the 260 GTX its stronger and with more shaders too...
the problem is that the CPU is holding back the laptop so the scores wont be that high ...
if u get a quad on it i think u can break 11k
dissembled59 - The Gpu is more powerful but under clocked from factory and the CPU is weaker.. Overclocking both will give you considerably high scores but also raises the heat build up.. I will prolly be taking apart the cooling system and apply artic silver compound and post results over the week.. Lights stay white at all times when plugged in.
just1tree - Thanks for the comment! I have to say the back light is a lot brighter than the previous model and i dont think pictures would cut it but if you want i can post more pics of the screen.. -
Sunny, Nice review! +reps to you man.
Uh guys, I know you're excited about having a backlit keyboard and all, but the G50's keyboard isn't even the same layout as the G51's... You'd have to do some pretty crazy modding to the palm rest and possibly where the keyboard attaches to the laptop in order to have it fit physically inside of the keyboard space.
Now my N50 has the same exact keyboard layout as the G51. Everything is the same between the two, except the G51 has the chiclet style keyboard, and it's backlit. I wanna do a swap.
Now I know that the keyboards are practically the same, so it will definitely fit, but I'm concerned about the connectors not matching. Help? -
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
I'd *like* the backlighting ALOT, but I'd be satisfied with just having the chicklet type keyboard, as long as the letters show up perfectly without the lights on. I need a new keyboard anyways, since apparently my super-awesome typing skills have worn away the matte finish of quite a few of my keys, most notably the spacebar. I've only had this computer for about 7-8 months now! -
Lethal Lottery Notebook Betrayer
im confused. why is this so cheap? where can i buy it? do you think something much better is coming soon within the next couple months (in terms of gpus?)
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
Not at this price but higher cpu and quad's, bluray will be coming to resellers. At these temps its not like there gonna put a 280M in it lol. -
That's what kind of eggs me. It's underclocked AND it overheats. That just isn't right, you feel?
~Ibrahim~ -
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
That's very true. But, that doesn't answer the argument. If anything, it should run slightly cooler on lower clocks.
Then they should've lowered the volts (difficult, probably). But, it seems robbery to have a slower graphic card that runs hot.
~Ibrahim~ -
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
Havent seen anyone dump the 260M bios from the G51 yet. -
I don't mean to discredit you, but, you're only one person. OC'ing is not a precise science and your luck might not be the same for another person.
Someone should attempt a BIOS dump and then compare it with NibiTor or something to check the volt differences. I'd, honestly, be surprised to see any.
~Ibrahim~ -
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
I PM'd skyhawk, but if not sunny should hopefully see this and do it.
To anyone with the G51, could you do us (the N50 crew) a favor, and take more pictures of the connectors that come out of the keyboard and go into the notebook. I took my N50's keyboard out. There's no thin yellow ribbon cable. My laptop's keyboard only has the wide gray cable.
Here ya go the special 260m GTX BIOS saved from Gpu-Z by the way nice try Nibtor 5.0 wont read it correctly, some things show up, not everything it thinks the gpu core clock in 3 mode is 21,000mhz or some crap.. heres the link:
Sunny,i'm looking forward to the reading about your taking apart the cooling system.I wana to buy G51,but the so high temp stop me.I think i need some days to pay attention to it.If ASUS solves the problem,i'll buy it at once!Thanks!
ok so from what ive read the screen is supposed to be LED backlit.....and noone has commented on it, so whats up? is it bright as day? is there any backlight bleeding? does it blow donkey nutz? or is it i aint seen nothin this gawd daaaaang sexy in a coons age?
Lethal Lottery Notebook Betrayer
Im not sure if I am getting this now. Underclocked and overheating? When I buy my gaming laptop I want it least running stock, if not in fact overclocked. If this problem will not be fixed I probally should by something else, but Im sure Asus packs a great warranty(?)
SteelersWorship Notebook Consultant
Asus standard warranty is two years on parts and labor, plus one year of accidental breakage.
SteelersWorship Notebook Consultant
No, that does not apply to Best Buy models. Best Buy models have a one year warranty, but sell a policy good for an additional year. If that applies only to the Best Buy exclusive models and not the full Asus line, hopefully an employee in this thread will correct me.
