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    Dell XPS L702X - Wireless Playing Up & Not Happy with other problems also please help

    Discussion in 'Dell XPS and Studio XPS' started by mat24, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. mat24

    mat24 Newbie

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    I bought a laptop Dell XPS L702X from Dell Brand New with some custom configuration 8 weeks ago and am not happy at all.

    First of all for several weeks my internet connection speed kept dropping and speed dramatically was reducing and increasing all the time.

    I have the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230 wireless card. I am aware that there are tons of people having the same problem. But to be fair i never contacted Dell about my prolem incase it was a problem with my ISP. I had my ISP do checks etc to see if it was my phone line, all came back ok.

    I contacted dell on the 10/01/2012 and spoke to a gentleman from the Dell XPS Premium Technical Support. He connected to my computed and checked the wireless card settings and altered a few settings even thou as an experienced user i know the settings was fine anyway but hey ho. Whilst this was going on i connected my ethernet cable into my router and into the Dell XPS 17 laptop and the ethernet card said it was unplugged, i then tried the same ethernet cable in my Sony laptop and connected it to the same router and it detected fine so we came to the conclusion that the Ethernet card was faulty.

    The gentleman said he would order a new ethernet card and motherboard :O , i asked if the ethernet was part of the motherboard or a card that connects to the motherboard as i find it hidious to also want to replace the motherboard, from a background of building and repairing computers i found this quite alarming to be honest. Plus i find it hidious that i phoned up about wireless card yet instead of also ordering a replacement wireless card he only ordered a ethernet card and motherboard which was not related to my phone call but obviously the ethernet card still needed replacing.

    Anyway engineer came next day and replaced the entire motherboard and ethernet card. When the work was done the engineer turned laptop on and to my shock the ethernet card was still not detecting the ethernet cable and router. The engineer suggested to do a full system restore with the Dell Data Recovery Discs that i created when i received laptop. I did this and again still was not detecting.

    I decided to to a full clean install with the Dell Windows 7 Resource DVD that i purchased with laptop and installed all latest drivers in order that Dell recommends. Again still same problem, on top of this my wireless card is still no better.

    Then i also noticed that a popup kept coming up saying Widi Adapator cannot be found then it was saying it can be found (something along those lines) basically it goes in a loop.

    I then contacted Dell Technical Support back not being very happy because not only my problems are not solved but after having the motherboard and ethernet card replaced the widi now also appears to be faulty.

    I asked Dell can i have a replacement laptop as i find it shocking a laptop of such high spec and price only after 8 weeks has had a new motherboard (majour component) and ethernet card replaced and now the widi is faulty. Dell basically refused and said i cannot have a replacement.

    After several phone calls, many lies from Dell, and a awful customer service experience and customer relations and there legal team they suggest that i now have the Motherboard (second one), Ethernet Card (second one), Wireless Card and The LCD (where the widi is) all be replaced.

    As you could imagine i was fuming, a laptop only 8 weeks old is having basically majority of the components replaced. This concernes me as i am concerned i am going to get further problems or after warrranty it will become faulty as thing usually do.

    Dell is still refusing to replace it and they basically are telling me to either have all the above replaced or have a refund. I told them i dont want a refund as at the time i had free memory upgrade, free hdd upgrade and saved about £500 with discounts to so to have a refund and buy a new one it would cost me allot more to get the same spec laptop again and i cannot afford to do that plus if i went elsewhere i cannot get same/equivalent spec for same price i paid for the Dell, yet i find it confusing that they offer a refund which is a loss for them but refuse to replace the laptop and keep the money.

    I did explain all this to Dell but basically knowing my situation as just stated above it was more like well your gonna have to get it repaired then almost feeling pressured into a repair with them knowing it will cost me several hundred pound more to get a refund and buy the same laptop again.

    I am now having an engineer coming out Tuesday (yes i have next day business support) but as it weekend and they said they cant order parts and engineer when i phoned late friday night (13/01/2012) it will be Tuesday.

