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    Asus battery life?

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by SephirothXR, May 22, 2009.

  1. SephirothXR

    SephirothXR Notebook Consultant

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    How is the battery life compared to other companies? I've heard of the new Macbooks getting 4-5 hours while some Asus laptops getting around 3, but what do you guys usually experience with laptops like the G50VT? When I buy an Asus before Christmas (waiting for Windows 7), I'll use power-save mode most of the time since I'll be doing mainly web-browsing, typing notes, video, etc. I still want a powerful machine even if it does sacrifice some battery life though incase I decide to play some games.

    In general though, how are Asus laptops? 3 years ago I bought an Acer and it has had two major crashes since. I later found out that a ton of Acer laptops mess up. Is Asus another foreign company that uses powerful specs but can be trusted?
  2. redguardsoldier

    redguardsoldier Notebook Consultant

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    On my G50Vt-X3 (6-cell battery). I got 2h30' browsing Firefox on Battery-Saving mode. I think the same on typing notes. But when I watch DVD (with WMP) or streaming Youtube, the 6-cell battery can only handle more than 1h a little.
  3. ravenmorpheus

    ravenmorpheus Notebook Deity

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    What you have to remember is that 4-5 hour quote is just sitting at the desktop with maybe the MacBook version of notepad open. And in the real world is total BS.

    My M70Vm gives me about an hour or 2 on high performance while listening to music/surfing the web, less if I'm gaming, I can usually squeeze 30-45 minutes out of it on high performance if I'm gaming. If I put the laptop into battery saving mode, even in XP it's dreadfully slow.

    My experience of Asus so far, being that I've never used them before is that their customer services/tech support sucks big time and you can't really trust their products.

    On day one I had a problem with the soundcard that Asus are aware of in other models (and they probably used the same faulty parts), now 9 months later my monitor is faulty, think it has a loose connection somewhere. And they keep giving me instructions on how to solve the issues which bear no relation to my laptop, I even got told to follow instructions for a eeePC at one point.

    These are not the things you would expect of a £900 ($1430ish US) laptop or the customer/tech support behind them.

    Having said that and owning an Acer I'd say Asus are about on par with Acer. Let's put it this way, they aren't Dell. :D
  4. motok

    motok Notebook Consultant

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    my x5 with a 9 cell battery gets 3-3:20 web surfing
  5. Brian10161

    Brian10161 Notebook Consultant

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    My F8Sn seems to last pretty good. I just have the stock 6 cell battery, and it lasts roughly 3 hours, sometimes I can get 3.5. It depends on what I'm doing, but when I'm on battery I just browse the web/talk with friends on MSN. When I play games or what not, I plug it it. It's not where near as long as my Mac lasts, but it's still good enough for me.

    Core 2 Duo T5550, 3GB, 9500M GS
  6. SephirothXR

    SephirothXR Notebook Consultant

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    I see in your sig that you have an acer, asus, a macbook, and an HP. Which one do you like best in terms of performance and battery life?

    I'll probably have to be more careful then when I'm buying a new laptop. Hopefully Windows 7 will stabilize the computer, but I'm looking at Dell, HP, and Asus for my future Windows 7 laptops. I might end up going with HP if it offers a better battery life (even if the power isn't as good as an Asus since I don't need the power that badly).
  7. Brian10161

    Brian10161 Notebook Consultant

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    I much prefer my Mac, mainly for battery life, the OS and just the aesthetics. It's a cleaner looking notebook.

    But my favorite for performance would be my Asus. The Asus definitely has the power the others do not. My HP is great for taking notes and that, just write on the screen, but the AMD processor is anything but powerful. It definitely lacks, and it runs extremely hot for what it can do.

    The Acer is a netbook, and it's just overall a great computer. With Windows XP on it, it's perfect for trips and that. Just throw it on the passenger seat and drive, no need to worry about packing it away and having a milliong extras. Just the computer and the adapter. The screen size is a little restrictive in what you can do, but for the space saving design its functional.

    My over all favorite PC : Asus. My Macbook is my favorite notebook.
  8. boomtube

    boomtube Newbie

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    I own an eeepc 900 and previously a G1S. The eee has a 4 cell battery and the most I've been able to make is just under 4 hours of web browsing. The G1S averaged just under 2 hours of web browsing with medium contrast. Both run very hot, which is an issue with Asus laptops in general.

    Performance wise, the G1S was a kickass machine while it worked. It broke down recently and Asus wasn't able to repair it, but their customer service was very helpful and sent me a new model as a replacement. The problem was probably related to the graphics card and not the overall quality of the laptop, though, so even after this I'd still give Asus a try if I were still on the market for a gaming laptop.