The V1 rips! Supreme Commander on dual monitors is amazing. I also like being able to watch a movie and browse or play poker at the same time. As for my above temp. issues; I make sure to run any CPU intensive programs under "Super Performance" mode as this allows full fan RPM (Quiet office sure doesn't and I heated to 85C!)
The reason why I'm a bit concerned about that is that when it happens on desktops, it's an indication that the GPU is overheating. The solution there is usually to slap on a bigger heatsink like a Zalman cooler (need to keep the original cooler for the warranty), but that's not really doable on a laptop...
Here's another thought - stickers on or stickers off? I noticed that RacingNorth removed his stickers. On one hand, removing the stickers means the adhesive won't eat into the finish. On the other hand, it prevents it from being scuffed and discolored as easily, since that's exactly where you'd be putting your wrists when typing... -
I've had it happen at both low and high temps so it's not from over heating. My guess is that the ATI drivers are still not quite ready for the x1700. May be you're seeing something different from what I saw; it's difficult to know over words.
Sorta like a quick flash on the screen where you sometimes see really big text or crap that disappears very quickly? It seems to happen both on my primary and secondary monitor both at the same time very randomly. Not sure if docked or undocked makes a difference, since my unit is docked most of the time.
Thing is, I've only noticed it recently since I started doing tests on 3DMark'06 for temperatures with and without dock + cooling pad. And until recently, I haven't been actually heavily using the 3D side of the card. On desktops, that kind of thing was usually happening on mid-range cards that had really insufficient heatsink/cooler capacity (heatsink should not be burning hot, but in most older cards they would be) and would go defective a few months down the line. I'm hoping this isn't the case, but at the very least the V1Js have slotted graphics cards...
I guess I'll go try the Catalyst drivers later, but man, having to send it back so soon would be troublesome... -
Mine is docked most of the time with a secondary display, too. I think we're seeing the same thing. Do you have a hard time putting the thing in the dock? I have to push pretty hard to get both hooks to click.
soon to become a v1jp owner (c2d 2ghz, 2g ram, 160gbhd, x1700, etc ..)
they only sell the glossy type here in sweden, but hopefully that won't bother me that much ..
just wonder, besides in the user reviews, are there more photos of the v1jp here? would love to see how the glare type looks like in bad reflection ..
RacingNorth >> does your v1j have the matte or glare type display? -
btw, mystic golems review was really good imo!
loopty: Yeah, I find that I have to get it to clip in at a specific angle if I don't want to fight with it to get in, ie: tilt the back of the laptop towards the dock, line up the arrows and then hope the connector sorta catches. When I was fighting with it the first few times, I was wondering whether that connector is designed to take abuse like that, since it would be a royal pain if they had to replace the whole motherboard if the connectors went bad...
About that Catalyst driver update you suggested... I have the default in here (6.5?). Did you try 6.8 or 7.x? -
I'm running 7.2 right now. Everything before 7.2 had to be hacked to work (which is what Asus did). I think the latest on is 7.1 but I'm not sure. I had a hard time getting 7.2 to install correctly. A few times after the reboot both screens would go nuts and then the system would lock.
ATI doesn't seem to care about x1700 very much. -
Heh, I just noticed on the Global ASUS website, BIOS 310 just just just came out (as in I just downloaded 309 about 15 minutes ago and noticed 310 is now available).
Weird, it was up, I downloaded it, and then it's gone.
Edit: Hehe, now it's back. -
I just got my V1JP-AK006P yesterday and have a few questions:
I went to ASUS to get the latest BIOS, and saw the 310 was available. When I went to Winflash, it told me my Model wasn't correct. Turns out the V1JP has 310 BIOS, but the V1J is only up to 304, and my laptop is the V1J version even though the model is the V1JP-AK006P. Anyone know why this is?
I have the docking station, and I am seeing the similar thing that loopty and AlexF are seeing with a quick flash of something on the screen. Anyone found out what this is?
I want to set my network connection up so that when I am docked it using the LAN connection, and when I undock, it automatically switches to wireless, and back to LAN when I put it back in the dock. Currently, I have to manually turn off the wireless when docking, and manually turn it on when undocking. It should be automatic.
Thanks -
But this is how I flashed mine from 301.
