I love dark themes, but with custom themes I always worry they sneaked in some kind of code. There isnt a good set of checkup for things in the Chrome store.
Speaking of themes, I really like the aesthetic of the new HWBOT. Looks very nice, even though it's not dark. Very tasteful colors and not the "Modern UI" look that is so damned tacky. https://hwbot.org/user/mr._fox/ -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I guess there is no way to get rid of the new rounded corners in Chrome 72? I can't find anything when I search for UI Layout for the browser's top chrome
Spartan@HIDevolution and Papusan like this.
Ashtrix likes this. -
I understand some prefer something else, and all of it is individual user preference and subjective.Papusan likes this. -
I strongly urge people to use Firefox Quantum, I've already mentioned how the Flags settings will be abandoned sooner or later, hardly a surprise but it was very quick.
A Chrome user here, since it's launch. Moved away after seeing this article long back. And seriously FF Quantum is very good. I use it always and It never lets me down. I mentioned this issue of searching bookmarks like Chrome, I found a solution to that - Fuzzy searching extension. Boom you get your bookmark search engine it's not that fast as it's not inbuilt but it works fantastically well and does the job very good (You'll faint if you see the number of bookmarks I have, More than 3 digits, severely underplayed the number btw)
One dark pattern that I noticed is the screenshot inbuilt tool, has a stupid cloud button for save but it's fixed as of new releases, I didn't get the fix so I applied it myself.
For extensions, Google's wrath is coming in this phase, block the powerful uBlock Origin (Gorhill is the dev) As I again mentioned (Extensions were the next), Google's intentions are right in-front they are emulating Apple, part of this reason is due to the Privacy measure, Where Apple's PR is leading but with a sheep herd and wolf in a sheep's clothing they are openly fleecing. Second reason being dumb people more cash and more services and walled garden BS. If people are worried about Privacy yet use the IoT devices/home automation from retail channels and that Amazon data miner AI Alexa and "smart stuff" instead of self building it's hypocrisy plus lack of knowledge.
These are my recommended extensions for FF Quantum, all are very powerful, thank me later.
Stylus extension works great with themes, Do not use Userstyles extension just use the themes from them ( Dark Google, Dark Wikipedia)
A Session manager - works fantastic and tons of features.
Translate this, alternative for Google one. Unfortunately S3Translator was great looks like the dev did a shady job sadly..
For the download progress bar like Chrome, this extension for displaying a status bar on bottom of the browser does the job extremely well.
Tools for modifying new tab - replace the stock one with this super customizable one (I use this), or use Tabboo
Search your selections, very robust.
Privacy badger if you never heard of it, install it ASAP. And fix the stupid streaming crap IP leaker WebRTC with this extension (this is existent on all browsers) oh and the "uBlock Origin", it has a history so dont use the ublock just and AdBlocker is already in bed with ad market. So it's a must, oh and don't use or bother Ghostery at all. And Facebook container is a featured extension as well.
Other noteworthy mentions - RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite), No coin, Treestyle of bookmarks is great as it's expendable with other extensions.. Violetmonkey does the script job very very well (Very powerful if you realize it's potential, I use a couple of them) and there are a lot more I use, the Firefox Quantum browser is like a little sandbox OS to me, super powerful very reliable, fast and looks amazing and puts everything that you need instead of masking like that Chrome less is more stupidity.
People must not use Chrome now, especially after their BS push of showing less information and that ugly UI and the imbecile statement from MicroSHAFT CEO of using Chromium (Yuck), heck even Edge is much better, forget the utilitarian FireFox.Last edited: Feb 7, 2019 -
Ashtrix likes this.
