I was referring to running video and audio through the HDMI cable to a TV or A/V receiver. You mean the 3.5mm headphone/SPDIF jack that can use a toslink or coaxial cable for digital audio to an A/V receiver. I didn't have time to verify the audio through the HDMI cable, but I did find the settings for using HDMI audio. So I don't doubt that the audio will work with HDMI.
I just got my U3S yesterday and I like it! Vista is a little annoying though, as a few features are.
Short review under way, mostly giving out my impressions and summarizing this thread. -
Anyway i really hate the fan noise -
I have a A8Js and also complain about the fan noise. Are all the Asus models like this, or is this a feature of the new processors? I've heard comments of other users with diferent brands also complaining about the noise fans make...
SPDIF Output Jack
This jack provides connection to SPDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) compliant devices
for digital audio output. Use this feature to turn the Notebook PC into a hi-fi home
entertainment system.
now it would be nice to know if that is coaxial or "light" toslink...
If you look in your settings from your soundcard - could you change something to spdif? (i miss this option)
greets - chris - -
Yes the fan noise is a little annoying, as is the battery life. I solved them both by down clocking the processor. The notebook is still plenty powerful. I have 2.5GB, though. Physical memory is at 47% just with Firefox so I guess people with only 1.5GB have a good incentive to upgrade to 2.5BGB.
I still have 77 processes running and a bunch of services running too. I saw EBE's guides as well as Flamenco but was wondering if anyone in this thread tried to remove stuff? -
I'm typically under 600MB memory usage with 1.5GB. Maybe you need to turn off some of those unnecessary Vista services
I wrote this back a few pages ago, but have yet to get a response. Does anyone know if you can simultaneously use the HDMI and VGA as two separate screens? Thanks.
Hmmm, HDMI and VGA together, that would be nice. Can any of the owners clear this up?
I just got a great deal on Kingston 2GB PC2-5300 667MHZ 200-Pin SODIMM DDR2 Laptop Memory for $57.95
I got a feeling this deal won't last long! -
To all current u3s owners,
Have you guys used the included Targus black synthetic leather case for your u3s? If so for how long? Notice anything wrong with your screen afterwards?
I remember reading in the u1f lounge about an user who had problems with a small part of his screen due to the magnets being inside the case. So in the end he cut them out and the screen became better.
I'm pretty sure the u1f case is exactly the same one as the u3 case, just smaller. I haven't started using the case yet, but I'm deciding if I should cut out the magnets as well.
What you guys think?
PS. In the u3 manual it says to avoid strong magnetic fields. -
Yesterday, i tested the hdmi port and it works well with audio and video.
(hdmi 1.3)
But i need an SPDIF Output to connect an receiver and get Dolby Digital.
How could i set up this settings?
(or is the manual wrong and is it not possible to get digital audio out)
look at the pictures/links:
Thank you! -
A) It has no padding support. In other words, your screen can easily be bent through the outside due to no overall padding.
B) Magnets. It's bad for lcd's/electronics -- why put one close to it?
I wouldn't recommend anyone use the included sleeve, since overall you'll probably do more harm then good. Go get yourself a neoprene sleeve instead. So far, the 14.1" sleeve's work the best since the 13.3" ones are too thin (width-wise). -
I keep the U3S in the sleeve, then put the sleeve into the notebook bag. It's been working well so far. -
I've only connected the U3S directly to my HDTV, so it's hard to tell if I'm actually outputting Dolby Digital. -
I'm still considering whether I should cut out the magnets or not...
On another note, for those of you curious about the GPS function, here's the software info (NavMate):
Application: v3.2.20
Database: Navteq 6.3
Horizon Navigation, Inc
I haven't tried it out on the road yet (will do that this Thanksgiving break to Toronto), but played around with it last night and my impression is that it's quite inconvenient... as you have to reset your location each time... it doesn't zoom to your current location, as do most car gps receivers these days! You need to set it manually each time! So if you're lost and have no clue where you are, then you're screwed... and have to go ask around for instructions... which seems kind of pointless for a gps.