    They said if the problem persists when the engineer calls Tuesday they promised to replace it, i have kept a log of dates and times and persons i spoke to to verify this, plus it was the Technical Support Manager who made this promise.

    Thing is i really don't want it being repaired and having majority of the components replaced, i just want a replacement laptop as am concerned this laptop is just going to cause more problems down the line.

    I am from the UK, can anyone tell me if i can force dell to replace it ? what are my rights ? i told dell that "Under The Sales of Goods Act 1979 as Amended that the laptop is "not fit for purpose" and "not of satisfactory quality" yet there Legal Team (customer relations) basically kept trying to fob me off and basically anything i said was wrong or incorrect yet they was rite. The Customer Relations person who say they are also the Legal Team also said to me that the contract between the buyer (me) and Dell (the seller) and policies state that if Dell cannot fix the problem then they will replace the laptop, i explained that Dell did not fix the problem because after having a majour component (motherboard) being replaced and ethernet card that the same problems persisted including wireless and now the widi is also malfunctioning, so in my eyes they have failed to rectify the problem yet am being told i cannot have it replaced.

    I did pay by credit card to so i know i could go to credit card company but i would much prefer if Dell just done the honest and best thing and replace the laptop for me.

    So my questions are:

    * Can i force Dell to replace the laptop ?

    * What are my rights ? (from uk)

    * Does anyone know how to solve the wireless card issue ? as it seems many people has had them replaced but never fixes the problem, i also installed the latest driver and checked settings on wireless card and router to no success.

    * I have sent emails to complaints etc aswell online but am not satisified with Dell and the attitude and the way the staff speak to some of their customers (me being one of them) is appualing and unacceptable. I am in shock to be honest how they have treated me and spoke to me on the phone yet the wonder why i raise my voice back at them, whats worse when i am speaking they constantly interrupt me yet when they speak they have the cheek to tell me to be quiet and to listen to them (and worse still this is from there customer relations, legal team who told me they are the highest i can go with my complaint) yet they still won't replace the laptop and fobs me off with how they are right and i am wrong :err:

    I'm very angry, upset and cannot use the laptop to it's full potential. As a Web Developer and previously someone whoc built/repaired computers i need a laptop that works. Currenty i cannot and its causing me allot of stress.

    First time i bought a Dell and certinaly won't be buying another product from them.

    Thank you,

  2. Redtulips7

    Redtulips7 Notebook Consultant

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    Dell is notorious when come down to replace Laptop thats why they were giving you an option for refund but not a replacement..ask for to speak to Supervisor to resolve this issue and if it does not resolve report to BBB(USA) and Trading Standard institute(UK)then call your credit card company to dispute the charge..........
  3. mat24

    mat24 Newbie

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    Yeah give me a refund and hope i would rebuy the same laptop which would cost around £500 more than what i paid due to fact dell had a sale on before christmas plus i had discount code, a bit fishy if you ask me, if i was a company i would rather replace the laptop than to refund it.

    Thanks i will take a look at those links.

    Also this is the problem, i spoke to a Manager, Supervisor and even their Legal Team as they like to call it yet they are there Customer Relations Team basically they told me, they also said there Customer Relations Teams is the highest i can go with my complaint and as they won't replace the laptop i basically have to have it repaired or get a refund but then if i get a refund i know i won't be able to get the same spec laptop elsewhere as i saved around £500.

    I HATE DELL! :mad: :( :cry:

    Thanks for replying, much appreciate your time :)

    PS That second link for the Better Business Bureau is for businesses, although i got next day business support that was included by standard and first page of complaint page mentions business so it seems you have to be a business person and i am not, also im UK it seems for USA i think.
  4. alinad

    alinad Notebook Consultant

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    Xps now very bad. temperature very very high. i test toshiba even I play hard game, only 75C-80C. but same test with xps, 85-90C. fans very noise too.

    Same build on china, I don't known why build quality too bad. not buy dell again.