Also forgot to add, this hover to zoom extension works with videos too, very neat for zooming images instead of clicking them every time.Mr. Fox likes this. -
Last edited: Feb 7, 2019Ashtrix likes this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
2) Clear your c00k!3$
3) visit every bookmark/site you have so that when Chrome logs j00 in automatically using your saved credentials, LastPass will prompt you to add that password to your LastPass
4) Once you have done all this, install Firefox or whatever browser you want and upon the first startup, choose to import your bookmarks from Chrome when it prompts j00
5) Install LastPass in your new browser and login with your LastPass credentials
6) Mission Complete
Optional: Create a Firefox account to have all your bookmarks synced along with your add-onsAshtrix likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Mr. Fox likes this. -
Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
Ashtrix likes this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
that's why I stick to Fr00gl3 for life! the seamless integration!Mr. Fox likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
1) Firefox is full of bloat, you'd have to do at least 10 tweaks in the about:config to get it usable and a lot of UI customizations. Heck, even getting the bookmarks icon on the top right is a feat by itself.
2) I open a lot of tabs at once as part of my daily routine to check for software/driver updates. In Chrome I've never had an issue but if I load all the tabs at once in Firefox, the browser crashes. This has been this way since God knows when and they didn't fix it the last time I checked with Firefox v60. Yes I was using the 64-Bit version of Firefox and you know I have 64GB of RAM so there you have it.Last edited: Feb 7, 2019Mr. Fox likes this. -
Yeah, I hate Google. Who doesn't? I'd love to not have Google anything. But, I have, as you say, come running back to Chrome more than once because I hate the alternatives so much more. As they say, " Life sucks, and then you're dead."Last edited: Feb 7, 2019Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Even though I think the new UI blows, that feature set is extremely compelling and I won't switch unless I can find something else with the identical features that doesn't require two days worth of labor to migrate manually. That's actually more of a pain in the ass than doing a clean OS install of Windows, LOL.
What is the difference between Froogle and Google? I've never bothered checking.
I'll say it once more: I hate Google. But, I'm not into the extra effort all of the alternatives require... just not worth the hassle for something that should be brainless and effortless to use. Chrome is the only thing that delivers effortless use that I have found. But, yeah... Google sucks. I despise everything they stand for as a corporate entity from a philosophical standpoint as well. Their socioeconomic, core values and political world views also suck. (I will stop with that to not break any forum rules about political and religious discussion, LOL.)Last edited: Feb 7, 2019Papusan and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Google Shopping, formerly Google Product Search, Google Products and Froogle, is a Google service invented by Craig Nevill-Manning which allows users to search for products on online shopping websites and compare prices between different vendors. Wikipedia -
I thought maybe it was a browser I had not seen yet.
Edit: Now that you mention it, I do remember that. (Referring to your spoiler.) Now that's definitely a blast from the past.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
OK, curiosity always makes me look at what people are talking about. The possibility of having something better is always compelling. With all the right intentions and appropriate passion, Brother @Ashtrix reeled me like a fish chasing a shiny lure, LOL. +5 Rep for that, bro.
I watched this video and don't care for how it looks. I would have a difficult time adjusting to it on that basis alone. I has some pretty compelling features, for sure. I am probably part of the problem rather than part of the solution, just like turdbook lovers that spend money on garbage. But, I don't think I am going to pursue it. If Chrome had a skin/theme that made it look like that I would not use it. When it comes to an OS and a software UI of any kind, aesthetics are almost as important as features and functionality to me. I know beauty is in the eye of the behold, and that is just not beautiful to me. It reminds me of Windows 10 too much and that is not a good thing since I do not like much about Windows 10. Although I do not use it because of its overall inferiority, I still like how IE looks better than any of them (after the stupid smiley and Edge icons are removed with WinAero Tweaker).
Last edited: Feb 8, 2019Ashtrix likes this. -
Mr. Fox likes this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Google publishes official Chrome themes collection Ghacks.net | feb 12, 2019
Google published a new themes collection for the company's Google Chrome web browser recently that come directly from the Chrome team.
Primes likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I dont think I've even seen this new "look". I installed Chrome, then forcibly disabled all the auto updating services.
Spartan@HIDevolution, Mr. Fox and Vasudev like this. -
More Stupidity from Google team. Rounded look wasn't enough.
