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    2 easy Asus fixes?

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by razoSD, Oct 28, 2007.

  1. razoSD

    razoSD Notebook Enthusiast

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    Good morning all,

    Just 2 quick questions for you if you have the time...

    1. The notebook I have stated below is about 5 weeks old now and I would now like to calibrate the battery and have heard there is a calibration tool in Asus machines accessible from the bios...I have looked extensively through what little bios control there is and have been unable to find anything..yet, am I missing something and if this particular model does not have the Asus tool available is there a piece of software that I could use to calibrate instead? I believe I read that NHC will do it but I have since unisnstalled it and do not recall seeing the option in the free version, any suggestions?

    2. Since I got this machine I have noticed-alot(50% of the time) when I am typing with the notebook, and it seems mainly when typing in a specific field such as browser url field, username/password fields, etc. and I believe even in a field such as this on various forums that the cursor seems to jump....for example I will be typing [email protected] and it will end up like this [email protected]... eg:joe...cursur jumps...joemai...did I make that clear to what my problem is? I am not completely use to this keyboard-yet, but I don't believe it is user error because I have seen it happen while paying special attention to my typing, even using one-fingered typing while putting no weight/pressure on the laptop with my hands...I am guessing it is either a driver issue or Asus/Vista bug or in worst case a faulty keyboard(keys bleeding over) or possibly a defective touchpad and the pressure from my hands on laptop hand rests is activatior pressure from fingers on keyboardng the touchpad? Anyone had this problem or heard of it or any other possiblities?

    See-my second to last sentenance right above? I did not edit to show real life example of what is happening...activatior pressure from fingers on keyboardng the touchpad??? Pain in the ****!

    It should read: I am guessing it is either a driver issue or Asus/Vista bug or in worst case a faulty keyboard(keys bleeding over) or possibly a defective touchpad and the pressure from my hands on laptop hand rests or pressure from fingers on keyboard is activating the touchpad?

    Thanks in advance everyone,

  2. E.B.E.

    E.B.E. NBR Procrastinator

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    1. The option should be labeled Start battery calibration or something similar. If you don't have it, then here's what you can do:

    Charge the battery to full
    Unplug computer, turn off all Windows alarms and actions on low battery. Let the battery drain
    Charge again to full

    This should have the same effect.

    2. Are you quite sure you are not touching the touchpad?
    Even so, try going in the touchpad settings, there is something called "Palm Check" or "Palm Detection". Try increasing the value (such that it is less sensitive). You can also decrease the Sensitivity field towards Heavy Touch (if it's a Synaptics device).

    Also make sure the touchpad is clean, dirt can make it act abnormally.
  3. razoSD

    razoSD Notebook Enthusiast

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    I thought about doing a manual discharge/recharge, but how does the battery meter within Windows sycnhronize with the battery then? I thought that is what the calibration was for, synch the meter with the actual capacity of the battery.

    The pointing device I have is an Alps, I agree, I may still be putting pressure on the touchpad without noticing it, but the cursor seems to jump to the exact place each time, like maybe one of the keys has a shortcut assigned for a tab position or something. The touchpad is clean, the machine is only a month or so old and I clean the entire chassis once a week.

    Thanks for the help so far E.B.E.
  4. E.B.E.

    E.B.E. NBR Procrastinator

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    You can hope it's taken care of by the firmware. It's worth a try. Otherwise google for a Windows/based calibration tool.