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    G50v(t) Keyboard lag?

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by Bryanu, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. Bryanu

    Bryanu Notebook Deity

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    I know we have a number of topics about this but most if not all of them go into other issues as well, like keyboard combos ect.

    Anyway I know some users also got this corrected with a bios update.

    My question is how many are on Bios 209 with latest ATK drivers and still have this keyboard lag problem?

    I for one am one of them, Asus tells me they fixed the issue, but I dont believe them. They may have fixed the freeze issue some people have but I for one only had the keyboard lag issues.

    I have G50vt-a2, bios 209 & Touchpad drivers 11.2.15 which act the same as the asus ones. So we know its not the drivers.

    If I uninstall the drivers the problem goes away and if I disable in bios problem goes away.

    So it is almost as if the drivers enable or talk to some feature that is buggy or the firmware for the touchpad is buggy.

    I have another g50vt that does not have this issue.

    Asus now tells me to send in the notebook but I dont want to send it in to get back unfixed or with some other damage.

    I have done all possible fixes and none resolve it. Reg mod, diffrent drivers, process priority ect... Most of them only seem to deal with those that had a brief lockup, but again I dont have that, just keyboard lag.

    So what do we think?

    I rather try to fix this myself than have to mail it across the country for a few weeks and risk new damage or them saying they cant reproduce the problem and them format my laptop again... If its a peice of hardware what do we think it could be? I could probably con them into letting me swap the part myself depending what it is.
  2. Lord Haart

    Lord Haart Notebook Guru

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    Try a less new version of the drivers maybe?
  3. TriAce99

    TriAce99 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yeah, I had the same problem ever since I had the G50 and Even with new Bios update and drivers, the problem still exists. Unfortunately, I have no suggestions that would work and am in the same boat as you. Hopefully, someone will come up with a fix soon though because this is very irritating. :(
  4. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    I seem to remember someone saying that uninstalling the atk hotkey drivers and then reinstalling the newest ones got rid of their lag. It's worth a shot if you haven't tried completely uninstalling, rebooting, and then reinstalling the latest atk hotkey.

    There are other reasons your keyboard can lag, some of them are CPU related. Open performance monitor and watch your usage in the background until you get lag. If the CPU is spiking around where your lag is, check out your process list sorted by cpu usage and find the culprit. If no CPU spike can be seen there may be a lower level problem with something stealing interrupts (try unplugging all accessories) or a faulty keyboard/motherboard in the worst case scenario. If you use power saving modes it will become even more noticeable if it is CPU related -- in that case try running on super performance mode in power4gear.
  5. Bryanu

    Bryanu Notebook Deity

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    This notebook has had system restore done 2 times, been clean format 4 times and I even cloned a working g50vt to it and it does the results.

    So drivers dont seem to help, unless I just remove the darn touchpad ones, than it works, haha.

    Anyway I think something hardware is not right. How can I have 2 identical notebooks and one work and one dont, even if I use the exact same drive in either...

    I am starting to wonder if the bad ones just have a part from another vendor of asus that had a bad batch or something.

    If this can be fixed via bios, software or reg tweak than that still means something hardware/firmware must be diffrent.

    I just wonder what hardware part it could be. Touchpad unit, or MB... or anything else maybe causing interf. with it. Who knows.

    I have been fighting asus support for a bit now and they are clueless, they think I am making this all up.

    So anyone with this issue please make sure you email the support so they see others have this issue still... Even knowing they dont have a fix, it at least lets them see the number of people with the problem.

    And if they happen to have you do something that fixes, than please share! :)
  6. filefantasy

    filefantasy Notebook Enthusiast

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    I thought the newest firmware cures the keyboard lag?
  7. Bryanu

    Bryanu Notebook Deity

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    nope. The new bios was to correct some high CPU spike issue, and help with the key combos not working.

    Asus is clueless on the keyboard lag... nice huh? I asked them when the fix will be and they email me back to say we have no known ETA to resolve that issue.. But than another rep came and said they dont know of the issue, lol dont we just love this company?
  8. filefantasy

    filefantasy Notebook Enthusiast

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    I wonder if it's just a BIOS issue... What if it's the hardware? It could be propogation delays in the circuits due to less-than-ideal circuitry planning...
  9. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    I'm not trying to be pedantic, but you didn't specify whether you've uninstalled rebooted and reinstalled the latest ATK hotkey driver. That would be my last idea for ya... certainly there are some unresolved threads around that share your problem, at the very least.

    In the words of the almighty Ballmer, "I ... LOVE... THIS .. COMPANY... YEAAAAHHH!!!" .... "WHO SAID SIDDOWN?!?"

    Man now THAT would be lame... but it's a possibility that certain units suffer from a variance in manufacturing that makes them susceptible.. it's far out but possible technically as far as I can see

    OH and for the record I too once suffered from keyboard lag. I am not shooting from the hip here I have been through it as a browse thru any of the related threads will show.
  10. patrickgerry2

    patrickgerry2 Notebook Guru

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    I would agree that this is definitely a hardware problem if you tried cloning the one that works.

    Is the newer one the one that works? Do both have the same bios revision?

    If so then there must have been a mobo revision on the newer one.

    Run cpuz on both and compare the mobo revisions.
  11. Bryanu

    Bryanu Notebook Deity

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    Dont take this the wrong way, :) - But as I stated the notebook has been formated multiple times, and I have done the clean installs with the latest drivers, so that beats uninstalling, rebooting and reinstalling... haha

    But yes I have also done that.