Google removes options to always show www in the Chrome browser's address bar
by Martin Brinkmann on December 13, 2019 in Google Chrome - 50 comments
Google Chrome users who visit the sites www.example.com and example.com will only see example.com listed in the browser's address bar going forward. Google implemented a change in Chrome 76 earlier this year.
Closing Words
I dislike any attempt to "dumb down" a browser especially if there is no reason for doing so or at least an option for advanced users to restore functionality that I consider essential.
Make Your Own Google Chrome Extension to Show WWW Again
If you are frustrated that Google Chrome no longer shows the WWW subdomain or http and https in the address bar, you can easily create your own Chrome extension that enables them again.Vasudev likes this. -
But I have absolutely no idea on how to create a Chrome extension. Did you mean to download an extension?
Mr. Fox likes this. -
Anyone notice and get torqued by the totally idiotic new URL shortening crap? I'm getting really fed up with being totally surrounded by incompetent, [insert your favorite derogatory insult or hateful slur] that are self-anointed with power to make super-stupid decisions on my behalf. Their unbridled idiocy makes me want to do things to them that I would deserve to go to prison for. Thankfully, I am confident in my knowledge that they're simply unworthy of the calories it would require to exact the caliber of vengeance they deserve.
Anyhoo... take out the trash with these steps...
- Type this into your browser address bar: chrome://flags and press enter
- Find: omnibox-ui-sometimes-elide-to-registrable-domain and omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-path-query-and-ref-on-interaction
- Set both to Disabled
- Click the Relaunch button
- Stop being mad about how stupid these people are. They simply make the rest of us look smarter than we deserve to look.
@Spartan@HIDevolutionLast edited: Aug 14, 2020 -
Edit. https://www.zdnet.com/article/googles-chrome-will-give-you-an-always-show-full-url-setting/Last edited: Aug 14, 2020 -
I don't know how long they've had this in place, but I made the mistake of allowing my browser to update itself. I accidentally re-enabled the services. I was instantly enraged by this idiotic change.
Last edited: Aug 14, 2020 -
At least they tried do it correct this time. But for how long will it last?
Edit. With the flag Experiments solution I think you have to re-enable tweaked settings after every Chrome updates. But not if its added in the context menu.Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2020 -
If they make it too hard I will just say to hell with them and take matters into my own hands. I have a very old Chrome setup file from like 2017. I may reinstall that again and delete the Chrome update service using a command line so I never have to be bothered again by their idiocy. -
In about:config, type browser.urlbar.trimURLs and set it to False.Papusan likes this. -
More unpleasant changes from Google... Chrome 88 will prevent Ad blockers from working, but Vivaldi and Brave will resist
http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-internet-browser-2020-2021.832782/page-5#post-11047866etern4l, Starlight5, Mr. Fox and 1 other person like this. -
Google: trimming URL to domain in Chrome is an unsuccessful experiment winaero.com
Google says the idea of hiding URL portions and query parameters in the Chrome address bar was a bad idea. The company removed the code for this feature from the Chrome code base. As you maybe remember, last year, Google experimented with the URL format displayed in Chrome, with the result that only part of the domain was visible, and the full URL was only visible after clicking on the address barSpartan@HIDevolution and Vasudev like this. -
Nice to see good features remaining/brought back.Spartan@HIDevolution and Papusan like this. -
Google Chrome is getting menus with rounded corners to match the style of Windows 11 neowin · 15 hours ago
A recent commit to the Chromium Gerrit indicates that work is underway to implement menus with rounded corners in Google Chrome to match the design language of Windows 11. The code is not yet final.Vasudev, Spartan@HIDevolution, KING19 and 1 other person like this. -
Monkey see, monkey do. If it is tacky enough for Micro$lop then, by golly, it's tacky enough for Google. -
Last edited: Oct 11, 2021
Chrome's stupid new rounded look - You mean it's pretty? Or you mean it's Ugly?
Discussion in 'Chrome OS and Software' started by Papusan, Sep 9, 2018.