Go to page 17 of this thread to see more detailed description of how to do it. -
My V1 has a glossy screen and it's only bothered me when sitting with my back to a window when its sunny outside....
As for removing the stickers, I hate stickers and I love a clean look. The surface seems very durable. I clean the whole notebook weekly with a moist coten towel to remove any oils from my hands. I have to be cautious with my watch however so the clasp doesn't scratch the surface.
I'm also running NOD32 for virus protection. Very good program, found all sorts of crap AVG free didn't find on my g/f's comp. She had Trojan installers all over the place that AVG completely overlooked!!!! -
btw, asus global have updated their info/spec on the v1jp ... it should now include 512mb dedicated graphics ram (1g with shared) .. wonder when that version is coming out ..
Okay, next question: docking station with DVI or VGA? I was using VGA before, but I recently switched it over to DVI. One thing I've noticed is that everything must have the same refresh, otherwise you get flickering on the external display (mostly down the right side in my case). Anyone else get that?
Every thing must have the same refresh? I guess I don't have this issue. What monitor are you using?
Flat panel + Viewsonic VP171. Originally I had tried running the VP171 at 75Hz while the flat panel was running (locked) at 60Hz, which caused some strange refresh ripple/flicker on the right side of the VP171. Setting it to 60Hz fixed the problem. Maybe it is a monitor thing, but from past experience, the displays usually should match to signal noise problems.
Attached Files:
What driver version are you running RacingNorth? With both 7.1 and 7.2 I've seen 1GB total reported. 3DMark06 reports similar numbers, 5xxMB physical and 5xxMB aperture.
Does X1700 really have 512MB of Physical RAM or it depends on the driver you use? I got the latest drivers from Asus download site and when i check ATI Control Center it shows me 1024 Memory Size and Hypermemory as Memory Type. -
It would be good to find out why ASUS isn't on the "official" list for ATI. Maybe this is one of the reasons?
Just replying to a post a few pages back (Loopty I think) about the blue screens of death. I've had them ever since I got my V1Jp in January ... generally at least once a day. I've reloaded Windows 3 times which always fixes it for a day or two - but then they're back again. I've now sent my machine back to Asus for them to figure it out. The tech I spoke to on the phone said it was most likely a hardware fault ... so hopefully they can trace it and put it right.
Scottie P -
@ Scottie
Thanks Scottie. I'm going to test mine a little longer to see what's going on. My latest guess is the dock connector. I have a new technique for docking and have repositioned everything. It's been fine this week so far. We'll see if it lasts.
@ engr19698
When I bought it it was advertised as 256MB physical and 512 with Hyper. I have no idea what to think now. If the bios or driver is screwed up then it's difficult for any software tool to accurately tell the real amount. I guess I could take the card out and find out what size the RAM chips are and add them up. I don't really feel like taking it apart. -
I don't have a dock - so it can't be that on my one. I think it might be the wireless card as almost everytime it happens, the wireless is switched off when I reboot. I'm not sure Asus will tell me anyway, just as long as they fix it. I hope it's not one of those situations that when you send it back - it works perfectly for them!
Scottie P -
Few questions:
- Have you customized the laptop? Added more RAM? Had the processor changed out? If you added RAM, what sort is it?
- Do you frequently run heavy 3D-intensive (ex: heavy gaming) or CPU-intensive that strain the processor for extended periods (ex: distributed computing like SETI@Home, or video encoding, or things of the sorta)?
- Check your Event Viewer (Go to Start: Run: eventvwr). Under System, do you see any big red X next to things like hard disk? Maybe just the disk went bad.
- When you reinstall, do you install any drivers or other old software onto the system? Try with just the default load and see if it crashes out.
- When it crashes, do you get a glimpse of what crash code it gives you? If not, it will usually be in the Event Viewer under System somewhere.
- Did you change any of the drivers with newer drivers? Were these drivers from the ASUS site or some other site? -
memory: left it with memtest all day, no problems
harddrive: checked with seatools and hdtune, no problems
eventlog shows no problems, it just stops suddenly
The crash dump does not happen (it simply doesn't write it for whatever reason) with either the mini or full setting, so i can't debug it. Seatools reported that the SATA controller is fine btw.
