Ok I will try to give a thorough yet succinct recap of what has happened. On Friday I was using the laptop at school doing email, powerpoint, a little bit of gaming (not like warcraft or anything) when I get an "out of memory" message from live update. So when I got that message I figured it would be good to close everything which I tried to do with no success. I tried shutting down and got an "access is denied" message. I tied task manager and I got a similar error message so I had to restart with the power button.
After that the computer started running very slowly with lots of hesitation and momentary non-responsiveness. These 'hiccups' happen every couple of seconds and tend to last about 4 to 6 seconds. The computer is not totally freezing up because I can still move the mouse- it's just not responding.
After doing some forum searches I found that others had a similar problem and fixed it by updating the BIOS. I figured this could fix my problem so I went to the site and downloaded the latest BIOS. I followed the instructions and I couldn't update it.
So I called tech support and to see if they could help me. We tried several different ways (Dos, running the program from the Bios menu, etc). but it didn't work. (Gave a ROM image does not match error because the original file says v1j and the new one says v1jp).
He informed me to call back on Monday to see if they have something worked out. I called back and got the run around for a little bit but someone did send me a 304 Bios file that I was able to get to work but unfortunately that did not solve the problem.
The next option was the F9 reinstall which did not work. It did not bring up a recovery console at all. I only have one drive (C) on my laptop as well. When I first got the computer I did run the NTFS converter but that's it (and that was after thorough research). I have not repartitioned the harddrive or wiped and reinstalled. I didn't screw with some software. Before I do anything I always read forums and research and try to do the right thing. I only bother people as a last resort but there is not much information on this particular issue.
My 'less impressed' comment about the tech support was when I called he wouldn't just tell me what to do he kept on asking me what I wanted to do. If I knew what to do I wouldn't have called. I just wanted someone more knowledgeable than myself to instruct me on how to rectify the problem as best as they can. And if they don't know the answer that is fine just inform. In past experiences with other tech support they seemed a little bit more sure of themselves but that was just my impression. I guess I am frustrated that this new laptop is not working.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for your help.
PROPortable Company Representative
Much better... now I at least have a picture in my head of what you're trying to do. Let me first list a couple things...
1. The winflash program is great for people that don't know what they're doing because technically flashing the bios used to be a great way to fry the motherboard in the old days.... it still is, if you screw something up or lose power to the system. However, the winflash ute basically makes it idiot proof. That's a good thing because it makes it easy for someone like me to say do this without a worry... basically so the system doesn't always need to come in to get a bios update. The bad thing is, if the bios is isn't named as for the same system, or is an older version - it won't let you do the update... because it could potentially fry your system. Asus really wouldn't want to walk someone that was getting caught up like yourself, through a dos update.
Now, below is the information for BIOS 308 for the V1jp... all of the fixes are Vista related, or related to the docking station.... so technically it's not going to do jack for you... but it's there... but it was uplated on 01/11/07
BIOS 308
1.Fix bug that speed step can't work in vista.
2.Fix system can't enter C3 state in Vista.
3.Fix system will be abnormally or Blue screen when undocking.
I'm going to guesss you're coming from a bios newer then 304 then? That was the merom update to the V1j, if 304 loaded, did you try to load 308 after you made that update?
Now, in terms of hitting F9 and getting into the recovery console.... you should be able to do it... Are you familiar with hitting F2 to get into the bios? If not... my only advice is turn off the system, turn it on.. and right from the start - hit F9 - over and over and over.... if it get to windows, something's up. All of the systems with the OS loaded from the factory have the same image and F9 will get you into that recovery console.
If you want to try that and actually email me (not pm or post), I might be able to quickly help you make sure it needs to go in to Asus or not. -
You sure it may not be a virus or spyware? I've had some serious system stability issues once when my desktop got infected. As it sounds like a software issue to me as well, I'd simply format the system and reinstall windows. Of course, I can't use the recovery console as I deleted the partition (on purpose). I do have one question though....... I still have the BIOS that came from the factory. I am having zero problems right now, so I am not wanting to do a bios update. (And yes, Live Update from Asus stinks. I've learned this in updating my desktops BIOS). Should I update to 308 anyways? I most likely will when VISTA is ready. Just wondering if I should do it know.
