Why dont you just get one of those small notebook mouses you can carry around with you![]()
The lenovo is going to be a big downgrade![]()
well... selling on ebay is going to run you about 140 to 160 bucks after all the fees/taxes/ paypal fees/invoice fee
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
You do not have to put the velcro under the drive, though a very small piece would not hurt, put it just out the outside of the drive and then a contact point on the top of the drive so you can basically strap it down. This will hold it in place but yet make it so you can remove the velcro and the drive when needed. The adhesive for velcro is more than strong enough to stick but also will come off if needed if you intentionally pull it off. -
Ok so about howlong do u project it will take for a caddy to be realeased.....or one to be realeased at all? Bc I'm not gonna wait around forever.... this velcro idea sounds pretty good..... shoot ill even modify a caddy nthat is close enough..... someone needs to find one dangit lol
Got this G73 monster guy now I need a bag! I"m traveling overseas in about a week and a half and need a "messenger" bag to fit this thang. No backpacks please. I tried two of the larger Timbuk2 bags and they don't fit. Any ideas gentlemen? Thanks.
Catalyst 10.3 leak
Seems some people are saying they are working with mobility cards
From that thread:
Ok real working DLs
they DL does work you just have to click it a few times -
Quagmire LXIX Have Laptop, Will Travel!
Thanks gromkins +rep, way to make an entrance to the forum
Q -
Only necessary if you want a better, more stable driver that provides greater performance
Lol kk, gonna download it right away!. Thanks
Just talked to the owner at Slappa and ordered a bag. Funny he also said, "You could put two of those laptops in this bag!" Now I just have to find a sleeve that will fit the laptop snugly enough to still fit in the bag. -
He said this sleeve http://www.slappa.com/ptac-matrix-laptop-sleeve?sc=2&category=133 will definitely fit the G73 if you get the 18" version, but it will not fit inside the AURA bag. If you have a bigger messenger bag this this might work but he said this sleeve was a monster and would fit a TV!
For you guys that have the Slappa AURA Bag, do you think the G73 would fit with a snug fitting sleeve?
Oh for those of you near or in Charlotte, NC you can walk into the Slappa distributor there and check em all out. The owner is a nice guy. -
Man the bag I had before buying the G73 doesn't fit it. I really need a bag know because I'm about to travel but I can't afford $100 for bag!
It was $30 then $60, but seems to be back to $30 atm, so grab one quick if you want it... http://www.buy.com/prod/17-gaming-n...se-by-avenues-wenger/q/loc/108/212810132.html
I thought I read that it barely fits it though?
Barely fits means it fits, though.
you just have to push hard like her ~~
lol Ok order thanks guys.
I just picked up a Targus CityGear Miami at Wallyword for $45 and the G73 does fit. It takes up most of the inside room so there is some room for other stuff but not much. Although it will "work" the bag feels like it was defintely made for a smaller chassis.
http://www.targus.com/us/product_details.aspx?sku=TCG200 -
I decided to hook up my 2nd HD the 500G 7200rpm. I'm using some thick double sided tape. It seems to hold ok, not great but it'll do for now til I can get a caddy for it. Hopefully it'll work, since I don't move it that much.
Yo, just got my x1 today.. im dln l4d2 right now ... havnt tried gaming yet... but i am just blown away by the sound... a laptop i dont acctually hav to max out the sound 2 hear.. plus it actually sounds pretty dang good.... but ya I am going to just buy a ssd and velcro it in.. so ima b shopping here soon... so for around 3-400 bux whats my best option for a ssd for this laptop .. any suggestions????... i want prob at least a 128g drive.. but if u feel stongly on something else.. giv it 2 me str8.. thx l8r
You could also go with a really fast ocz vertex 128 gb for about 329. -
I just got the Slappa Velocity Spyder backpack, and I like it a lot. Very solid product. May hold off on the sleeve for now though. -
does ssd boost the game fps ?
EDIT: evensen just answered before I post! -
So how long does it usually take for preview/beta ATi drivers to get to final release?
Does Asus update their driver pages for their products shortly after release of new drivers or do they take a while to update? -
http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d.html/ref=mp_s_a_2?qid=1266659414&a=B002IGT7IU&sr=8-2 -
Should see SSD prices drop throughout the year with Intel/Micron planning to release SSD's up to 600 gb the end of 2010. Supposedly they plan to keep the pricing similar to the current 80 and 160 gb drives or so they say.
do newegg deliver to australia??
Ok I'm gonna go against a ssd.... price per gig is just way too much for my blood...especially with all the kinks not worked out... so ima slap the 500 gig in there.... so is the velcro idea still the best plan for vmounting a regular hd as well?...or is there still no betr plan out aS of yet?
Has anyone found a solution for the random Crackling/Static noise from the internal speakers yet ?. I tried reinstalling audio drivers and also did a System recovery. But the problem still exists. So please help me solve this issue
Do You guys think a full system restore or a full windows re installation would solver this problem ? (also which is better? full system restore of full OS reinstallation)
Thanks -
I thought the crackling was a Creative driver issue solved by just using Realtek HD sound? (which also is how mine works flawlessly).
Also I don't understand people complaining about WoW performance - I have it on "ULTRA" graphics setting in 1920x1080 and get buttery smooth framrates even in Alterac Valley wth 40 players!
Make sure Turbo mode is on! -
Crackling noise dont occur when using headphone or external speakers, its only from the internal speakers. and also it occurs when the volume is lowered. I think my next step is a full system recovery or a full OS installation. Don't what to choose now :S
Yeah the crackling only happens on windows sounds. And increase the sound quality you mean selecting "24 bit, 192000 Hz (Studio Quality)" from the Sound window in Control Panel right ?
~Asus G73JH-X1 Official Owner's and Technical Upgrade Enthusiast's Thread~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by werry333, Feb 9, 2010.