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    Some W3J questions

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by Tom0111, Jun 24, 2006.

  1. Tom0111

    Tom0111 Newbie

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    I’ve got some question on the W3J. This looks like a really nice machine, but it’s a tough call when you can’t test run these things in person.

    Screen Reflectivity
    How “reflective” is the screen really? From what I’ve read it not all that bad, but I still wanted to get some opinions. For example, I’ve read that MSI is not as reflective as some manufacturers due to some type of additional anti-reflective material in their gloss coat screens. Would the same hold true for the Asus “Crystal” technology. Basically, I don’t want to look at myself in the mirror every time I use my computer.

    Old Games
    This may sound absurd to some as an obvious “yes” or “no” but I just don’t know the answer. I have many old games that simply don’t support native “W” resolutions, but noticed that the WXGA format is nothing more than the ubiquitous XGA 10*7 with some extra room on the sides. Are older games that only support XGA stretched, gruesomely, to accommodate the WXGA mode or is there a standard XGA option available?

    The X1600
    I’ve done a lot of reading a lot but I’m still not sure about the real world horsepower of this card. I was at least a little disappointed to read the scores of Doom 3 on the mobile X1600. It’s my understanding that a playable game is something beyond 30 FPS (though I’m not sure). Based on this review at least, it looks like the x1600 can’t properly handle a 2+ year old game; at least not with the eye-candy turned on.

    So what are your thoughts? Do you find your W3J struggling to keep up already or is everything running well?

    The irony is I didn’t like Doom 3 and I’ve never played FEAR, but I’d at least like the option to play either or other comparatively graphics intense titles. I’m not a hard-core gamer, but I still don’t want a gimped computer from day one. I’d like at least a year till obsolescence :) .
  2. SRD

    SRD Notebook Virtuoso

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    Ok ill be quick. THe screen is very reflective. Im sure it has some coating but this screen can be like a mirror.
    Some games can be streched some dont have an option. either way they look great dont worry.

    and last the x1600 can play pretty much any new game on high settings with perfect playability dont worry. Doom3 or quake 4 is not an issue with this card. my x700 in my w2v handled quake 4 on high settings and this card is about twice as powerful. and quake 4 is more demanding than doom3.
  3. MysticGolem

    MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    Ok, i'm gonna gear this more towards gaming.

    My desktop has a Geforce 4 ti 4200 128mb, its about 3-4 generations behind.

    I played Doom 3, was playable, i turned everything down the the lowest possible, but that game was boring.

    On the other hand, FEAR was amazing, i played it, finished it, and unfortunately online play was boring. At times yes the game stuttered but it doesn't matter.

    The X1600 is really powerfull, i'm trying to get the X1600 256mb AGP for my desktop in the near future.

    The X1600 will be able to play games of the future, you may slowly havta drop settings as you go along.

    All current games on the X1600 can be played at Max res of the W3J with med to high settings.

    Now some olrder games do support WXGA res, but other than that some games may Stretch, some will have black bars.

    I believe there's a way to control it but im not sure, so for example if a game gets stretched and you don't like it, you should be some how able to tell the game not to stretch, thus you'll have 2 vertical black bars on the sides.

    Or if you have a game that has black bars, then you will want to see what it looks like stretched, then you can turn it on.

    Also, here's prolly your biggest help for Games + Widecreen.

    Every game, that you may possibly want :D

    Hope this helps.


  4. kawasakiguy37

    kawasakiguy37 Notebook Consultant

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    Widescreengamingforum is a great place, I love it. Used that place a lot, I run a 2005 FPW on my desktop

    As for the x1600, its pretty fast. Keep in mind that the resolution on the w3j native isnt that high (1280), so games like HL2 will be pretty smooth. You might have a little more slowdown with FEAR and Oblivion, but they will certainly be playable at medium / high settings and still look awesome.
  5. Tom0111

    Tom0111 Newbie

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    Thanks guys,

    Some interesting stuff; for me, the reflecive screen obsession that ODMs seem to have is really to bad; I have to give credit to Apple for offering consumers a choice. I personally am just not a fan of mirror coatings. That said, the MSI 1039 with the matte WSXGA+ may be a better call for someone like me (though I like the size and looks of the W3J better - plus I like the lower screen res - believe it or not - of the W3J - as it would lend itself to less interpolation).

