For those interested the Hitachi 7K500 and Extreme III 8GB card fr ready boost under high performance for battery alow me to cold boot to desktop with Win7 HP in 32 seconds. The overall system peformance is outstanding as well...........
For those wondering the P8xxx cpu's work fine in these machines. I had a P8400 laying around from another upgrade so figured I'd give it a shot. Well it runs great and at least with SuperPI I seem to get about a 10% boost even though I only jumped from 2.1 GHz to 2.6 GHz......... -
Not to be too redundant I've now got a P9600 ES in here and it works great as well. I can use SetFSB for 3.0 GHz with no issues but it is way more than fast enough at 2.66 GHz............
so I have a STOCK version of this laptop right now. What can I do to upgrade it? Ie; RAM, PROCESSOR etc. without having to do any mods. TAN, What did you have to do in order to attach the backlit keyboard and where did you buy it from? I'm not too bad with a soldering iron, but don't want to screw it up if it's really involved. I pretty much need this for college for the next 3 years, which is why I bought it.
Looks like TAN has moved on. He hasn't posted here in 6 months. Maybe, like me, he sold his U81A. This model was rather short-lived. Strictly a Best Buy model of the U81.
I've had several laptops since I sold my U81A and now have an Acer 1830T-3721. It's a nice ultraportable (3 lbs) with 11.6" screen and a Core i5 processor. But, I'm getting ready to buy an Asus gaming laptop as soon as it's released (G53JW), so my Acer is up for sale.
I do remember that the U81A was a very nice laptop during the short time I had it. They apparently didn't make or sell a lot of them, so this thread will probably fade away soon due to lack of participation. -
thanks Ray for at least replying. I bought mine brand new in August of 2010 and figured I'd see if I could make any mods or such before there were no more parts available for the model. Mine works just fine though, have taken it to college classes and use it almost everyday! I'll probably be keeping this till I graduate from college and it'll probably be a dinosaur by then, but if it works, why get a new one?
U81A-RX05 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by raydabruce, Sep 11, 2009.