Anyone have one? Like it? Hate it? How is the screen? How does the Core M3 handle Android apps? How is battery life?
I like the idea of a ChromeOS convertible that can also run Android apps, and professional reviews suggest that this device delivers respectable-feeling hardware while still staying under the $500 price point.
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
Don't have any experience with it myself, but here's a review from someone I implicitly trust:
Mitlov likes this. -
Miltov, have a look at the Chromebook plus from Sammy. I like it better because it has a larger screen ( am getting old so that helps), plus it also has pen support which is way cool! I have had issues with EVERY Asus product I owned...from my vivotabs, to motherboards and everything in between. I would not recommend their devices to anyone.
Mitlov likes this. -
I'm torn between the two. Brand reputation is a wash for me, because while my current phone is great, in the post year I was hit by the Note 7 recall, the S7 Edge pink line screen failure, the Samsung washer lid recall, and then a total failure of the same relatively-new washer (on a weekend when my eight year old had the flu and was projectile vomiting).
Between the two, the main draw for me of the Samsung is the screen, which is awesome. But the Asus offers better battery life, a backlit keyboard, better speaker placement, and more onboard storage.
I'm not sure what to think about the processor. The Core M3 will offer better performance in Chrome, but would the Rockchip provide better Android app compatibility because it's ARM? -
The Asus will be the better choice for future proofing. The ARM processor will fall behind.
Mitlov likes this. -
Besides the android slowdown I have never had an issue with Samsung products. But a reinstall of the OS fixed that anyways. I still love the pen support and larger screen of the Samsung. After you spend a couple of hrs changing caps on motherboards, purchasing asus products loses it's shine. And the touchscreen issues on both of my vivotabs sealed the deal.
Found a Samsung Chromebook Plus at a local store. Keyboard preferences are VERY subjective, but its keyboard didn't agree with me at all, and that's a big deal for me as I will sometimes use this for note-taking (and I type quickly and for hours on end). I'm going to see if I can find an Asus Flip C302 locally too to see how that keyboard feels to my fingers.
I have a family member that might be getting a C302. I'll let you know my impressions.
Mitlov likes this. -
That would be helpful; on paper it's what i want, but there's not a retail store in southern Oregon who sells it, so I'd have to do the Amazon thing.
(bonus - its the m5 version! , and the m3 version is on sale for $429 !!) -
Ok so I finally got to check out the C302 today.
It's very nice, in fact if this model had been around when I bought my Dell 13, I would of probably got the Asus. The body is quality aluminum with nice rounded corners and a beveled out area to lift up the screen from closed. The whole thing has a very "macbook" feel. The backlit keyboard is very good and the keys normal sized. Key travel felt really good and sort of soft. It felt good to type on. imo they could of added maybe 0.5mm more key travel to make it absolutely perfect. The trackpad was good. It's not glass, but felt more like satin finish. Both lower corners of the track pad click, but they are both left clicks. To right click you have to do a 2-finger tap, which is normal. The physical size would make this great for a student or travel. Dual USB type-c, one on each side is nice so you can get the power cord out of the way. You don't get any normal USB-a slots though, so to use a flash drive you would need an adapter. There is a power and volume up/down buttons on the left side, so you can operate it in tablet mode. The top right key which is usually a power button on a chromebook, is a keylock toggle on the C302. I'm not sure the exact use of this since when you go into tablet mode the main keyboard becomes inactive. When folding into tablet mode the base and screen seem to snap together. It feels like it probably uses magnets. Everything ran smooth, no lag, but I expected this since it had the m5 CPU. The screen seemed reasonably bright, but I didn't get to use it outside. I only tried one android app, a news app from the local tv station. It opened up "phone sized" on the screen. Maximizing it only made it slightly bigger with full screen 3" black bars on each side. While using it, it eventually crashed. I'll try some more apps on it next time, but just like all chromebooks with android - it's a work in progress and a lot of times your going to feel like a test user. -
Thanks for the initial impressions! Sounds like really good hardware for people who are going to use it for 95% Chrome, 5% Android apps.
I was looking for something like a 50/50 split, and it sounds like ChromeOS just isn't that refined yet with Android apps and the related features. I think it shows promise for the future, but I don't want to be a beta tester right now. -
I’m going to look at the pixel book today. Might be coming out with one
Used the pixelbook for about 15 min today, Don't like Chrome OS like I thought I would. I will spend the extra and get a new xps 13 2 in 1, or surface book 2 13. I do like the dell....I have used that one for about 1 hr one day, using it in all formats and it screamed along nicely. -
kojack likes this.
Yep. They are awesome. I have used a bunch of them of various types since the beginning of the xps series. I have many of them, starting with the first dell xps tower they released! I have used most everyone since then, besides just a couple of them, and EVERYONE performed and held up great.
This one started it all!!!
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
NO poor performance from the xps are have never even owned one. how can you make an informed decision....I am using your logic you fired at me talking about please.
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
I think Don has his settings to search XPS automatically so he can start his personal vendetta against them every day. Everytime someone in Notebook review, among other forms types XPS....his computer automatically sends notifications!
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
So one person's experience outweighs the educated findings of respected industry experts and many users complaining? Why?
Here, other users are complaining that throttling makes their XPS next to useless when power is needed: -
The build quality is great. I'm not at all embarrassed to show people my new Chromebook. The keyboard is outstanding. The Samsung Pro keyboard was the major reason I got ride of it. Everything I've run on this Chromebook has run fine but I would never had ten apps open at the same time.
For me, the display is the weak spot.
I'm keeping this one. I like the idea of the Chrome OS and it's changing so quickly it's fun to use. I'm waiting for Google Assistant now.
Asus Flip C302 owners?
Discussion in 'Chrome OS and Software' started by Mitlov, Oct 25, 2017.