However, on the plus side, it comes with Navteq maps and according to www.gpsmagazine.com they're supposed to be more accurate for North America, whereas TeleAtlas is more accurate for Europe.
I'm not too sure whether MS Streets + Trips 07 or 08 is compatible, but I would imagine so. Any current users have tried the MS software? -
I did excatly the same like eugenes put the case into laptop bag. cheers -
I'm a spanish u3s owner, can someone say me where i can find the xp drivers?
Thanks a lot -
If it is "coaxial" or "optical"?
There is nothing about in the manual! (only SPDIF is written down... but not more specific informations)
and how is a coaxial staffed - how does it look like?
thanks! -
I think I am having problems with my U3. I don't know if it is me, Vista or actually my U3... please help!
1. My Asus SPLENDID button does not work. The one near the mic with a black monitor and a big S. When I press it I get a blank screen.
do I have to actually configure that for it to work?
2. My computer restarts randomly.
I've had my U3 for about a week by now and it has restarted four times. One case I can particularly report: I was watching a movie on TV and I heard my U3 restart on its own. I have not touched it for 2 hours.
3. When I close the lid the computer does not always turn into sleep/hibernate mode.
It happened several times. I thought it would turn into sleep but after carrying it around in the Asus bag I felt the heat of the fan on my back. I opened the bag and found that Vista did not go into sleep, but only logged me off. I believe that the fan shouldn't be running when I carry my laptop, right???
4. I found a few quality issues (that's not very important, I'm just mentioning this because I am picky). There is flex over by the little handle above the webcam, and mis-adjustment of the materials over the SD card (which makes a little squish sound when I press that area of the palmrest). Also the front of the notebook features a thin grey-plastic line which looks great but again, it is a little squishy on the left side. Basically the left area of the palmrest feels like it's empty underneath.
My assumptions is that my problems are related mostly to Vista. But it could also be a shock during transport which would explain that closing the lid does nothing to the computer (besides logging you off).
I am really concerned actually. I don't know Vista and I have accumulated a little technological lag recently, so if you have any idea of where my problems come from, or how to solve them, please please let me know. -
About the sound Problem - digital sound output
i have posted directly to asus
i hope i get an answer -
1. I had the same problem (only in power saving mode). Reinstall the Splendid program.
3. I think it's depend of the mode selected : High Performance / Entertainment / Quiet Office / Battery saving. You can configure everything with Power4gear eXtreme. -
3. i think that is setting problem. You need to set them for all of the power4gear mode.
4. i also notice that. if you look closer at the corner of both left and right you can see the paint of the aluminum frame is actually worn off. Plamrest undereath are speakers so should feel empty most of the laptop have hdd located under the plamrest. This is what i like about asus..cause if the hhd under the plamrest it makes the plamrest warm (but good for winder). So i prefer U3s design.
I have notebook cooler pad for my U3S because right now in Australia is summer and my notebook CPU temp go up to 70 celsius. So i suggest get your self good cooler... lol -
I am runing windows xp in my u3s, and I finally installed all the drivers correctly, but... What program can I run to use the gps? I installed the drivers of the gps, but i didn't find the application.
Thank you Kennyy and Blutchus for the responses.
1. I will reinstall SPENDID and see what it does. Probably not much and I will soon uninstall it, but I wanna try.
2. I am not playing games. When on battery I used Power4Gear battery mode, having only changed the CPU to 36%.
3. I think closing the lid should make your laptop sleep, in which case the fan should stop running. Obviously when you close the lid you are not using the computer and there is nothing to cool down. Besides that when you close the lid you are quite likely to carry the laptop in a bag, maybe even in the provided Asus bag/sleeve. What's the point of having a fan running when your laptop is trapped in this confined environment called a carrying bag???
I have to say that I installed all updates possible both for Vista (which supposedly increases batt life a notch) and for th laptop itself (all Asus updates). I have trimmed down Vista and optimized it to my liking. Yet...