PROPortable Company Representative
No need to do it now... the bios was just updated for vista issues that were found... no need to waste your time till you go to install vista.
Anybody bought this laptop from the UK?
I would like to upgrade my Windows XP Pro to Vista, for this I paid the small fee towards shipment when asked here http://event.asus.com/vistaupgrade/index.htm
Now, this asked me to send a Redemption Form to an address in Netherlands including the original of the invoice.
Problem is I don't have such a Redemption Form so I have no idea if I will indeed be able to get that Vista update.
Anybody got a similar experience ?
Cheers -
PROPortable Company Representative
Daneel - I've answered this question about the redemption form in about three other posts in the last day or so.... try to look around. Basically you just need your invoice and your vista order number from the site that you got when you filled out the web order.
Hey there, If there is another BIOS 304 that works other than the one I downloaded from ASUS website, please send it this way. I still can't get the 304 update to work, and I've not heard anything back from ASUS yet on my problem. I definitely want that update since it :
-Modifies thermal policy for Merom CPU.
-Renames model name to V1Jp -
I heard back from Asus tech support. He said that he found a way to force the V1JP BIOS and he also mentioned the V1J 304 BIOS as an alternative though I told him I would prefer the V1JP BIOS. I did not get the details on how to do it because I sent my laptop in for repairs. However there is a possible fix now for those that are interested.
Maybe someone could find out and post for the others? -
OK, for the folks that couldn't flash their BIOS to 304 or above, I was given instructions on how to do just that, and it worked!
Here is what was sent to me by ASUS: browse in DOS in the Windows command prompt, go to the c:\windows\program files\asus\winflash folder and type 'winflash /force' which will let you flash any bios including the wrong model, so make sure the old and new bios are either V1J or V1Jp.
Note: my winflash folder was in c:\program files\asus\winflash.
I'll probably stick with 304 since I don't have Vista yet anyway, nor a docking station. Hope this helps someone. -
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
To give and update regarding my battery on my V1JP.
Using NHC, to check my battery wear %, it is 14% in 3.5 weeks, which is ridiculous in my opinion. Just before I went to school my Wear % was 12%.
On average my battery seems to be putting on 3-4% battery wear per week.
While I was in school, sitting with my friends, one of them pull out an HP dv4000 and stated it was 4 months old.
So, thought to myself, why not give NHC a try and see how much battery wear an HP laptop would have in 4 months.
After 5 minutes, NHC was installed on my friends laptop and guess what, his battery wear percentage was a whopping 0%!!!! I was and wasn't surprised.
I was surprised because from reading in the forums some ASUS laptop have insanely high wear % on their batteries while we have other people in other brands using their laptops for such a long time on 1 main battery with little to no wear %.
I was not surprised because I previously speculated a lot regarding batteries and there is no real concluding answer to why some of ASUS batteries have high wear % and others don't. I have made my points very clear in another thread regarding battery wear. Located here,
MysticGolem -
The battery guide says the battery wear estiments from some softwares are sometimes grossly inaccurate. Do the battery wear cases always corespond to reduction of real world battery life?
usually, it is because people notice a reduction in battery life that causes them to check out their battery wear. so yes, in general, battery wear will lead to reduction battery life....unless the program they use is not working properly.
Sad to hear that from the owner of a qualtity ASUS notebook, especially this model
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
From what I have seen, some of Asus notebooks just have batteries that will generate an insane amount of wear.
Today I need 3 hours of battery life in school, but guess what, I brought my AC Adapter to school because I feared that the wear % and that the battery would run out after the 2.5 hour mark.
So today I had a 1 hour lecture in the morning, that was easy for my laptop go to through. My discharge rate was roughly 22W so my battery miser stated 3 hours of battery life.
Then I had a 1 hour break, and charge the laptop for 30 mins, bringing the charge level to 85%.
