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    1:1 mapping in Vista

    Discussion in 'Asus' started by ITF, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. ITF

    ITF Notebook Consultant

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    I've been having trouble lately with some fullscreen apps stretching to fill widescreen rather than using 1:1 pixel mapping on my A8Js in Vista. Solution found.

    GeForce drivers linked in Vista driver thread. These don't support it but are the official Asus GeForce drivers.

    v101.41 NVIDIA Vista 32 Drivers These support 1:1 pixel mapping, but require a Modified .INF File to recognize mobile cards.

    I'm not sure if the source site is supported here so I won't mention it but you can figure it out if inclined - they are reputable.

    Just thought I would share since this was a fairly big annoyance for me until I solved it.
  2. elninio

    elninio Notebook Geek

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    can you post a review of your a8js please? thanks :)
  3. ITF

    ITF Notebook Consultant

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    Sure since this is a self contained message that probably won't have many replies I'll post it here :)

    I recommend the machine. Awesome bang for the buck. Awesome performance. 4.6 rating in Vista (HD and RAM reduced it, the rest are 4.9/4.8). Doubling RAM to 2gb is the only upgrade I've done, definately worth it but it's fine with 1gb. Tons of ports, love DVI out. Size is great, weight is great.

    Word of note, I use 90% of it docked to an external keyboard/mouse/LCD. It functions great as a desktop replacement with mobility when I want.

    Some negatives: Battery life isn't GREAT but its tolerable, since I dock most of the time it is rarely an issue. Not a fan of touchpads, I wish it had a fingertip mouse - I keep a Logitech VX2 mouse handy when undocked. Screen is not perfect, I take my Dell Inspiron for granted -- it was surprising to have a lesser quality screen than my 3 year old machine. The problem is well documented, slight noticable light leakage at the bottom, and quite bad viewing angles - when you have the screen set to a direct angle the picture is great, but it doesn't take much too much movement to get out of the sweetspot.

    Speakers are also quite bad especially in comparison to the Inspiron, but docked I use real speakers and undocked no sound or headphones so it's really a none issue. I do not expect quality sound from a 14" laptop speaker. Build quality could be better, I guess.. there are complaints about how easy it is to scratch, they have reason to complain although mine is hardly scratched and I don't particularly mind if it gets that way - I like a lived in look.

    Performance, price, portability, it passes on all the P's with flying colors. I built a Vista ISO with VLite and incorporated all the drivers I could - it runs extremely smooth and installation with driver support was simple, though I'm still waiting for the free Vista upgrade from Asus/Moduslink.

    The mouse it comes with is nothing spectacular, the bag it came with is decent it does the job, if I had to complain the shoulder strap is too short (I'm tall'ish I guess and I'd rather have a bag hang low not be tight feeling like a purse... not that it does but its close.)

    Final note, I would only recommend the A8Js to a gamer who wants portability and power - if games aren't an interest there are other options in the A8J line with lesser video cards, like A8Jp A8Jm etc. Games for me have functioned extremely well, everything I've tried is smooth at high quality and when displayed on my LCD it stays smooth at resolutions higher than the laptop screen can handle.

    No regrets at all. If I had to buy it again today after owning it for 5 months I wouldn't hesitate - the only thing to consider is that DX10 is closer and Santa Rosa too but for 14" man I love this laptop :)

    Hope it helps, I'm not into benchmarks or anything - this is more of a casual take on things.