To keep the amount of threads and clutter in this forum, I hope that all posters keep their comments, questions, inquiries and ravings here. I'll merge all new G1s topics here anyways.
Enough said, the G1s has started shipping and there has been tons of great feedback, congrats to the buyers!
How do I obtain the coupon to redeem when purchasing the ASUS G1S.
It asked for the coupon at Gentechpc checkout.
How do I get these? How much are these worth?
Thanks -
what coupon are you talking about? as far as i know, there isn't any model that comes with any kind of coupon
As for the coupon, ask them about it(GenTech).
Well, I could not wait to ask gentech about the coupon
I just went on an ordered my G1s!
I am already freaking out.....when will it get here!!!!
I got the 160 GB 7200RPM harddrive
3GB ram
3 year warranty
Vista home
Thats including the 3 day shipping for $59.00
I really wanted to get Ultimate....But at 225 dollars I just could not see spending that kind of money. I figure that if I need to upgrade to a 64 bit OS I will at christmas time.
Man I can hardly wait!!! -
Started a review today, hope it's done by end of this week. Just went and bought five games to test:
Company of Heroes
Civ IV
Battlefield 1942 collectors
Will test them out tomorrow. -
do you have CS:S or a Steam account? could you test that on max specs as well?
I can't wait to see your review! -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
When you get Vista Home from gentech you only get the x86 version of vista? you dont get both the x86 and x64 versions like you do with the full retial version of vista??? I definitly want x64... and no Vista Ulitmate is not worth paying for in any way shape or form so you did good not to order it.
i ordered mine from excaliberpc, because there the only ones who accept international credit cards. it did cost me extra though
yay got my confirmation!
Sorry, won't be buying CS:S.
My order has gone from "Pending" to "Processing"
I'm getting excited!! -
Hey gents (and ladies?),
Asus posted some new drivers for the G1S. Yes, a new video driver is included.
Question, nVidia says to go to the notebook manufacturer for Go series drivers. Anyone have any other recommendations for good drivers? -
1- did they charge you any fees extra to the price?
2- did you have any problem making the purchase?
3- can you shipe it to the US?
thanks -
For those of you who ordered through Gentechpc, did they call you to confirm your order?
Just wondering because on the invoice they said they would call to confirm order.....and I am waiting.... -
i am told mine will ship tomorow
Awesome Brian!
I just got my call from Gentech saying everything is cool. I will probably recieve mine next Monday or Tuesday! -
sigh... i wont get mine for a few weeks, maybe 2, it has to go to florida then jamaica.
but i will be so happy when iget it... look at this
Current desktop.............Asus G1s
2.4GHz.........................2.2GHz core 2 duo
512mb RAM...................2Gb RAM
Radeon 9700 pro............Nvidia 8600m GT
this Asus is like 10x better than my desktop -
hymm does asus g1s has any card reader? (SD, MS etc.) ?
Can I ask what hard drive (size/speed) and RAM you guys are going/going to go with?
I went with the seagate 160 GB 7200 RPM harddrive
I went with 3GB of RAM
Many people tell me 3GB could actually slow it down slightly. But I have also heard from other people that it will not slow it down...only help.
Ken at Gentech told me it will not slow the ram down....but he is also the one getting my moneySo who knows.
I don't really care either way.
I am just dying to get my new laptop! -
G1S has a card reader, yes. Used it to read my SD card.
I'm back from Oblivion. I set graphics to high then increased res to 1280X960 and got the following while in the caves in the very beginning of the game.
Min Max Avg
16 64 45.82
It mainly ran at around 33 most of the time.
Seems to run well. -
well 3gb might slow it down in that you dont have dual channel
but thats like .00001 percent
It should speed up if you use a lot of ram.
When you want the max speed and youve got a 64 bit os, get another 2gb dim someday -
Just bought My Asus. Stock. My only gripe is after researching with my reseller the backpack and mouse is limited to certain SKU's and since the products new, I won't know I'm one of the lucky ones until Next Friday or Next Next Monday. Im SO stoked (this is my first laptop)
What are SKU's?
Where did you order your laptop?
The backpack and mouse better come with all of them! -
thanks mryerse, hopefully some of the other people who will be reviewing or getting the g1s soon will be able to post some specs for CS:S.
I bought it from a computer privately owned Cyber Cafe in my town. Set me back 2398.00 after tax (canadian). I kept it stock like i said. SKU's are serial numbers, and just like the description below the mouse and backpack it says limited to certain retailers (i would imagine the majority will have them otherwise they wouldnt advertise it so much) Chances are I won't get one because my dealer isn't to amazing, but I didn't like the pack anywas and I wanted a wireless mouse anywas.
One more question...if i buy my g1s from say or, how much shipping/tax would i have to pay? (i live in maryland).
Hi guys,
Just ordered my G1S from for 2582.15$ after tax and shipping.
I will post my review when I will receive this laptop later next week. -
What currency is that in... Hopefully not american... -
can anyone post pictures of it... as in when the monitor, or a screenshot during gameplay?
Hi guys I have a couple of questions for you,
first one I found on different sites 2 different models of G1S one is called G1S-AK005C and the other g1s-as027c ... does anyone knows the difference? Which one do you have?
second, could anyone please check the bios and see if one can boot from esata? thanks a lot -
I have G1S-A1, not sure about booting from esata, will check it out.
Taxes are free from gentechpc
You have options on the shipping.
The basic cost 39.00 dollars
The most expensive is 150.00 dollars
I went with the 59.00 three day one. -
I dont want to wait a week. But theyre all on backorder from alot of suppliers
ps. anyone got tips for a first time computer owner? my desktop was set up by a techie long before i knew what the internet was. -
^ I already ordered mine, plus itll take alot longer to get it over the border and cost alot more if I do it that way. But thanks.
Ps. Im stupid when it comes to bit rates on processors. Whats the G1s? 32 bit right? Im running stock vista premium on my order. -
Checked the BIOS for booting to eSata, nothing clearly looks like it can't, but nothing clearly looks like it can. It says ide devices are detected at bootup, so my guess is if I had an esata device connected you can boot to it. Need to get a cable to be sure.
^ what exactly is eSata? A portable storage device similar to USB harddrives?
Sorry, im quite new to computer specs, trying my hardest to figure them out
Thanks Mryerse
esata is like usb but a LOT faster than usb and even than firewire. It is used to connect external HDs and let them use their normal speed - this is the first laptop I know of that has it - until now you needed an express card with a esata plug on it, but that would occupy the only xpress card... and one day we may need that for an external graphic card (eh eh). -
Thanks! I figured it was some kind of storage, i just wasn't sure the perks over the usb dominated market.
btw, anyone know if the mouse you get with the g1s is wired or wireless? -
SWEET, i ordered my Asus today and i just recieved shipment confirmation!!
sweet. -
Yes, eSata is much faster than USB 2... however one drawback is that it does not provide power like USB, so alternate power source is required with esata. Small drawback though, most drives that would utilize the speed need more power than USB can supply anyway.
Hard disks are HOT and if they can stay OUTSIDE my new laptop I'll gladly carry an extra power cord in my backpack - (I have just roasted a motherboard... literally! and it was inside a desktop)
~G1s Owners Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by coriolis, May 29, 2007.