheat even more than b4!!
  5. DragonStar4681

    DragonStar4681 Newbie

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    I am definitely going to have to give them a call if what ever the tech is coming to do tonight does not work. I will also have to see if I can do the Arctic Silver mod. Also, the tech that came and already replace my mother board and heat sink didn't exactly mess anything up, but he did however forget to hook my fan back up. Thanks for the good information, it is very appreciated.
  6. ennovasnap

    ennovasnap Notebook Enthusiast

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    Here's my experience with Dell:

    (Support experience #1)
    I bought a notebook 600m from them a long time ago. It held up pretty nice for what it was and I had no problems with it while it was in warranty. Well one day I was using my 600m at work, and someone in the desk behind me asked me a question. I pushed off my desk and turned to them and as I did this my power cord was caught by my chair and pulled my 600m off of my desk. The fall broke the screen and the motherboard. I called Dell to see if how much it would cost to be replaced. I thought I was going to have to buy a new computer as it was out of warranty. The representative let me extend my warranty for $150 and then sent me a pickup box which arrived the next day from DHL. My notebook was fixed and returned to me within a weeks time. My only beef was they forgot to put the rubber pads that keep it from sliding around back on the bottom of it.

    Then a few month's later I was playing a game on it, while it was on my bed and it most likely overheated the video card. (I was really pushing it as it was, not a gaming notebook at all). I called Dell and guess what, it was still under my extended warranty. This time they sent out an on site tech to replace my motherboard. He was nice and it didn't take him long at all to get the job done. Oh and he had extra rubber pads for my notebook.

    (Support experience #2)
    I got an XPS 420 for a very good deal through my work. It came with a 3-year business warranty. It is a quite a quiet machine and I've really loved it. After about a year my HDD went out due to the fact that I was doing heavy torrenting with it 24/7. I called support and I got some lady with a very HEAVY Indian accent. She was very hard to understand, but she was nice all the same. She had me give her the error message after I ran diagnostics and then sent me a HDD with overnight shipping that arrived the next day. After I put this new HDD in it made some terrible noise, and then made weird funny noises all the time.

    I was disappointed with refurbished HDD that Dell sent me so I called support again. Again another person with an Indian accent, but he sent me a new HDD after I told him I was not satisfied with the replacement they sent. This time they wanted to have a technician install it for me. I guess they didn't think I knew how to do it myself or something, but I was like w/e just do it. They sent the HDD overnight to the tech, but she didn't make it to my house until the beginning of next week. She simply asked me if I knew how to do it myself and then gave me the HDD. She didn't even step a foot in my house, which I was fine with since it was a simple thing to do. In any case my computer is running fine now and I've been happy with my experience with Dell.

    Oh and also, all my computers from Dell have arrived a week or two before their expected delivery date. I just ordered a XPS 1640 and I hope it does as well.. though I was reading that someone's on this forum was delay for the t9600 processor... which is the same one I have... I hope mine won't be delayed...

    Ennova Snap
  7. AlexSochi

    AlexSochi Notebook Evangelist

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    let me know how it goes Dragonstar
  8. KompressorV12

    KompressorV12 Notebook Guru

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    lol here we go.. no one will beat my story

    Ordered july 22 with scheduled delivery 8/4, on 8/4 it was delayed... I call and ask why it was delayed they tell me the 1600x900p screen is backordered and it will be in stock on 8/10, they tell me order will be expedited, 8/10 i call and they confirm it is in stock and my machine will be built next in line... 8/18 my laptop is shipped (took a week from when it was in stock to build it.. dont know why) it arrives 8/19 (29 days after ordering), with the WRONG screen, it came with the 1366x768 just like the op, but what makes me more fuming is that the computer sat for 2 weeks waiting for the screen to be in stock then built, then they finally build it and they give me a damn discontinued screen... I call dell for a replacement on 8/19, they tell me 7-10 days and will call me with an update in the next 2, 7 days later no call so I call and find out my replacement was CANCELED, they reorder a new replacement on 8/25 and tell me AGAIN 7-10 days... 12 days later (12 days I have no clue... we are now over the month mark since they took my money)9/6 I get an email saying my replacement is finished being built and will be shipped out promptly... in the email it gives me an order number so I check it to see if they screwed up the screen again, they didn't, this time they gave me a 3670 512mb instead of the 4670 I paid $100 extra for... we are now at the one month 2 week mark since they took my money, I call and explain the problem, he tells me it will be another 7-10 days for the replacement, after arguing for 20 minutes on getting it built TODAY he tells me there is nothing I can do but wait and I will receive a call within 2 days on the status, 9/8 (two days later) my incorrect video card replacement is shipped out and arrives 9/9... I don't even open it and take it right to UPS (they sent me a printable return label), 9/10 (4 days after being told I would get a call I get none) I call customer care and they tell me there was no replacement ordered, or at least nothing in my name... we are now 1 month 3 weeks since they took my $1200... I sent my third email to dell unresolved customer complaints yesterday with this exact story, (I left tons out here because you would be reading for days and all of you think I should sue them)