All the more reason NOT to buy at Best Buy. -
Figured as much. Thanks for the info.
Also I might have missed the discussion in the thread but why are the GPU temps cooler when the CPU is overclocked in the 3DMark06 pics? That doesn't make sense to me. -
SteelersWorship - You are correct.. Best Buy's version only comes with one year warrenty and then you will need to get the additional warrenty from them if needed.
NicVic - When i overclocked the cpu for some reason i was running a bit cooler on the gpu... dont understand why that was happening but i need to run more tests..
I will be a bit busy throught the week but i will be pulling apart my cooling system to see whats up and post pics.. Will also put artic silver 5 and check for temp differences.. -
Yeah it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If the laptop isn't feeling terribly hot when it reads out 90-100c I actually wonder if the temperature readings are just whack.
when gpu temps get up to 90-100c playing a game the exhaust fan kicks it full throttle and shoots the heated air out the vent, I can hold my hand right outside the vent and although its hot I dont get burned!!! so it sure in the heck cant be 200degrees F or my hand would melt outside of the exhaust vent! and it is strange ONLY the vent grill and vent area get hot but not burning your hand hot and the system doesnt smell like burnt electronics when it is that hot (gpu temps up) and the rest of the laptop including the palm rest area and everything doesnt even get warm to the touch when gpu temps jump through the roof, so thats why i say its strange!
They could be false readings Skyhawk21 , you never know.
Well with my Inspiron 9300 (which can climb up to 105c during gaming), the vent grill on the GPU definitely gets too hot to touch not to mention all the keyboard keys on that GPU get quite hot as well. If I get a good 2 hour gaming session in it smells like something is burning (I'm honestly amazed how this video card is still working fine after 4 years of this kind of abuse). It could be different with the G51 but if so, it sure seems to do a great job at hiding how hot it is.
WHAT IF the fan speed is set to the cpu temp, and when he overclocked the cpu temp went up, the fan went up, and the GPU temp went down hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. its just crazy enough to work
btw how bout some info on that LED screen -
Man i've been reading alot of your guy's comments about the g51vx that is sold at Best Buy, and i can't wait to see the gpu temp's when you guys apply the artic silver 5 and such.. Just can't wait.. is this going to be your next step also Skyhawk??
its my next step yes i want to rip it apart and mod to my hearts content, i love every aspect of this thing speakers are nice, the screen is so much dam brighter on full brightnes compared to my hp laptop that in full sunlight you would see it! to make the weird antiglare inside of the glossy cover on lcd to go away(meaning in darkness at direct viewing angle you see the white cloudiness coming from bottom of screen) you have to lower brightness down to 20-30 percent and then its a all black screen with no backlight seethrough in the gloss panel.. and its still bright for indoor use!
if you download everest from lavasys and goto display category and select monitor in the tree it shows you the screen maker, forgot the name of mine off hand but its a brand i never heard of before for lcds! also even though its glossy the contrast isnt way off with the gamma like on hp notebook displays, also the text is much sharper compared to my dv7-1262us hp laptop with 1440x900 res on 17.1 display.. although the audio is awesome on the hp laptop due to having a subwoofer built into bottom of it for bass..
Asus g51 does not have subwoofer or 4 speakers..
it does have two good speakers using realtek 5.1 audio driver and dolby digital sound enhancement which when you play crysis its using eax mode coming out of two speakers, when intro movie plays in crysis where nomad and everyone is getting briefed in the c5 plane before jumping out, you get the full effect of they are like in a small enclosed area with echo reverb of them talking and snd effects boucing off the small area..
my pc does not do that with built in realtek889c 7.1 audio through two small pc speakers.. but the laptop sounds good doing that (the g51) the hp laptop i got doesnt do that..
PS one more side note is since this has a realtek audio chipset, you can install windows xp sp3 if you want and everything will be detetected correctly so you can install the right drivers, on laptops like the hp and other cheapos i think the gateway p7805-u u have to force windows xp on every reboot to reset the pci bus to re-detect the audio card everytime which is a plugandplay software audio card..
the asus have a real hardware sound card built in!
anyhow... -
Nothing is Real Notebook Evangelist
Sunny you might want to link a QGMU Q9100 instead of a QRDS since it would probably not be a good idea to not be able to measure processor temps if someone decides to put a quad into the G51.