I think there is definitely a heat issue guys. When plugged in with no downclocking of anything, I can hear the fan running and it is a subtle sound, but an annoying sound. Indeed the laptop stays cool on touch when you are doing basic things like word processing/light surfing. But try to place the laptop on your actual lap for some time and play a video. You'll see that not only the fan kicks in, but also it starts running very hot.
And I am on integrated graphics, not even on the 8400!
I am also very concerned about the battery life. My settings are: integrated graphics, wifi/blutooth on and battery mode in Power4gear with CPU downclocked 36%, screen at 40%. The last two settings are enough but it is still frustrating to have to downclock a brand new laptop. You shouldn't do that. With those settings I barely get 3 hours -and I only using the laptop only to show slides in my classes that is, all the activity my laptop gets is about 20 button pushing.
On top of that I have the small fit&finish issues mentioned above. And I am not that impressed by the overall performance actually. Programs don't load instantly, even with my 2.5 GB. And for some reason I cannot install Office 2007 on it. It gives me a laconic message "cannot install" and no further instruction. I even had the disk replaced, without success. Maybe it's related to the external ODD? That would be odd. -
2. The main draw of battery power are going to be A) LCD, B) GPU, C) Monitor, and D) CPU. If you have a lot of tasks running, then kill them off and it should save power. Lower the LCD brightness, and also DEFRAG your hard drive. People don't understand how important a defrag is for Windows computer. If your windows aren't opening instantly, then you should defrag. Also, you may be overkilling on tasks. Regardless, it should be ridiculously fast on a 2.2ghz core2 duo.
3. You need to set your ACPI settings then. You have it on turn off screen only. Go to your settings, and put it into sleep mode.
Other key concerns: Have you updated your bios to 205 yet? Are you running Anti-virus/spyware detection/etc? Are you running the widget bar? Can you printscreen your processes?
Not to be an "a-hole" but it sounds like whatever you're running on Vista is way too much. Either that, or your disk is fragmented terribly.
I run both Linux [Ubuntu] and Vista on the u3s, and have none of those issues. Linux is far more responsive then vista, however Vista runs like a champ for me on the same hardware set. -
To all current owners,
Any of you guys using NHC for your u3 with Vista? For some reason it doesn't detect my hard drive temp (due to the preloaded ASUS partitions?) but it does for my gf's Vaio cr 120 e, also running vista but with 1 partition though.
I noticed NHC doesn't really do much dynamic switching in Vista, but on XP you can see the GHZ number fluctuate up and down every couple seconds. For vista, it just remains the same.
Any other programs you recommend for temperature monitoring?
Thanks! -
Newegg has the U3S-X2W for $1399.99 + shipping, $200 off their regular price. I was about to buy this one but it does not have the ODD drive. I love this laptop because it is small, portable, and has both eSATA and HDMI outputs.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220212 -
The ODD drive can be picked up separately at excaliberpc.com, if need be.
I bought one from Walmart, which I use through USB. The reason is that I never need to carry CD's or CD drives around with me, so I don't need one with a built-in power cable (like the supplied Asus cdrom).
Only thing I've used it for is installing Ubuntu on the machine. Of course, I could've done that through a thumbdrive as well. -
"otherwise i am still sitting on my spdif - digital audio problem - i think i have to get an external soundcard" -
The U3S-X2W is selling on newegg for $1399 right now, which is a very good price, as it undercuts the W7S-B2W by $50 and offers more RAM and switchable graphics.
Oops....heh. I haven't read this thread after the first few pages, so I didn't see that. My bad.
I think there is definitely a heat issue guys. When plugged in with no downclocking of anything, I can hear the fan running and it is a subtle sound, but an annoying sound. Indeed the laptop stays cool on touch when you are doing basic things like word processing/light surfing. But try to place the laptop on your actual lap for some time and play a video. You'll see that not only the fan kicks in, but also it starts running very hot.
And I am on integrated graphics, not even on the 8400!