    I am officially at 52 days (order date July 22 today is September 11th) since giving dell $1250 for a laptop I do not have, I have no order number for my replacement, and I am confident nothing is being built in the system right now

    if anyone can beat my story PLEASE LET ME KNOW
  9. chrusti

    chrusti Notebook Evangelist

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    Funny, I actually ordered the 1366x768 Screen but got "your" 1600x900.. XD
  10. KompressorV12

    KompressorV12 Notebook Guru

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    I hate you
  11. DemonicHawk

    DemonicHawk Notebook Consultant

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    :laugh:, though on a more serious note, that's extremely frustrating.. Have you tried to get your money back?
  12. KompressorV12

    KompressorV12 Notebook Guru

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    no because i'm getting a computer that is $400 cheaper than any other brand... I need this computer

    also I got a hold of someone today, they have a replacement 'in production' now with the estimated delivery data of unavailable... this time they got everything right except the casing, it is without the $40 leather upgrade... called them before they closed and they said they will try to make a note about it

    how damn hard is it to take the build sheet I created, and build what is listed... seems pretty simple apparently not, we can stay tuned for replacement #4
  13. DemonicHawk

    DemonicHawk Notebook Consultant

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    :eek: I don't think I've ever heard of any story similar to yours, that is ridiculous. All these "mistakes"..
  14. DragonStar4681

    DragonStar4681 Newbie

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    Okay, so the tech came Friday to replace the bottom piece with the "redesigned" piece. He put on a new bottom metal piece (looks the same as the old one to me) and a new vent cover by the fan (again, the same). My problem was not fixed. The CPU was still running at 50% minimum, even at idle. Contacted Dell support again and a replacement system is on its way.

    This computer has been a bit of a pain, but I have been pleasantly surprised with the tech support.
  15. hardcorp

    hardcorp Notebook Consultant

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    Ok I know this is probably a stupid question and you have most likely already looked into it ...

    Are you running Vista? And if you are have you gone into the "advanced power settings" in power options...

    There is a setting for min. and max cpu ...
  16. DragonStar4681

    DragonStar4681 Newbie

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    Well it is running Vista 64. I did change the power settings from default to performance when I first got it and the system ran really nice. Once they changed out the mother board and heatsink everything when down hill from there. If there are more advance setting beyond the dell default, performance and other then I did not touch those. I will have to check that out later tonight.

    EDIT: After doing a fast google search, I did not go that it depth into the power options. Chalk it up to being a noob, but I didn't know they were there. I wonder why tech support didn't mention this.
  17. Shawnm2

    Shawnm2 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Try looking at the processes running in the task manager to see what is useing the cpu there have been problems with web cam central or idt audio running at 50% or more if it is any of them try updating the web cam or idt audio drivers with me my web cam central was useing 50% cpu it has been running fine sincI updated the driver hope this helps
  18. decaPODA

    decaPODA Notebook Evangelist

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    well, not quite like u guys buty got my own story to tell here with XPS1530.
    have this notebook fr over 15months with me. had a heatin problem,so replaced the MoBo,Heatsink once while in warranty. warranty ran out the following month and the moment replaced part AKA MoBo entered the 93rd days of its warranty life, MoBo conked off again..
    now this time dell says - sorrie,seemsl ike u ran into a really bad luck.cos our replacement warranty is only for 90 days n u r 93 days old ,so well you pay for the replace part and the tech guy visit.
    here, now i have applied for the expanded one year warranty after my system got back to working and everythin summed around $400.

    now i called up dell yesterday with my cd getting stuck in the drive n they would be comin tomorrow to replace my cd drive :)

    is there anyway i can make them believe that my XPS s been having soooo many problems, so dell shall hand me over a brand new machine like apple does most of the time..??

    i think i am hoping for more .. but he he who knows..
  19. KSMB

    KSMB Notebook Deity

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    what can i say....DELL is 10 of 10.

    got my i Studio xps 16" for free as a replacement for a nearly 3 year old Inspiron laptop............its just DELL who give you this kind of things for free.

    i mean, how many other laptop-brands replace a 3 years old laptop to a brand new super-cruel laptop with RGB screen, P8700 CPU, great video card, TV-tuner, 1066Mhz Ram......and so on ??

    like i said....DELL & DELLs Support is 10 of 10 :)
  20. decaPODA

    decaPODA Notebook Evangelist

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    dude..if u saying something this cooler happened to you..i m keeping my finger crossed.. btw where are you from? i wonder if in India they also replace faulty laptops :)
  21. fred2028

    fred2028 Sexy member

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    I got an SXPS 16 and it now has 2 dead pixels.
  22. KSMB

    KSMB Notebook Deity

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    DELL replace computer systems all over the world. (its their Policy)________and yes, it just DELL who replace a 3 year old laptop with a brand new Studio xps for £1500 :p
  23. decaPODA

    decaPODA Notebook Evangelist

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    I wonder man, cos last time when the Tech guy came over to replace my MoBo,i asked him the same. he said dell only replace parts (though i wonder his limitation of knowledge).
    if what u saying is true then i would be willing to get it done. after all my MoBo has been replaced twice in 15moths n a cd/dvd drive s getting replaced today.

    btw, do they have some certain case / circumstances they replace the machine in/??