Hey sunny, first of all,congratulations and tnx for share and to let us know about this great lap.
I just buy the asus g50vt-x5 and i´m waiting for it (i´m from Argentina and the shiping will demand like 14 or 21 days)
i was wondering if it´s posible to put a Intel Core QUAD Q9100 on the x5...for what i read on your review, this is only possible on the g51 series..i´m right?
and what microprocessor can you suggest me to upgrade the p7450 that cames with the x5?
sorry for my dumb question, i´m so newbie, and like brunoroc says
".... sorry for my english... im not american...." -
Nothing is Real Notebook Evangelist
Clutch is the G50 guy.
Nothing is Real thank you!
It was probably discussed already but I have to ask.
Does the new G51VX-RX05 let you OC the Processor through a program within the PC such as the G50VT-X1/X5?
Or did you have to overclock it manually?
Thanks. -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Ooooh woops
I have to ask, how does one Overclock a CPU?
I was going to get a G50VT-X1 (refurb) soon, but now I am seeing this model and I feel for just a few $100's more, i should get it...My only issue is how the drop in CPU is...from a 2.26GHz (possible 2.49GHz) to a 2.0GHz (with no built in way to overclock through a program liek the G50Vt)
This will be my first Laptop.
So how do you overclock and is it safe? Would overclocking to 2.25GHz like the OP did a sufficient amount for many games? -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
He's using SetFSB with the ICS9LPR604AGLF PLL. You can see it in this pic
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
The initial release of (guys i still need a name for this app) will support the G51 (ofcourse its the same as the g50 in that respect).
I will be working on it again today, need to get off my butt with the G51 lacking the overclock, there should be more of a need for it. Other things I need is language translators ill make a thread for that later.
My question would be (i havent looked at the pics in a bit) there is still a dc button right? If not doesnt matter it can be mapped to any of the other buttons.
Dissapointed in that respect, though.... come on asus lol -
I am horrible computer illiterate. I love em but I am not very technical to the max...I only understand so much... Been doing research these days to learn stuff and everyday I just keep learning more, and this is the first time I have had to ask about manual overclocking.
Where would I get that SetFSB program and whats the process? Looks simple enough though I guess.
And can someone with this PC keep increasing the Speed to see how much this computer can take without getting insane temps and not crashing? I guess I will have to wait for the 26th for thatI plan to get my the 30th. ^.^
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
It's easy enough where you can just download SetFSB and set it exactly like in the pic. The latest version of SetFSB can be found here:
idk i might be wrong but i do remember seeing those buttons that change the mode (like powersaving and all that crap ) on the g51
idk if it was just the buttons but i remember that i saw it on BB last week -
only thing in that site that scares me:
If you are a beginner, do not use this software.
This software is for power users only.
Use "SetFSB.exe" at your own risk.
lol -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Yea but that's what the forums are for here, if you find settings that are known to be pretty safe ... you don't need to be an expert to overclock. But you always do it at your own risk, of course.
Sounds good. Right now the safest bet is 2.25GHz...
I will just put whats in that picture, and hopefully later on people test out higher numbers... See how it performs..
But right now I am wondering what to do, seeing as how apparenlty these things have a GPU overheating problem...Im wondering if its a general faulty or just a few ones...
Ugh...I am getting a laptop the 30th and I don't know how much longer after that I want to wait...
Maybe I should just get a Refurb G50Vt-X1I dont know. Hah.
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
There's some speculation that there's going to be a new cooler in the upcoming G51 models since the temps are high on the G51VX-RX05. There are going to be more models soon so I would wait if you can.
no dont get a refurb g50
if they dont find a solution for it( which i hope they do) then u get it
the g50 wont go away... on ebay u can get it for less than 750 and there is no tax and u can use CB -
So just wait a little longer, (hopefully not too long) and see what happens.
Got it.
I guess a notebook cooler wouldnt help much though.
If they do come out with a solution in another shipment, hopefully the price isnt raised much, if at all. -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Sunny's G51VX-RX05 Review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by sunnyc90, Jun 21, 2009.