You first stated that you got the fan noise under control by underclocking the CPU. Has that worked out to a satisfying solution?
I ask this because I send mine back after a day because of the noise.
The U3 has the most itchy sound of all the notebooks I used (over the last 12 years or so). Even when the fan is running low, there is a sound of uneven rotation which annoys me (it resembles a bit the cleaning pump of an aquarium).
The dealer now says there is nothing wrong with it and wants to return it to me. If I can get control over the noise, I would like it back. If not, I let them send it in to Asus for a repair (and I think al of you owners should).
Hans -
I've yet to experience any drastic heat issues with the U3, especially when using the integrated video. This goes for basic day to day use and running a game or video. Same with the Nvidia chip.
Maybe you happen to have a defective fan/heatsink system. Might as well try to send it back to Asus.
But to be honest, the U3 is in a class of notebook where heat and noise are major obsticals (feel free to name some models that has the same performance and runs cool and quiet). It's also equiped with a regular Core2 chip instead of a LV/ULV chip. Manufacturers have to sacrifice something to give you more performance in such a small form factor until better cooling technology is available. Maybe you're better off with a notebook in a different class. -
Hello all of you.
I had a great time reading all these pages and finally bought my U3S-3P070G
I'm really delighted !
Well I would be delighted if I hadn't that loud fan noise...
Tried multiple things, but what best works is... XP
I have reconfigured my laptop in XP and it's much much better now.
I also think that the 5400 160 Gb hard drive is not the more silent piece of hardware, it worth a try changing it I think.
Anyway, I know some of you also installed XP on their U3S.
Can you pleas help me getting XP drivers ? ASUS site only provides Vista ones...
Thanks guys ! -
In 13" notebook every things are squeeze into small box somemore we have dedicated graphic card so it is reasonable to have heat issues. However, my main concern is the heat is not from the graphic card they are from cpu. I also worry not in short term but in long term, this is not good for the cpu (cpu life maybe shorter). I found a solution which is using built in graphic card when you are not playing games or watching video and i guess this is not a big deal right? or you can get yourself good cooler if you want to always turn the dedicated graphic card on and on high performance.
As a U3S owner we are very lucky! Because the heat is located at left side not right side...if it is on the right side i'm sure many ppl will complaining again.. as right side we need to use mouse and maybe feel it is too warm ouch!!
cheers! -
http://www.buy.com/prod/antec-noteb...an-w-aluminum-surface/q/loc/101/10353046.html -
I'm maintaining that the fan noise is higher than it should be. Eugene's got a point however when he says that noise is subjective matter, meaning that everybody's perception of "loud" is different. And also my only other laptop was an older subnotebook which was as silent as it was slow.
However I must say that noise can me measured in a non subjective way (DB) and that for me the U3S is a "louder" notebook. I like silence, I need silence to concentrate when I work (research/creation). I am one of those people who can't listen to music at the same time.
So yes I tried to use the integrated X3100 graphics instead. Actually I only used the dedicated 8400M only twice. And yet the notebook is a little too noisy for me, even when just typing or surfing the net.
Also I disagree that this is a concession you have to make to pack so much power and dedicated graphics. Yet I should recall that the U3S doesn't have an integrated ODD so about a third to a quarter of the notebook is actually empty --or at least it could be more packed.
I really think the issue is just a loud fan; probably a cheap one, that's it. As far as I know the U3S plays in the category of the Dell M1330 and the Sony SZ6, yet I haven't heard anyone complain of noise in those laptops. I agree they are more expensive, but that just makes my point that the fan in the U3S is a cheap one. Plus it could at least make a more "noble" noise than that. The sound I have is actually that of a persistently running fan, perfectly audible 15 ft away in a quiet room.
On top of that I am still having issues with, apparently, Vista. Or maybe is it the U3S again. Last night I put my laptop to sleep (Fn+F1), closed the lid, let it sit on my nightstand and went to bed. Not only could I hear the laptop still running, but the HDD was working like crazy. After 10min (I couldn't fall asleep) my laptop rebooted! It scared me because it was loud. So I picked it up, opened the lid and saw that Vista was showing the welcome screen. So I hit Fn+F1 again to put the laptop to sleep again and this time it worked.
