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    LVDS pinout F3Sv / F3Sg

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by Scorpei, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. Scorpei

    Scorpei Newbie

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    Dear all,

    OP - Dutch
    Recently I have come across an F3Sv motherboard. After installing an additional fan and heatsink for the chipset I decided to hook it up and make it my server. Now I also have an LCD panel from an Acer 5100 (AUO BE154EW02), which is nearly identical to the LCD panel inside my F3Sg. It thus also works perfectly fine when connected to my F3Sg.

    Now in order to hook up the screen to the F3Sv I need the pinout. I've been searching for ages and making educated guesses however none have paid of so far. There is the off chance that the board is defective when it comes to LVDS (the original owner described a system boot failure where everything worked like normal, just no image appeared on screen, it was deep black without backlight; which I personally thought more likely to be dead ccfl's for example).

    Now in order to find out the pin out I've done a few things:
    -Find out what panel is used in the F3Sv (an LG LP154WX4 I believe from memory): single channel LVDS same pinout as the F3Sg uses
    -Thrown a current and voltage measurement tool against it to find out which lines are paired and which are ground or 3.3V (rows are paired)
    - Looked at the connector and the cable online: only one side of the cable is fully used, the other only has 4 connections
    -Measured the correct pinout in my F3Sg
    -Connected the cable from my F3Sg to the F3Sv (didn't work)

    Sadly I found, Asus somehow decided *not* to keep the pinout of the system the same across the Asus F3 series as my F3Sg has a significantly different pinout as the F3Sv board. The F3Sg's pinout is as follows (measured, known correct):
    Rin0-, Rin0+, ground, Rin1-,Rin1+,ground, Rin2-,Rin2+, ground, LVDS clock -, LVDS clock+,ground, EDID clock, EDID data, 3.3V power
    n/c,n/c,n/c, ground === ground, 3.3Vedid, n/c, 3.3V power
    Whereas (my only known correct pins are ground and 3.3V: lines all other lines are guessed) the F3Sv has:
    Rin0-, Rin0+, ground, Rin1-,Rin1+,ground, Rin2-,Rin2+, ground, LVDS clock -, LVDS clock+,ground, 3.3V power, 3.3V power, N/C
    (n/c,n/c,, ground)^4,3.3V edid, edid clock, edid data
    However the F3Sv pinout I have here is incorrect (aside from ground and 3.3V and the fact that only 4 pins are used in the lower row). It was an extrapolation knowing the pinout from the F3Sg and assuming Asus was thinking logically when making this connecter.

    So my question is: Does anyone have any idea on how this pinout should be? Maybe someone could take up a multimeter for me and save me 20 euro's (buying an LVDS cable (I have one, just not one that has the correct pinout)) and measure the pinout for me.

    Thanks in advance!
    Simon van de Berg - (Nintendo & Sony) Homebrew Webpage