    Interesting comments on the x1600; glad to here the positive comments. Frankly, I didn't think a GeForce 4 class gpu could do the job with Doom and, yes, I agree, it was boring (I played it on the Xbox myself).

    I'll definitely need to check out the widescreen forum; who knew their would be such a thing :)

    Hope to here more comments/suggestions.

  6. Mikeoo17

    Mikeoo17 Notebook Deity

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    Glossy is the only way to go... you wont even notice it.

    Those benchmarks are for the A7J which only has 128DDR3. The W3J has 256DDR3 with hypermemory (Not to mention better overall pc specs which alone would score huge improvements)

    2 years old or not, Doom3 is one of the most graphically draining games on the market. Why do you think they use it for testing nearly every graphic card?
  7. MysticGolem

    MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer

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    ^ mikeoo17 has several good points there.

    North Americans do like Glossy, this is the majority, and yes right now they are pretty much really reflective. There will be technology like the Benq Joybook S73 that would help reduce this.

    It is only a matter of time when glossy screens provide its bonuses with a lot less reflections.


  8. kierkegaard

    kierkegaard Notebook Evangelist

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    Just to give you a couple more examples. You can run half life 2 and CS:S at max res with all settings maxed out and easily maintain 30 fps. If you OC you can get around 60. However, with a lot of stuff maxed out on Oblivion at 1024x768 res I have a hard time of maintaining 30. And yes, 30 is the way to go, anything in the 20's I personally consider playable but I will knock settings down/off to reach or maintain 30 before I let them take it below that.
  9. Donald@Paladin44

    Donald@Paladin44 Retired

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    You might want to consider the Built on ASUS Z96J that has a 15.4 WSXGA+ Matte screen ( PowerPro A 2:24). There are other threads in this forum disucussing it and many people are patiently waiting for its release.

    The wait is almost over as we expect to see it start shipping in another 2, or maybe 3 weeks.

    Then there is the Built on ASUS 62J and the Compal HGL30 that are both 14" widescreens that are about to be released as well. So if you are not in a hurry, you will have some additional choices come July.
  10. kierkegaard

    kierkegaard Notebook Evangelist

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    Wow, its getting hard keeping up with all the names and new products. There is another Asus 14" coming out? No wonder people stop posting on the boards after they get their laptops. I still come back mostly for the community and to contribute in a place where so many others helped me/waited through delays. It's impossible to keep up with this stuff. I feel obsolete, like chopped liver, when one month ago I was in my the prime of my laptop knowledge.
  11. Donald@Paladin44

    Donald@Paladin44 Retired

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    It can drive you crazy...

    Unless you are constantly keeping up with the new models and technology your information can get stale real fast in the laptop world :)
  12. Tom0111

    Tom0111 Newbie

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    Good points about the 256mb version of the x1600 and Doom3.

    The Joybook S73 seems to be right on the money; let me go buy one...searches....wait...wait...NOT in the U.S.!!! **** you Benq, **** you....!!!

    Seriously, I'm surprised everyone doesn't put an AR coating on their glossy screens. Glossy's an okay concept, but, I hate to say it, I think its intended to razzle-dazzle consumers in the stores. I mean it DOES look all shiny and pretty on first glance. Then again, in the same stores, on the same screens, I can see myelf, everyone behind me, all the furniture and the pretty flourescent overhead lights...I'd definitely by one if I were a secret agent or a mafioso guy (this way I can see everyone coming :) ).

  13. SRD

    SRD Notebook Virtuoso

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    I prefer glossys screens. The colors are always better. And honestly the glare rarely ever bothers me. even with flourescent lights. As for the AR coating o the screens there must be a reason more companys dont use it. Like maybe the benifit of brighters colors goes down when you do it.
  14. GobyWan

    GobyWan Notebook Enthusiast

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    I've never had a problem with glossy, myself - I used to think it was terrible, because I'd see reflections of fluorescent lights on people's screens in class, but then I used a couple and realized that the glare is minimal when you're facing it head-on. I also use a CRT monitor at home without problems, so I'm used to the shiny surface.