I went to my next class, 2 hours straight of typing, WIFI off, just to note, WIFI on or off doesn't make a real difference on battery life for the V1JP, when in Quiet Office mode. My discharge rate was also reasonable, also to note when i am typing notes in class, my screen brightness is any where between 2/16 - 4/16 so this maximizes battery life plus it is still reasonably bright for me to use.
Anyways I would have to do a full discharge with my original setup like in my review to confirm that my battery has really worn 14%.
My initial point of view when purchasing the V1JP was that I would end up with the battery wear % problem, but I hoped that i wouldn't have to deal with it because the battery life is one of the most important things for me, because I dislike carrying the AC Adapter.
So my position on Asus and their batteries is that they chose the wrong type of battery to use, (lack of words here). I haven't really heard any other brand complain about insane wear percentages, except Asus.
If you read in the that thread I linked, I have already asked and checked the integrity of programs, and other have also confirmed that the programs don't lie.
Basically we could blame a few things
1) Programs - This has proven to be correct and not faulty
2) Human Induced/Abuse - Despite how much abuse you do to a Lithium-Ion battery it still shouldn't wear out like this. I personally own 2 Radio Control Cars and a Digital Camera with a Lithium Ion battery, and have not seen a decrease in battery life for several years of use and abuse (especially the radio control cars)
3) Asus Motherboard Circuitry - Many have had their motherboards replaced and some had success and some still have the same problem, I personally would not blame the motherboard.
4) The Battery - In my opinion this is the problem, I just took my battery out the V1JP and had a look at it, all I see on it is ASUS/AsusTek and V1J name all over it. My guess is that it is a Sony Battery, since they make a huge majority of batteries anyways. Even if I were to blame Sony and their batteries, the V1JP uses a high capacity battery. Does Sony make different grades of batteries? The good quality ones go to other brands who don't have wear % problem, while Asus is using the low grade Sony batteries where we have problem with wear % and causes consumers a lot of headache?
I would have to investigate but, I wouldn't mind a reseller clearing this for us. In my opinion right now, no matter what Asus laptop you purchase you may face the wear % problem, but it is so hard to figure out the culprit in this case because information is scarce and there's little than can be done at the consumer end.
Lastly, I would just like to say, I am not disappointed in ASUS, no brand is perfect, no laptop is perfect, and I do understand what the current state of technology is. I have read several articles regarding batteries, and I am still left with no real conclusive conclusion or solution.
PS: Many have also seen my other post being this long and thought out, I am looking for others to have elaborate and thorough input.
Looking for others' opinions too but please explain yourself and be specific.
MysticGolem -
Try this if u want, I used it on my bro HP dv6000t.
Dont know if ASUS used Sony's low grade battery, may be the heat or software issues that make the battery wearing down. -
I disagree that NHC has been proven when it comes to battery wear calculations. 0% Battery life after 5 months of use may sound nice but is not realistic at all. Lithium ion batteries wear even when they're in storage.
PROPortable Company Representative
Asus hasn't used a single sony li-ion cell since january of last year.... mostly panasonic from my own testing.
Has anyone else noticed that NHC can only reduce the clock multiplier down to 6x (50%
where as Power4Gear can reduce it down to 3x (25%). I would like to under volt but the inability to run at the lowest possible clock multiplier kills much if not all of the battery life I would have saved. I have a V1Jp with T7200 btw.
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
I believe RM clock may be able to reduce the multiplier even more, but I personally have no need to undervolt at this moment, everything seems quite fine.
If I had a Pentium-M laptop, then surely I would want to undervolt, but with Merom or even Core Duo, I don't see much of a purpose for me since I use the laptop for 8 hours a day roughly 3 hour on battery and 5 hours at home doing homework and once in the blue moon gaming when I need to use it.
PS: I love the fact that I can do my homework and game at the same time now. rofl
My personal belief on Lithium Ion batteries despite what people have shown, and trust me there are so many sides to this controversial topic, is that Lithium Ion batteries do wear, but at an extremely slow rate. A slow rate that it should concern the average user to replace it so soon.
Meaning, just like I originally stated in that thread, battery wear should be on average 0.5% -1% a month despite usage and even possibly abuse. I know this is quite a bold statement, despite no real proof.