It's happened with both old and new drivers and multiple bios versions.
Dual Prime95 ran just fine. It only BSODs when it's idle (no user input for awhile) with or without load. -
Interestingly my BSODs were also generally at low load.... my V1Jp is absolutely standard .... and I've only used Windows update to update the drivers.... If I get any info from Asus, I'll share it on the thread in case it helps anyone.
Scottie P -
So my BEAUTIFUL V1 is up and running...I love it...BUT there are a couple of things...
I need to update the BIOS from 301 to 310...what is the best way to do it? Winflash?
Also the fan is constantly on. Is that the same for everyone? I've tried changing the Power4Gear settings from Quiet office to Gaming to High Performance and nothing seems to make any difference. Is it something I have to live with?
I also need to update ATI Catalyst to 7.2 - any tips as I see some posters have had issues...
Thanks... -
Scottie P:
What sort of screen saver are you using? Could be a video issue if you are using a 3D type screen saver. Try switching to something less taxing on the video card and see if it goes away. If you are using any 3rd party screen savers, disable them. -
I just reformatted and started over. Catalyst 7.2 installed with no problems. If you're upgrading from a previous version make sure you remove the "ATI - Software Uninstall Utility" in Add/Remove Programs. That will clean out the old version for you.
As for the bios try WinFlash first. If it complains about model number mismatch get back with us. -
I've had my V1Jp for about 6 weeks and it is working well. I'm now
seeing a problem with the Asus Live update. When it runs it grows
to use all of memory and then crashes. It also grabs all the CPU
and the temperature on the machine rises to over 95C. It worked
fine early on and told me what software changes were available
for my machine. Now it seems to be simply messing up my system.
Is there a new version of live update? I'm running WinXP and obtained
the system from which was very helpful in getting the
machine up and running. -
I may be wrong, but I've heard quite many ppl advise removing Asus Live update . . .
@Loopty (#333)... Thanks, but am I really dumb or is there no option for XP and X1700 on ATI's initial driver page?
When I select XP Pro it only offers the choices of x1600 or x1800 cards... so how do I get to a Catalyst suite page for the X1700?
I found this - - but it isn't for MOBILITY Radeon's, so is it the right one?
Sorry for being dumber than a box of frogs...
As for the BIOS, I'll see what Winflash says about my model and updating and let you know. Still a bit surprised my system info is showing my model to be
V1 and not V1J or V1JP...especially when I thought I was getting the V1JP...
[EDIT - The sticker on the side of my Asus Box which the notebook came in says; 'Model V1J, M.B. Version; V1JP'] So I guess I should use V1J updates on the Asus website rather than V1JP...? In which case there is only a BIOS update to 304...] -
Sorry my fault. ATI still doesn't officially have drivers for the x1700 although 7.2 at least works with our version of the x1700 without modification.
Here's the download link. Credit goes to dashboardy101 for finding this this link.
I would update the bios first actually. The video driver seemed to behave better since the last bios update. In 310 they updated the video bios/firmware.
As for the naming, both the V1J and the V1Jp have the same motherboard as far as I can tell. They both ran the same bios until version 304. The major difference between the V1J and V1Jp is the video card.
Yes get rid of Asus Live Update, it's junk. -
Loopty - Thanks. I spotted this which I just printed as an edit to my post above, but your replied before I did the edit
The sticker on the side of my Asus Box which the notebook came in says; 'Model V1J, M.B. Version; V1JP'
But from your latest post about the same motherboard, I should be okay to go to BIOS 310... I'll see what Winflash says or use the suggestion on Page 17 of this thread. But I think I'll cover myself with a call to Asus on Monday to confirm if it looks like I'll have to use the '/force' command...
I'll do Catalyst after the BIOS issue is resolved as you suggest.
Brilliant help...thank you. -
Dear Customer,
I have just talked to my Lead Tech support and he told me that he has heard of this problem before. The way to fix this is by forcing Winflash to load the BIOS. Here are the instructions to force winflash to flash to the latest bios.
Open Command Prompt START > Accessories > command prompt
Type cd \ (ENTER)
Type cd program files (ENTER)
Type cd asus (ENTER)
Type cd winflash (ENTER)
Type winflash /force
At this point, the program will ask you for the location of the BIOS file. Point it to the bios file that you want to flash.
