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    DX10 card, when?

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by bsr5, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. bsr5

    bsr5 Notebook Guru

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    When will series 8 chips go into ASUS notebooks? The S1 specs are incredible, but no DX10 support is kind of a turn off for buying right now. Although it would also have to be faster than the 7700, because after all what is the point if it wouldn't be able to (smoothly) play DX10 games.

    Anyone have any info or roadmaps?

  2. stamar

    stamar Notebook Prophet

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    contrary to all the past series introductions the first notebook gpus are the ati 2300 and the nvidia 8400

    not the high end gpu
  3. Hyperluminous

    Hyperluminous Notebook Evangelist

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    These GPUs need lots of memory bandwidth which is going to mean frequency and therefore heat. So it makes sense that they'll take baby steps adding them to notebooks.

    That or these aren't going to be based on R600 and G70 and are going to be some kind of DX9 cards tweaked to be DX10 compatible.
  4. Company Representative

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    Despite all the rumours stating DX10 GPUS are going to be released in H2 (2nd half of the year). We are already starting to see very lowend DX10 GPUs, mainly to run vista and to quickly grab the market in the early stages of this new year.

    It has been stated that higher end GPUs with DX10 will be produced and manufactured into laptop for H2, since they are expecting more games to use this technology by that time.
  5. stamar

    stamar Notebook Prophet

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    they are going to be dx 9 series cards with dx 10 pixel shader.

    not the um 384 bit interface.

    The one im looking up is called 7950 gx because it uses the 7 number

    I think theres going to be something about the 50 number and dx 10.

    You see some of the gpus that just came out went from 1600 to 1700

    and some went from 1400 to 1450 but 1500 was available lol. Oh and the 1450 is way faster than the 1400 but the x1700 is the same as the x1600

    Theres something about that in the next run of mobile gpu numbers
    ok why I really had to go on this theory is there is also a x1650 and an x7650 coming out. But what is an x1650? I thought it was the x1700 when I saw a roadmap of mobile gpus coming out when I was shopping for my notebook..... and I thought it was renamed the x1700 but thats not the case.

    Anyhow forgive my rambling Im free flow remembering something.

    There may be something called dx 10 pro and dx 10 amature.

    This is my theory but there is already a 7950 gtx card and I never heard it was dx 10 compatible. Unless it actually is but needs a bios update or something.

    Oh man and all of this goes back to some real serious gpu babble about how the xbox 360 was suposed to be bios flashed to be a dx 10 card, the ati card with some dx 10 function. But it turned out to be impossible.

    Ok the ps3 gpu was allegedly the same way and in reality its not dx 10 compatible as well.

    BUT the weird thing is, ithe ps3 gpu is the 7950 gx, thats what its gpu number is, its the dx 9 card that they wanted to be bios flash compatible to be dx10
    and thats the same number in the dell e1706

    Sorry if you cant follow this Im rewriting some forum comments.