But lets theoretically think of this.
Lets take 10 Asus V1JP or W3J or V6J (all of one kind) and take 10 HP dv4000 or Dell 1505 or 10 Acer Ferraries (all of one kind).
Meaning a total of 20 laptops of 2 kinds, and run battery life tests and wear % test, over the course of 1 month, and then do it over 1 year.
My money is on the fact that Asus batteries will report an average of much higher percentages overall in wear %, compared to the other brands despite both of them going through the same testing.
Once again this would be quite a daunting task and possible unscientific, but it would show the most piratical results.
I don't blame Asus for the problem of batteries, but I certainly question why is this happening?
Note: the Link you posted Firewolf is just a mobile battery/power source, just like any other IGO product...its nice though. That would cost extra money to get, but definitely a nicely designed product.
Well i am not sure how to test whether the battery is Sony or Panasonic, but I personally would prefer a Sony battery that doesn't wear out if this case it true that the Panasonic battery is being used. I would rather take my chances with an exploding Sony battery. LOL
MysticGolem -
Well, at least ASUS battery is cheaper to replace than other Brand like Sony
This place has done some studies on storage, charging, and wear.
This page has a table on capacity percentage related to temperature and charge level.
http://www.batteryuniversity.com/parttwo-34.htm -
PROPortable Company Representative
Under Asus' battery warranty, during the period of the year the battery is allowed something like 15-20% wear. That's normal for all li-ion's, but there is some leeway. Say you get a new system and the wear is already at 5-10%, they'll replace it. But basically since over the months it slowly loses life regardless, there is that limit on the warranty because otherwise everyone would be getting new batteries - or the opposite - all the companies would simply put a 90 day warranty on the battery.
For MG - I suggest you have Asus swap it out. -
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
Thanks for the links loopty, I believe I have read through most them several months ago, but it is nice to refresh some real scientific studies and explanations.
Yes my battery had 0 % wear on it when I got it, and each day I checked how much wear is being put on, in hopes that it would stop..lol.
I will be contacting ASUS about this and will be getting it replaced as soon as possible.
But I will also be monitoring my friends HP dv4000, and maybe get my friend who owns an Acer 2000 series to install NHC and see how much battery she has on her laptop.
MysticGolem -
This battery problem is making me doubt purchasing a v1jp
PROPortable Company Representative
Every notebook's battery is essentially the same...... I find the same cells, just perhaps more of them in almost all of our systems. MG's issue is far from normal, but you're just as likely to have it with the V1 as any other our systems.... or any other notebook you buy, because they're all using basically 2-3 different battery makers.
As I said to MG, the battery is covered for 1 year, and up to that period it's typical to allow for about 15% wear to that point... that's industry standard or better. In the case of MG, Asus is going to replace that battery in a flash because it's not normal....... If it were normal and Asus refused to swap the battery.... you would have something to worry about - and frankly so would we. -
It seems like most notebook batteries kick it after about a year?
Is there a battery in an Asus computer that has a stronger life? -
talking about battery wear my v1j has been hell my first battery went to 52% wear after 3 weeks i sent that off got a new one have had this for just over a month and its up to 42% and my hard drive has just died in it S.M.A.R.T is throwing me out errors giving me stouble getting past bios. so soon ill be onto my second hard drive and 3rd battery in just over 2 months what a joke but i love the laptop its self so im going to stick with it see what asus do. erghhh is so annoying
I have a V6V currently, almost 2 years old. NHC reports battery wear at 19%. I rarely use it from battery, I have it almost always hooked up to AC. I know some recommend that I would disconnect the battery in this case, but I just never do that.
Should I consider myself lucky, or is this normal for the battery? -
I have a UPS at home so my battery sits in the fridge half charged when I'm not traveling. -
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
Interesting to hear other people's stories.
Yah Lenardg I would really recommend putting your battery in a cold play since you have it plugged in all the time.
I still have my personal believe that battery wear should be on average 0.5%-1% per month, no matter what. Then again, I have no proof of my theory.