If you have any other questions Please dont hesitate to call us. Our Tech Support is open 24/7 7 days/week
Give this a shot. -
8rocks - thanks for the suggestion. I've just been using the standard Windows XP screensaver ... nothing special at all. I have kept Asus live update though. Once I get the machine back from Asus, maybe I'll remove that.
Thanks again
Scottie P - Company Representative
So when you are looking for updated drivers just come here and ask the good people on the forums, or you can get them from the Asus site (albeit its slow).
A substitute for Norton is AVG Free, you can download that. -
When I tried to uninstall Asus Live Update in Control Panel\Program and Features, it always pop up with the following error.
"The InstallShield Engine (iKernel.exe) could not be launched.
No such interface supported."
Anybody knows why? -
Hi @all!
Just a short qestion: Has anyone received a Vista Anytime Upgrade CD with the V1JP?
Samsung and Lenovo usually add one to their Notebooks, but I havent seen it with Asus.
red_hood -
Does anyone know what temp is what in Speedfan? All I've been able to figure out is that Remote Temp is CPU 0 and the hard drive temp is what it says. Speedfan detects 6 temperature sensors in all and I have no idea what the other 4 are.
Hi all,
I've bought my V1JP last week at Singapore IT expo. c2d T7200, 2GB 667MHz, 160GB, DVD sup Multi+ with lightscribe and with windows Vista business.
They gave free bees like Altec lancing speakers S4221 and Asus Cinema U3000(Digital TV tuner). I've charged it to my local bank credit card. The bank gave me a Motorola dect phone(wireless) worth s$149 for spending $1550 or more on thier card.
Overall Im happy with my V1JP. The screen is too good with Vista's features like Aero. I've installed Digital TV tuner(it gave me tough time), finally i got it work. In Singapore we got only one digital TV channel. The Qualitity is simply superb and I never see these kinda oicture quality in any avaible LCD TV's available in market.
Downside the audio quality poor. Someonefrom the forum said VLC works fine with V1JP. Yeah true I've installed VLC, it i too good for playing any music files or video. Hats off to VLC. I've veriety of headphones with me. I listen music with Altec lansing headphone and Grado phones, boy!!! the sound it toooo good and brilliant.
I find the builtin-Webcam's picture is bit poor in quality(lot of noise in picture). I took my laptop to Asus service centre, afterexaming the guy said it is due to some driver for Vista and Asus will release new driver soon. (I've send email to ASus, they replied the same). Also I've told the guy, that Im having some problem with Asus Live update utility, with caring and very politely the guy said, 'It is not good one, you can uninstall it'. Without waiting for my answer, he started uninstalling Asus Live update.(Now no more worries..)
I've installed Googletalk, GoogleEarth, picasa, iTunes, RealPlayer, WinAMP, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, google desktop, VLC player, Firefox etc.... all working fine in V1JP(remember mine is Vista).
Im using wireless network at home, I find the wireless strength is not so good(only 3bars of WIFI strength). Other laptops working fine. Can anyone help me on this. Im using Belkin wireless router. I've checked, there is no new firmware update for the router. -
You know if you just want to use one multimedia program, like, just use media player 11, you can download the vista codec pack, which I did. I can play every file I have .mov, mp4, etc... after installing it. Of course, I still use VLC player on my USB drive.
How long is it taking others to boot?
I noticed early on someone said like 1min 30ssec to 2min to load to Vista.
I upgraded my memory to 2gig, reloaded system without Norton, went to Bios and turned off CD/DVD boot, turned off Quiet boot and now I am at desktop in say 30secs.
The ,only holdup now is the wireless resolving my router.. which holds up the sidebar and AVG anti-virus updater another 30secs or so.
System is much smoother now though. -
I halved my boot times to somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 seconds by fresh installing w/o any of the Norton stuff--if I remember right, it installed 4 or 5 unique Windows services, all set to automatic launch--each eating into boot time and memory space. It's incredible how much like a virus Norton and other overweight anti-virus applications are these days...
Mine takes almost one minute to boot.
V1J/P Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by MysticGolem, Dec 20, 2006.