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    Graphics problem (L-501x) - Nvidia 420m

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by potato8000, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. potato8000

    potato8000 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi all,

    I'm having yet another problem with my XPS 15 L-501x. It's a configured model bought in January through the Dell UK website.

    Dells XPS 15 L-501x
    Nvidia 420m
    4GB RAM
    1080 display

    This time it's with the graphics card (Nvidia 420m). For the past few weeks I've had a number of BSODs related to the graphics. Usually this happens when launching a game, but it has also happened when viewing a youtube video and when running 3DMark for the first time. The death-screen says something about nvlddmkm going wrong and then restarts the computer. Additionally, most of the time I cannot open the Nvidia Control Panel - it gives me an error message saying that the display isn't attached to an Nvidia GPU. Sometimes, however, I can play a game with no problem, open the Nvidia Control Panel, and everything's fine. There's no clear pattern to the problem.

    I've updated the graphics drivers through Dell, uninstalled them, installed the latest ones from the Nvidia website, and nothing is helping.

    What should I do next? Is this likely to be a hardware problem?

    And one final question - this isn't the first problem I've had with this system (have already had motherboard replaced due to power problems). I've had the system since January and started having problems within the first 6 months. Is there any chance Dell would just refund my money entirely? Even if I had to take them to small claims court?

    Many thanks.
  2. joegreen1967

    joegreen1967 Notebook Evangelist

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    Sorry to hear about your issues,I understand, I was having many issues with my xps14 then 15 501 and 502 Im on my 4th replacement and had many part changes in the short time Ive owned them.Some people have great success with dell and their xps,and some have real bad luck.At any rate,I can say so far with my new replacement 1502x it's been fine.I know of one person who got a full refund after alot of issues approximately 6 or 7 repairs.Otherwise Dell will or should offer you a replacement of as good or better than your current rig.One thing to keep in mind support for Dell isn't the best,I found you get great service and horrible depending on who you get to help you.I now have my working xps15r2 so far so good,and an awesome M14x that's just amazing in quality and performance.I paid the same for both and the difference is nothing short of incredible.The new xps has an amazing b+rg 1080p screen and great speakers,the M14X is close in those areas but much better in others.I'm telling you this cuz Dell has also given alienware to xps owners with serious issues.Good luck in either case,but refunds are not nearly as easy to get as replacements.Hope this helps.
  3. zjacobss

    zjacobss Notebook Consultant

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    I have the same l501x config as yours but with 720p screen, so far no problems at all. Try doing a clean windows install, if problems persist you may have to change motherboard again.
  4. potato8000

    potato8000 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks very much guys - very informative.

    I'm currently looking into my option re: small claims court.