Anyways I am gonna rule out my first battery has defective? (So we shall call it that)
I am still very happy with the V1JP, (not like i was ever unhappy) getting more and more comments about my laptop, today a girl really liked my laptop, so that makes me happy, hahah.
PS: I double checked the Battery Wear % from NHC and compared it to Everest Ultimate, and both are the exact same number, wear 20%. Yikes exactly 1 month, 5% per week, lol.
In any case I will watch my laptop and my friends laptop and see how everything goes, I'm not too concern about this issue, I will just take my AC adapter to school now.
MysticGolem -
lenardg: You can disconnect the battery and just run the lappy on AC? I always thought that the battery had to be connected. As I mostly always use AC, it would take of some carrying wieght if I took the battery of and kept it at home. Please verify. Thanks.
Yeah you can take out the battery and run it off of AC.
i'm new on these i wuold like to know i what a got was a good one i have a v1j somebody told me that asus is made by sony an toshiba together can some o you tell me if that right and if you can tell me de good and the bad about this computer thank you.....
First please use proper punctuation. Reading your post makes my head hurt.
Second, no Asus makes all their own stuff. Some of the Sony notebooks are actually made by Asus.
Here's a link to the review done by MysticGolem.
http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=3412&review=Asus+V1JP -
Asus makes some sony and toshiba notebooks.
and apple macbook -
I GOT MY SWEET V1JP... sending it back tho... LOL
Optical drive not closing. (i have read the proportable adviceon another thread) -
What advice? Can you link it please?
PROPortable Company Representative
What advice could I possibily have given about an optical drive not closing? That's awfully odd.... there isn't anything to really break in terms of the workings of the optical drive that would cause that. The V1's drive is a little tight in t hat area, so you have to put a little effort into closing it, but I can't see where you'd run into a problem.
Sorry, it was only a small remark made (maybe not proport) but someone said to hold in the cd drive for a few seconds... then it will lock. Well that didnt work for me.
Well i found that if you close it by pushing the right side of the drive (thats the one away from the screen) then it works.
The reason these problems occur is becuase it is a swap module. -
PROPortable Company Representative
No, that certainly wasn't me. The drive will or should catch. If it doesn't, either the button is some how stuck, the drive is faulty, or the user is inept... in your case we'll hopefully figure it's one of the first two, but it's very odd. We've seen very little issues in regards to the optical drives over the years.
It has nothing to do with the fact that it's swappable... nothing at all. It still closes and locks the same, it can just be removed.... there's no difference there. -
I just installed NHC and my battery wear is 5% already, and i charged it twice!!
My brother installed it on his windows side on a mac book pro that he has had since october and his reads 5%
What shall i do -
PROPortable Company Representative
Asus isn't supporting it in their notebooks because intel wont' put out an N card until Santa Rosa comes out.... As far as their routers, all of their new routers over the last six months or so are draft N based.... there's a difference though.
Yes, you change anything out of your system and the warranty could be voided. Most of the time though if you put the old card back in and the problem isn't related to the card - you'll be fine, but that's the general statement coming from Taiwan - so it's the same around the world.
5% wear based on those methods of reading the battery wear is perfectly normal..... it'll probably stay there for most of the year. Typically 95-97% is where I see most all of the new batteries tested. Basically over the course of what should be say a 4 hour life, you'd get 3 hours and 48 minutes... which is fine. That's why battery life is given as an average (at least one reaseon). If it six months it reads much more than that.... or more than 15% as it comes up on 1 year old, then you can get a new battery from Asus... but for now I know that's rather normal.
Test what you're getting life wise as well. -
Well I have had my new v1jp for almost two days now; and i cannot really top mysticgolem's review, but i shall voice my opinions.
To start of with, the laptop was bigger than i expected. I was using a Macbook Pro and Dell Latt before the asus and i half expected it to be as thin as the mac. But it is thicker but definately more attractive!
Screen Resolution is amazing, im loving the amount of space on screen while using my 3d apps. As for screen size, the 15.4 is more than enough for me. A 17" which i was planning on getting, would have indeed been rather large on the lap. The screen does flex, with ripples when pressed on the top centre of the lid. Asus have included an interesting latch system, the hooks are on the base (underneath the chassis) where as the latch is on the lid. Strange but unique.
