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    F8SV or XPS 1530?

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by MorningStar14, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. MorningStar14

    MorningStar14 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I was about to squeeze the trigger on the F8SV but then came across the ~$600 off instantly on the XPS 1530. Since it brings the price down to about 100 more than the F8, it suddenly made it within my price range and worth the thought. Unfortunately, I'm completely stuck on which one to get since they both have pros and cons, such as build quality, screen res, overall look, graphics card, etc.

    Basically what I think will be the deciding factor is which one will be able to withstand the test of time. Granted, the 1530 has better specs almost all around compared to the F8, but would the F8 be able to hang in there in terms of gaming for the next 2-3 years? I currently play games such as Bioshock, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 4, and would like to play Starcraft 2 once it comes out. I know both of these lappys wouldn't really have much trouble with any of those games, but how would the F8 fare 2-3 years from now?

  2. Theros123

    Theros123 Web Designer & Developer

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    Well, just because the 1530 is a 15.4" laptop, it can handle more "gaming" in general. Although, I'm not sure whether the XPS has a DDR3 GPU or not. I'm pretty sure the F8 only has a DDR2 card, plus the fact that it's in a smaller frame and so it probably can't game at the same level the 1530 can because of heat issues. Also, the 1530's battery life is probably much better than the F8's since it can barely squeeze out 2 hours. However, in my opinion the 1530 is just a larger glorified 1330...Basically, the 1530 isn't that unique looking (the f8 looks much better) and it just can't cut it as a full 15.4" laptop in my opinion...
  3. MorningStar14

    MorningStar14 Notebook Enthusiast

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    From what I've read the 1530 does in fact have DDR3 while the F8 only has DDR2. And about the temp, I've already read that the temp on the F8 isn't a big deal at all, but haven't read anything about it on the 1530.

    Oh, and I most likely wouldn't be gaming on the laptop's screens, I would use an external 17'' LCD that I already have.
  4. JTF2

    JTF2 Notebook Consultant

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    I'm curious as to what the pros and cons of the build quality and screen res are of both laptops... if anyone can fill me in on this?

    I don't see how the 1530 has significantly better specs. True, the GPU is GDDR3 in the 1530... unless of course you went all out on the processor and RAM. The F8 has a T7700 verision (the B1), and paying for extra RAM in the Dell is a waste (unless its a free upgrade or something) as they overcharge.

    I mostly agree but I doubt that just because it is larger, it is better at gaming. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is easier on the GPU to use a higher resolution on a smaller screen.
  5. Theros123

    Theros123 Web Designer & Developer

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    True, but for one the 1530 has a much larger native resolution if you choose to pay for them. Also, since it's DDR3 its clocked much much higher than the DDR3 making it much better to play games on now and in the future. The 1530 can be configured around the same specs as a F8 for a little more...Essentially decently speced out the 1530 should be around $1,500.
  6. willard

    willard Notebook Consultant

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    I looking at the two myself. I ended up with the XPS for one reason, the battery life on the F8SV is just not good enough for me and i cannot get an extended battery for it. I believe there is an ASUS model that will work with an external and i think it is enough for gaming (not sure the model).
    Mine XPS should be here Tuesday, and if it suffers from any of the problem i have seen lately then i will return it and buy something else.
  7. Gobmonster

    Gobmonster Notebook Consultant

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    well if you can snag a xps 1440*900 res, ddr3 gpu, youll set for gaming IMO

    I honestly think its hard to put one over the other, my f8 has excellent build quality IMO, but the xps models arent bad at all, theyre just a lil bulky, but the f8 (thanks to the stupid camera) will probably just be slightly smaller...... its a coin toss. I say you should honestly focus on screen res and gpu when making this choice as everything else is about equal..... except the f8 webcam, thats a minus