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    Just got my XPS M1530! Have a few questions.

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by Easy301, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. Easy301

    Easy301 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well, I finally got my Dell Xps M1530. I'm loving it so far. I had a few questions though that I hope someone would be kind enough to help me with.

    I'm currently removing the software that came on the laptop that I dont need, but i'm stuck on what I should and should not remove.

    Some of the stuff I dont know if it's ok if I remove. I was wondering if the following are ok to remove.

    1. Live! Cam Avatar creator
      Live! Cam Avatar version 1
      QualX Service agreement
      Outlook Addin (If this is for Microsoft Outlook I dont use it.)
      Ciso module's. Eap,Fast,Leap,Peap
      Complete Care Service Agreement
      Product Documentation Launcher
      LoJack Installer. (As I dont plan on using this)
      Finger Print Reader. (I dont plan to use this, at this time either.)

    Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it. One more question I had, are there any "musts" that I should do. Such as turning off some windows vista features that I dont need and will just slow my system down. I'm not a big fan of fancy 3D windows. I would just like a nice, fast, stable system. Thanks again.
  2. purplegreendave

    purplegreendave Has a notebook.

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    A lot of people seem to turn off the UAC (security "annoyance" thing), but from what I've heard if you grin and bear it for a while, it learns what's good/not for you, and annoys you less and less.
    Then when it does come back again and shout at you, then you know somethings up.

    The bloatware removal thread is usefull, in it they do a run through of a clean install - that way there's no non-vista software running (save maybe media direct). I'd reccomend that instead if you aren't sure what you're removing.
  3. Easy301

    Easy301 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Ok thank you, are the following programs ok to remove though?
  4. Easy301

    Easy301 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hopefully someone would know. Not trying to be a bother just very excited about my new system.
  5. Forte

    Forte NBR's Supreme Angel

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    Strange about how no one has helped, but.. I'll help you out.

    Here you go:

    1. Live! Cam Avatar creator
    Live! Cam Avatar version 1

    You should keep the above as they are neat things you can do with your webcam. if you dont think or feel like you will every want to play around with a funny avatar, then uninstall it.


    Thats just documentary about the laptop, again, they are nice to have around just for reference, though they are not absolutely necessary if you feel you will never look at manuals and such.

    QualX Service agreement

    Thats for connecting to Dell support lines and acceptance of usage. If you feel you will never use Dell support from your computer, uninstall it.

    Outlook Addin (If this is for Microsoft Outlook I dont use it.)

    Yup, thats exactly what it is. Since you dont use it, uninstall it.

    Ciso module's. Eap,Fast,Leap,Peap
    Complete Care Service Agreement

    If you feel you will never use Dell support from your computer, uninstall these.

    Product Documentation Launcher

    Yeah, its what it says, not really necessary, but nice to have for viewing any documentation you want. if you dont care about the documentation and feel you are fine with the manual, go ahead and remove it.

    LoJack Installer. (As I dont plan on using this)

    remove it since you dont have lojack. thats an obvious one.

    Finger Print Reader. (I dont plan to use this, at this time either.)

    you can remove it, but its kinda silly to just have hardware that isn't going to be used... though you could install it at a later time if you wish. Though I wouldnt recommend uninstalling it just because its something very useful.