The Keyboard is good, standard and sturdy. However it does flex slightly and the return button squeaks when i push it. (rather bizarre) Mouse pad is good, nice texture and very easy to use. The buttons on the pad however are rather stiff. Quite a bit of force needed compared to other touch pads. I have set up my biometric finger scanner, and it is really fun. Quite pointless since windows needs a password anyway as a counter measure. But cool none the less.
I have to say at this point, i am awaiting a replacement laptop due to the optical drive refusing to close. I kno it is a swap module, that asus can replace. But it is under the retailer for the first 7 days.
I havent used the ports at all, apart from usb, so i cannot comment on express slot or external display yet. Although i shall be trying very soon.
The vent is on the right side, which at times gets quite hot and will blow on my hand when using the external mouse, however, this didnt affect me much, and besides, my hands tend to go cold when typing and using mouse for long periods of time; so this is quite useful.
The speakers are good, not the best but decent and better than the dell.
I plan on using external speakers via the spdif audio out. which in turn will be good.
Wirless is a strong point. Every where i go within my house (2 floors) i get full bars. Fast internet and no problems. Comparing this to the dell latt 6400, the asus is far better. They both use the same module, but the dell one seems to loose connection at times and on the bottom floor, signal strenth is 3/5 bars where as the asus is 5/5. The mac is similar to the Asus, perfect strength etc... (both OSX and windows) The bluetooth is also a strong point. My laptop connected to my laptop from different floors, and other laptops with no problems. The UI for the bluetooth is simple and has great userbility. Far better than the usb bluetooth module i have for my desktop. I have to say i cannot connect to the mac book pro though.
Now onto the software sides of things; Windows when started up was running fine. Quite a bit of bloatware, however i shall not be formatting my computer till Vista arrives so i am not really bothered.
Asus does provide interesting but useless softwares. Well at least i think so. For example the DVD software will be replaced for a better one, the Asus net4switch, liveframe are good but i have no use for them. Also the Asus Liveupdates are quite poor. THe multiframe however is a nice touch and i shall be getting used to that.
Setting up the biometrics was easy and quick (fun also). One problem i encountered is the x1700. i wanted to update the driver, to take advantage of avivo and other gpu features, however the ati site does not seem to support the x1700 and when downloading the catalyst 7.1 (for x1600). the V1jp did not allow me to install it. Even when uninstalling the initial one. I have started another thread, with some useful comments from people.
I installed Battlefield 2142 (after updating all my drivers etc...) and it cannot run at high settings, which is a shame but i wasnt expecting it to. It ran fine with medium settings selected. Also when playing the game, one thing that bugged me was the fn, ctrl positioning. But i dont plan to use many games on here.
I have yet to install all my usual programs.
One question that i have yet to find an answer to is why have asus installed lightscribe if my DVDrw does not support it. I googled the dvd model number (found in device manager) and it is samsung dvd rw. no lightscribe! shame though.
The weight of the machine is standard. Heavier than the dell but on par with the mac.
A great laptop. By far the best that i have seen and used! Highly recommended.
- Excellent Screen
- Excellent Wireless
- Sturdy build and attrative design
- Graphics
- Core 2 Duo!
- Biometric Scanner
- Harddrive (fast, quiet)
- Wireless has great strength
- New laptop smell
- Optical drive (just me)
- Flex on screen
- Lock mechanism
- x1700 driver is scarse
- Noisy Fan -
Thanks for sharing your experience with the V1Jp
MilestonePC.com Company Representative
Thanks for your input.
With regards to the lightscribe software that comes with the laptop, basically this is just bundled software, and it is confusing to consumers when they see a Lightscribe program and it gives people the false sense it has ligthscribe when it in fact doesn't.
The specsheet would state wether a laptop has lightscribe or not, atleast you double checked before purching some CDs.
It would be interesting to see if the V1JP could overclock to match the performance of the G2P and even match the performance in the G1.
V1J/P Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by MysticGolem, Dec 20, 2006.