Looks like I may get the G51 after all with cooler. Doesn't seem too bad.
Guys im going for the g51, at BB.
Thank you all.
HOPE IT DOESN'T OVERHEAT, if im paying over 1k for a laptop, it had better last me at least 4 years in college... -
I'm going for the cooler, a 2-3 year warranty, and the laptop.
cooler for lower temps, fps_max 50 for all steam games, and then the warranty for when the thing overheats which it shouldn't, since asus built the system knowing about the high temps. -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Guys, if you have American Express card, use it. I dunno about asus warranty but whether asus gives you 1 or 2 years warranty, simply using your AE card will extend your warranty another year making it either 2 or 3 years. If there are any problem outside the asus coverage, simply call AE, they will take care of you, you can read about their electronic warranty on their web site. NO EXTRA CHARGE!
hey i just traded out my downclocking 71 for the 51 they gave me 100 dollars off but the would only do it if you bought the 180 dollar 2 year warranty but basically your getting the warranty for 80 bucks i would ask them about that since these things get so hot i would want the warranty
Wait i read the policy, but how do you know its actually working, or how do you know that you have the warranty active??
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
btw, what is the best laptop cooler at BB for this g51?
I'm going to build a custom cooling device for this laptop. pics up soon.
Any idea of when or if this will come to the UK?
Just bought a g51!!!!!!
I was at BB at 11:00AM this morning hahahaha -
I can't wait, and hope that we get the higher specs ones at a fairly decent price as well. It better be mid-July!! -
No doubt well get shafted and will have to pay a premium
Also.. why is it using DDR2? Can it take DDR3?
Oh and can someone whos got one of these put up a review on YouTube? That'll be great
Very small difference between DDR2 and DDR3 - only benefit is DDR3 might consume a bit less power. DDR3 is also still quite expensive. Not worth it imo.
hm okay, i played through the entire bioshock demo and only got 85c this time as opposed to the 91c last time. weird, eh? didn't change anything graphically. tried the arma2 demo and getting similar temps. couldn't play that game very well, though. on the default high i was getting 20-30 fps and the game doesn't even look that good. might not be optimized very well.
But, no offense, but where are you getting that it is still "quite expensive"? Newegg shows 1GB DDR2-800 selling for $14 and 1GB DDR3-1066 selling for $16? DDR3 is not nearly as expensive as it was during launch; prices have fell dramatically.
~Ibrahim~ -
but if you compare the price of 4gb module ddr2 to a ddr3 for laptop, you will se a huge diference between then(at newegg, Corsair DDr2 costs 184 and the corsair DDR3 370).
But I agree the price is goind down. But the diference between then isn't that much in performace. -
~Ibrahim~ -
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
I had not seen corsair with it that low, only patriot which tends to be junk but haven't checked in a couple of weeks. -
But, yeah, DDR3 prices are pretty close to old DDR2 prices. Of course, the new DDR2 prices are rock-bottom.
~Ibrahim~ -
ClutchX2 has anyone done any testing on the Overclocking console that you are working on for this unit. If not then i'll be more than glad to test it..
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
Nah as I havent released a test version yet, i am working this very second on the config wizard and related code. I just (like 1 minute ago) released an LED test app for other models, you can play with it but i dont need the G51 tested (unless the motherboard changed that much) as it should be the same as the g51. The test only works on leds that are acpi controlled.
The app is a front end for SetFSB which will work silently in the background. LED work will only be partial on release, whats already known as Predator works on G50/51/70/71 gaming led support but thats slow without him owning any of those models. Also in the app are things like the headphone switch fix for G50's which apparently is a continued problem for G51's.
As long as ASUSNBKeys 1.3 and SetFSB works on the G51 the app should work fine. Hotkey controls is based on the code of asusnbkeys. I will get you guys a test version as soon as ones ready, I know G51 owners are mourning the loss of DC overclocking. -
Does taking the bottom cover off the laptop and using a cooler work better
So it definatly hasn't got The little OLED screen? That sucks.. I want this laptop for the specs.. I mean 15 inch and a gtx 280m is perfect for my needs (taking to LAN partys and various tasks..) but I'm not sure if I like the design.. Looks a bit like a toy IMO
It's a GTX 2 60M, btw.
~Ibrahim~ -
Yea that's what I ment..
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
You guys think this is too big/heavy for school?
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
Oh okay, its not any heavier then the G50 was. The laptop by itself in a backpack feels weightless, a joke. Carrying in a bag with a single strap will seem heavier and the worst is carrying it in a standard laptop bag with a handle. I havent found the right bag yet for that and still use a backpack. I am personally looking for something that carries the cooler as well so my load will be pretty heavy.
Id recommend a backpack to anyone looking to tote this or a heavier laptop as it evens out the weight on you. -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Roger that, thanks for the reply, I shall go to bestbuy and check it out later tonight....my backpack is a single strap guess that makes everything feel heavier. It will just be hilarious if i bust this thing out in middle of class amongst those college kid macbook and netbook, they probably see say lol
thegreatsquare Notebook Deity
Ouch! Judging by the 3dm06 benchies, that CPU is a big bottleneck on the 260m.
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but could I get a list of mobile CPUs that are compatible with the G51? If higher-end newegg models don't come out soon I might just get the BB version and put a newer cpu in. I'm relatively unfamiliar with doing modifications to laptops, only had desktop experience in the past.
Would I be looking at a 25 or 35 Watt? -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Looking on this link,
Look on the info for the P7350. It has a socket P, so likely almost any socket P will work.
That's why a lot of people were thinking about the quad core 2.0 ghz one because it has the same socket (Q9000). The watts aren't too big of a concern except higher generates more heat and draws more power. -
My biggest concern would be does the G51 have adequate ways to keep the CPU cool under load; given that it would be upgrading a 25W TDP (Thermal Design Power) P7350 with a 45W TDP Q9100.
IMO the P9500 @ 2.53Ghz & 6MB L2 cache might be a great upgrade if one could find one for a low price as it still remains in that 25W sweet spot. The P9700 @ 2.8 & 6Mb L2 cache would be my dream processor at only 28W which is only rated slightly higher than the stock processor but provides a huge boost in Ghz.
I'm sure folks with a lot more knowledge and experience could chime in here.
Also has anyone hooked up a G51 to an external monitor with higher res to see how it impacts the GPU? I was wondering if you ran this pup through say a 1920x1200 external monitor would it heat up the GPU more than using its stock LED screen with lower res? -
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
The G51 will be coming with a Q9000 stock in one or more models so just wait until it comes out to see if they change the cooling.
Dont forget about the 35 watt T series, they are not that hot. Idle temps are actually lower and load temps probably no more than 10 degrees more. The prices on the T9800 are still high so a cheap T9900 is best in that area. I got my T9600 used for 260 and at the same time i saw one new for 320. Some resellers on occasion will have pulls from people who upgraded. GenTech recently had a T9550 on hand though no mention of price. -
Nothing is Real Notebook Evangelist
You can get a Q9200 off of ebay for $250, which is cheaper than the Q9100s with temp sensors.
I still like the looks of that new P9700 @ 2.8 running at near the same W as the stock 2.0. However it seems to be so new that I cannot find any for sale
Also anyone on my previous question on the G51 GPU heat when running through a high res external. Good or GPU Death?
Sunny's G51VX-RX05 Review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by sunnyc90, Jun 21, 2009.