    I think as someone above just said, the fact I can clone a working one and put in this notebook and still have the issues tells you something is diffrent.

    I am now trying to get Asus to exchange me for a Brand New one because its just under 30 days old now... Just got to see if they will x-ship
  12. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    My bad.. I didn't notice that you'd done a clean install with latest drivers from the get-go. In any event there are definitely other threads with keyboard lag still on the G50 and M50 so you aren't alone. It could be a manufacturing defect. Or it could be some strange interplay that is not being resolved in their BIOS patches/ATK driver updates. Good luck with ASUS. They're usually decent once they understand your problem. That is the hurdle in my experience :D

    edit: have you tried a live cd of knoppix or something to see if you lag in a different OS (to somewhat eliminate software being the issue)... also do you have any constant hard drive access going on?
  13. Bryanu

    Bryanu Notebook Deity

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    No constant hard drive access, and im sure its not that anyway because it only happens until I remove the touchpad drivers. So its like some instruction the drivers do that maybe the system has a bug that only surfaces when the drivers are on and it is not understanding the command or a chip is bad on something, who knows. Just odd because we know the drivers themself are not the cause yet they seem to be the ones that make the problem show its face.

    As far as other OS, I have not tried any other. I did read some people who had this problem also and they are running linux and its fine until they load the driver. Thats what leads me to think its something hardware or a bad firmware flash on some part. The problem is know which part is really bad. does the port have the issue on the mb or is it simply the touchpad that is bad... lol we have no way to know. I would think asus should have this figured out at least as far as what is doing it.

    If I was allowed to open my other notebook (owner wont let me, haha) I would swap parts around one by one until it was resolved. Asus should be able to do this and should already know the defective parts. Than once you find the parts you can mess and see if the firmware on that part is bad or the chips are actually faulty. Than they can resolve it from their. If its the software on the chips make some utility to flash it (if possible) if not, than admit to the darn problem and tell the customers and fix them.

    I hate the games they play. I understand in the begining not knowing, as it would be a new issue, but this is an ongoing issue that a number of people have. why must they make it so hard on us? lol.

    Oh well. I am waiting to here about exchange. The tech told me they could exchange it but I wont hold my breath on that one... Who knows what will happen to my 3yr warranty also than, lol.
  14. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    Your warranty will be intact with a replacement if you are dealing with asus, no worries there. I'd just worry about arriving at the same issue with the replaced/refurbished unit you get back. Knoppix is worth a shot in any event if you haven't gotten around to it yet, just to rule out software, at least from the driver end, sloppy BIOS code could still be an issue.

    Edit: maybe reverting to bios 207 is worth a shot too, see this thread:
  15. Bryanu

    Bryanu Notebook Deity

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    Mine came with 207 on it, I only updated to 209 in hopes that would fix it.

    So going backwords wont help im sure.

    As for the replacement. The tech told me if they do the exchange it will be for a new, not a refurb as is under 30 days old. I also asked about the repair and he said they dont use refurb parts. The funny thing is I know for a fact that is a lie.

    But I will go for the exchange unit if they are willing to. Mine came with one dead pixel anyway so that would work out best for me.

    Just have to figure our how they do it. He said they have to confirm its a hardware issue to do the exchange, which I am sure means send mine in first. Than I am sure someone will mess with it and say it work fine. For example right now it is working fine... Keep it on for a few hours an use it is another story...

    Makes me wonder if its some bad part that just dont like heat, because if its on for an hour of course its warmer than if i just turned it on. It always works fine when its first booted, its after a while it goes worse.

    I wont bother trying the other OS... To me its pointless. If it cant work with what it came with or with the latest versions of anything than it has something wrong. Even if other OS will work because its the same setup as everyone elses and 90% have no problems... Trying another OS does not really say it would be a software issue...

    For example I have had a PC run windows fine, but run linux it had errors, which tunred out to be bad hardware... Diffrent OS push the hardware diffrent... Some push harder than others which point out failur better.

    Regardless it should have worked out of box like the other 2 i dealt with and if not should have worked after I reloaded it like the other 2 that still worked...

    Only time will tell. :(
  16. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    That's true but it'd rule out the asus drivers, which is what I was getting at really. The drivers on the one hand and the BIOS on the other. If it's a hardware problem it won't go away; but it won't hurt to try and save the headache. If you have a bad pixel it's a no-brainer to send it for an exchange :p
  17. Bryanu

    Bryanu Notebook Deity

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    Yup, but they wont exchange for just one dead pixel because its not a bright one...

    But I could live with it if the darn thing didnt lag.

    I am getting an exchange unit but they have a catch. They want to send the new one UPS ground and if I want it any faster I have to pay, and I have to pay return shipping on mine.

    They said if I want to do warranty repair they will cover everything.

    What a bunch of BS... If you ask me doing the exchange is warranty... The darn thing is bugged...
  18. Sodaboy

    Sodaboy Notebook Guru

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    I ended up selling mine because of this, ultimately.

    As you stated, though, the problem goes away when you use the Microsoft touchpad drivers or disable the touchpad in the BIOS.

    I prefer the Synaptec driver because I must disable tap to click. You can't do that using the Microsoft driver.

    The friend I sold my laptop to is the opposite of me. He can't live without tap to click, so he's entirely fine with the laptop.