I tried to download skype and other programs on my chromebook. Most of the time, it doesn't even download. But if it does download and its completely, i go open the program and there is always an error. So far i have not been able to download anything from google play store.
Can someone tell me how to fix this issue?
Also some programs i try to download are like 50mb only. It keeps showing downloading when something like that should be downloaded in minutes.
I got this chromebook a while back. Even back then when i try to download from app store, i don't think i was able to download anything. -
Okay so a while back when i first got the chromebook, i did recall being able to download a few apps from the google play store. But after since then, i might have downloaded one app after that... reason is because it doesn't work. It keeps sending downloading pending... nothing loads. But a few times it might download it... and show downloaded. But when i open program, there is error. Example i can't even download skype for example. Tried skype lite that doesn't work. Nothing works at all.
How do i fix this issue? I did clear cache in the google play store apps. that did nothing at all. Do i need to powerwash my chromebook? I do not want to do this though. But i cannot download anything from it. -
The first step is waiting for a response. rebumping your own thread isnt going to do that.
I would suggest a powerwash. just backup anything in your downloads folder, and check your chromebook sync options in the settings beforehand.
Hi there. Well powerwash in the last thing i want to do now.
I do have lot of files backed up to an external hard drive that i use specifically with the chromebook.
I tried to download skype and few other programs... it shows downloading but never downloads. These programs like like 50mb and under and should be downloaded within seconds... -
Have you already tried this? https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7513003?hl=en
If the above process doesn’t fix your issue, try repeating it for Google Play services, Google Services Framework, and Download Manager. Note that you’ll need to tap the three-dot Menu button at the top-right of the All apps screen and toggle Show system to see the latter two entries.Vasudev likes this. -
Starlight5 Yes, I'm a cat. What else is there to say, really?
What is yalp? I did the clear data a while back....
Starlight5 Yes, I'm a cat. What else is there to say, really?
@Drew1 it is an alternative Google PlayStore client. It is perfectly safe to use.
Is this where i download it?
I never heard of yalp so this is new to me. -
Starlight5 Yes, I'm a cat. What else is there to say, really?
@Drew1 download it from
This is strange. I can download apps like skype etc from the play store with no issue now... I couldn't do this for a very long time.Starlight5 likes this.
Can't Download Apps From Google Play?
Discussion in 'Chrome OS and Software' started by Drew1, Jun 29, 2019.