I d/l from the asus website and then use winflash. Works fine each time.
I believe I read somewhere about vista having problems dual booting with linux... is that true?
So right now I'm considering whether I should install kubuntu on my u3s. The good thing about wubi is that you don't need to partition your hard drive, it's all done virtually and you can uninstall straight from windows.
Thanks! -
hi friends. i inspected the u3 it's a really nice notebook.(maybe except external drive) i will buy a 13 inch but in doubt between u3 and m1330. Do you know any comperison between their battery durations. Any advice will be helpful.
thanks very much !!
I use Ubuntu as my distro of choice, simply because I love the Gnome interface and the packaged utilities. If I don't need the utilities, like for a server, I simply install Debian. If you prefer the feeling of windows, go with Kubuntu since KDE is "more user friendly". For both however, you can run the LiveCD and see which you prefer most. My mother seems to prefer Gnome as well, since she liked the positioning of the Applications menu and such.
Regardless of which distro you prefer, I had no problem setting it up partitioned with Vista. Once it's installed, you need to hide the 1 recovery Windows Vista partition on the HD from Grub (just remove the entry manually), that comes with our laptops. Otherwise it'll mess up Grub
When you do decide to install it, just shrink down the Vista partition within Vista, and then install to the "free space". Currently the only problem I have with linux and this laptop, is that "hibernate" doesn't work. Otherwise, it works great.
I believe I have a write up for the U3S in the linux section, which gets the dual cards working as well as a not-so-sensitive touchpad, etc.
Let me know if you need anything -
I'm currently experimenting with Ubuntu and Kubuntu. I like the Compiz (Beryl)effects on Ubuntu and the overall layout of Kubuntu. However, I couldn't get Youtube or other flash based websites to work in firefox or konqueror for both Ubuntu + Kubuntu, which was a pain in the ass.. have any ideas?
I also noticed that to boot Kubuntu with the virtual partition takes forever, much slower than Vista. However, Ubuntu with the actual partition boots pretty fast. I also read online that uninstalling Ubuntu / Kubuntu (besides Wubi installed version) is troublesome to remove.
So my primary question is, how will Ubuntu / Kubuntu benefit the average college student? Would you say it is comparable to this analogy: driving a stickshift vs. auto... it's all about personal preference? I'm just curious and just deciding whether I should put in more time in learing this new OS. -
There are plenty of write ups on the ubuntu forums to get flash working.
Google is your friend. -
is there anyone from the u3 users to convince me to buy an u3 instead of a m1330 or a macbook?
Otherwise, as far as benefits in college, I've seen ton. I'm a Computer Science student, so I use linux for basically every project given to me (a lot include special Linux only packages). As far as stickshift vs auto, I'd say that's an unfair analogy. Most people really prefer my desktop to their own (be it Windows or Apple). I'd say it's comparable to switching to an Apple, only free and less virus prone (not due to the kernel, but because updates come out everyday for Linux to fight viruses and fix bugs/security problems).
As far as business work, I use it all the time. For instance, I just loaded up the imapsync package and moved over a client's Gmail's to their own private server. Other things are on-the-fly document to PDF conversions with no dealing with Adobe.
Uninstalling Ubuntu/Kubuntu is easy. Simply delete the partition using either the gparted boot disk, or delete the partition from Vista/Windows, and then resize your windows partition. To clear out GRUB (the boot listing for your OS's), there's a command in Windows which will fix your MBR sector back to the standard boot. -
The U3 is just better
thats all you need to know -
I've had my U3 since Nov and recently I've noticed my battery wear is at 4%... Any other users experiencing this?
It's probably just the battery settling in, a few percent is nothing to worry about. Keep an eye on it though, to notice if it increases.
You might want to take a look at the asus V6J / V1J battery wear threads. But I don't think it's your problem, if it were you would have more than 4% by now. -
ilikeicehockey Notebook Evangelist
just out of curiosity, what does the GPS function do?
It allows you to use your computer as a navigator.
I am a new happy owner of a U3. Thanks for all the info in this forum, it help me a lot to make my choice.
I think i saw that we can put 1 more gig of ram in that machine. Did somebody know how much is it or where is the best price?????
Thanks -
I think with current RAM sticks you can top it up at 2.5GB due to the integrated 512MB. (you add a 2GB stick to that)
works pretty well -
The GPS module will also work with other mapping software, e.g. Microsoft MapPoint. Unfortunately, it will use up to 50% of the cpu cycle being a software module, making it quite useless unless you have the U3 plugged into the car.
Thanks for the info D3R3K,
ill ask one more thing, is it this memory or not???
Kingston 2GB Single Module PC2-5300 667MHZ 200-Pin SODIMM DDR2 Laptop Memory - KVR667D2SO/2GR
thanks -
BIOS 305 is online, fixing some heat issue.
(but, as always, there is no accompanying readme file so its hard to tell what the flash actually does/fixes) -
Usually there are some remarks w.r.t. list of changes near the download link on the website.
The new 205 bios update (which you need IE to download, for some odd reason...it looks like asus is checking referrer info) -- seems to change the overall fan table. It use to run at 42*, now I'm running at 40*C and it's really cold (on built in gfx card).
Also, there's a delay on the ondemand spike which is done to prevent the cpu from heating up and to also save battery power (keeps it around 800mhz for an extra second or so, unless it's really needed). The fan also turns on a little quieter than before, most likely due to the lack of the ondemand spike occurring all the time.
