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    Mouse playing up - drivers

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Notebook Consultant

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    Just in the last couple of days my mouse related features have been playing up . The bundled mouse with the microsoft wireless keyboard is the worst.
    The centre wheel scroll feature keeps turning on and moving the web page up and down , and everythign keeps getting highlighted all the time . A real pain.
    With my old small microsft laptop mouse its not too bad , but the web page keeps shooting up and down and then the web page will go back to a previous one . Playing FEAR II the view keeps shooting up up and down sometimes and changing weapon selection on me.
    It mostly seems to affecr moxzilla fire fox . I redently upodated the browser to take embedded IE stuff a couple days ago , I wonder if it currupted my mouse driver ???
    Any way both mouses keep playing up and doing odd things to me . Everything was working perfectly a couple days go
    Any help ?????