This is just superimposing on another wild reboot of the sort when I was watching TV nearby.
I must say that all my Power4Gear settings are on "sleep" when I close the lid, when I hit the buttons, when I hit the power button, and when I do the Vista power button.
Besides, my Microsoft Office I bought wouldn't install, for whatever reason, and the download version is bugged. Seriously bugged.
So... Is there really something strange in my U3S or it me?
Don't get me wrong: I like this laptop for tis price, overall sturdiness and performance. I just think that for $1700, you have the right to have a quiet, cool and flawless laptop. Maybe I'm gonna return it; so far i've been too busy to think about it. -
Originally Posted by frencholivier
I'm maintaining that the fan noise is higher than it should be. Eugene's got a point however when he says that noise is subjective matter, meaning that everybody's perception of "loud" is different. And also my only other laptop was an older subnotebook which was as silent as it was slow.
However I must say that noise can me measured in a non subjective way (DB) and that for me the U3S is a "louder" notebook. I like silence, I need silence to concentrate when I work (research/creation). I am one of those people who can't listen to music at the same time.
So yes I tried to use the integrated X3100 graphics instead. Actually I only used the dedicated 8400M only twice. And yet the notebook is a little too noisy for me, even when just typing or surfing the net.
Also I disagree that this is a concession you have to make to pack so much power and dedicated graphics. Yet I should recall that the U3S doesn't have an integrated ODD so about a third to a quarter of the notebook is actually empty --or at least it could be more packed.
I really think the issue is just a loud fan; probably a cheap one, that's it. As far as I know the U3S plays in the category of the Dell M1330 and the Sony SZ6, yet I haven't heard anyone complain of noise in those laptops. I agree they are more expensive, but that just makes my point that the fan in the U3S is a cheap one. Plus it could at least make a more "noble" noise than that. The sound I have is actually that of a persistently running fan, perfectly audible 15 ft away in a quiet room.
On top of that I am still having issues with, apparently, Vista. Or maybe is it the U3S again. Last night I put my laptop to sleep (Fn+F1), closed the lid, let it sit on my nightstand and went to bed. Not only could I hear the laptop still running, but the HDD was working like crazy. After 10min (I couldn't fall asleep) my laptop rebooted! It scared me because it was loud. So I picked it up, opened the lid and saw that Vista was showing the welcome screen. So I hit Fn+F1 again to put the laptop to sleep again and this time it worked.
This is just superimposing on another wild reboot of the sort when I was watching TV nearby.
I must say that all my Power4Gear settings are on "sleep" when I close the lid, when I hit the buttons, when I hit the power button, and when I do the Vista power button.
Besides, my Microsoft Office I bought wouldn't install, for whatever reason, and the download version is bugged. Seriously bugged.
So... Is there really something strange in my U3S or it me?
Don't get me wrong: I like this laptop for tis price, overall sturdiness and performance. I just think that for $1700, you have the right to have a quiet, cool and flawless laptop. Maybe I'm gonna return it; so far i've been too busy to think about it.
Merci beaucoup for this post. My opinion exactly. I very much like the U3 and I don't mind the sound of a fan kicking in when a notebook gets hot. It's just the type of noise that comes out of the U3 in which I can't concentrate. And I think you are right: it's either a cheap fan or a bad make.
Hans -
Woah.... your notebook cooler looks badass! Almost cultish with that star symbol, haha. -
seem like everyone is complainning about the heat/fan issue... Can't we do something?
I changed the thermal paste to artic silver 5 and I'm very happy with the results.
70ºC stock paste in full mode
64ºC artic silver 5 in full mode -
Does anyone knows where to get XP drivers for the U3S ?
Thanks !
~U3S Owners Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by eugenes, Sep 28, 2007.