Regardless, it's a good update. It also fixes the battery pre-drain battery problem round 2.
I recommend everyone update. -
The recent update for the BIOS is quite nice from what I've experienced thus far.
Like many others here, I've switched over to XP (had some hiccups along the way but otherwise ok). However, I have a quick question if anyone could answer please.
For the NVIDIA drivers, which one did you select to use? The reason why I ask is because when I have tried to play one of my games after downgrading (others call it upgrading to XP), it works for about an hour or so then something goes wonky with the driver or the game becomes all pixilated. I don't think it's necessarily a heat issue since things were fine on VISTA. However, this has become incredibly frustrating.
There was one thread for the F9S (?) I believe which offered instructions on how to get the drivers for the various componants for XP which was a good guide. However, the one they mentioned for the NVIDIA card was either no longer available or something wrong with it (driver link resulted in a 'forbidden' error?)
Any insight or information that you could pass along would be most helpful.
Take care, gang!
Edit: Oops. I should have indicated which one I was running off of. The driver installed was number 16758 which I got from the laptopstogo website.
Edit2: Ended up downloading and using the XP one for the NVIDIA card off of ASUS' website for the F9S and seems to have worked. -
how do you use the gps software, i dont see any software on the laptop to use the gps.
thanks -
Hi people, I got myself an u3s and Im a little bit curies about drivers, if I uninstall Vista instead of it to have XP, will all the drivers be compatible?
just another question: How do you activate GPS, I was searching through drivers, havent found anything like that, although on the side it has a GPS hole but it's covered in some type of rubber.
If anyone knows how to activate GPS and if drivers are compatible with XP
Please notify me.
Thanks a lot
Got my U3S the day before yesterday and it looks great! To install Kubuntu Dapper I removed the DATA partition, created an extended partition into which I put the swap, Kubuntu root, and DATA (ntfs) partitions.
The problem is that after boot Vista is not part of the boot menu, and not part of the grub menu list either. Has anyone managed to get Vista/Ubuntu dual boot working, and what was the magic trick?
Gunnar -
Asus didn't install the GPS maps. The dvd should be in the box. Just install the maps or your own mapping software and you should be able to connect to the GPS. Mine was set to COM4. -
Have any one tried to install Windows XP on the U3S, if YES could you explain me how, because I have tried it and it gives me some type of error. It’s the first time I’m seeing this type of error.
An error occurs just before selecting the agreement (press F8 to agree)
"Have to check for virus, and delete the installed software and hardware etc."
I see this error first time and it's really funny and doggy.
You may ask may ask why don’t I just carry on working on vista? I just can’t, it's not compatible with me, and there are to many useless things=)
I have downloaded XP drivers and via nLite program have included "*.ini" Sata files on to a disk.
Kind regards
where did you find the XP drivers?
I have requested the Asus Support Team
Here is to download link:
http://www.asustreiber.de/download.php?view.734 -
I was able to install Windows XP on the system but you have to slipstream things through in order for it to work.
I did find the following thread very helpful and I hope it helps you too! Yes I know it's for the F9S but the jist is pretty much the same.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=187600 -
Does this notebook have the analog/optical spdif out like most of the Asus line up has?
Hi Guys,
Great thread - its got me seriously considering the U3S with 3G.
Just wanted to know that if I use the 3 cell battery will this make the unit flush or still protrude in the rear the same as using a 6 cell?
Cheers, -
I think in your situation you may have blown away the boot sector for Vista, including its "self repairing instance" [repair files]. To get linux running on mine, I shrunk the Vista partition from within vista, and then installed to the remaining space. The ubuntu installer took care of the proper ext partition and such.
Anyway, there's a CD out there that you can use to repair the vista bootloader to it's prior glory, and it also comes with gparted as well. I'll see if I have a copy laying around for you. -
I think it is a done deal deal then...... U3S is the lappy for me. -
Just to answer an unanswered question, it probably has a dual lineout/SPDIF output. But to be sure, you should check the model page on www.asus.com.
I just received my U3S and I must say it is a great laptop. I have only one little question.
Has anyone ever noticed the noise the fan makes. I am a little disappointed with this laptop's fan noise. Makes me feel like I am running a machine. Did anyone ever have this problem? Did anyone ever notice this. Or is it just me!! BTW, this laptop is running on SPEED mode. I would appreciate suggestions. -
Look at some of the older posts.
You need to run on stamina mode to cut down on fan noise, and update your BIOS asap (also battery saving mode under vista helps a ton].
It'll fix a lot of the noise issues. -
Thanks Scythe... I will try that... As a matter of fact, after playing around it for a while I figured it out... I appreciate your help...
No problemo
If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. Terminating a lot of the Vista services will also put less burden on the processor and thus less heat/noise. Things like the spyware/anti-virus stuff.
Oh, and in a week or 2 you should be able to install SP1, which will also fix a lot of issues. So sit tight -
does anyone know if a 2.5" sata solid state disk will fit in the asus u3?
Check the config on asus.com. If it's a 2.5 HDD that it uses, then the solid-state should fit.
Yesterday I got my U3S-A1B. Loving it so far but I am wondering what driver everyone is using for the camera. It worked yesterday and this morning for a while but now when I open the LifeFrame app all I seem to get is an empty box where the picture/overlay should be showing only what is behind the app, be it my desktop or another app.
These are the hardware ID's...
None of which I seem to be able to match up with the drivers available from ASUS.
OS is Vista Ultimate SP1.
~U3S Owners Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by eugenes, Sep 28, 2007.